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Will the New York Times fire Sarah Jeong?


Well-known member
Garbage like this is one of the reasons that hair piece gets a second term. "White people" is the new "You people". Crap like this pushes decent folks right into his arms


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
Garbage like this is one of the reasons that hair piece gets a second term. "White people" is the new "You people". Crap like this pushes decent folks right into his arms
Yes. His advisors are cackling over Jeong.


Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
If this was a white man (or any man for that matter), he wouldn't have been able to unpack his lunch before being fired and Security tossed him onto the street.

This is part of the reason Western culture is swinging back on the conservative pendulum.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Garbage like this is one of the reasons that hair piece gets a second term. "White people" is the new "You people". Crap like this pushes decent folks right into his arms
This is only one of many reasons why hair piece of shit l might very well get a second term. His base is scared and on the run and they see him as their last great (white) hope. Trump himself is now head of this domestic resistance. Internationally he has obviously long since formed a curious bond with the dictator Putin which flies in the face of the traditional American foreign policy of hegemony. Maybe Sarah Jeong is secretly on the payroll of Trump or Fix(Fox) News?


This is only one of many reasons why hair piece of shit l might very well get a second term. His base is scared and on the run and they see him as their last great (white) hope. Trump himself is now head of this domestic resistance. Internationally he has obviously long since formed a curious bond with the dictator Putin which flies in the face of the traditional American foreign policy of hegemony. Maybe Sarah Jeong is secretly on the payroll of Trump or Fix(Fox) News?
You really should lay off the sauce so early in the day .....

The LoLRus

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
If this was a white man (or any man for that matter), he wouldn't have been able to unpack his lunch before being fired and Security tossed him onto the street.

This is part of the reason Western culture is swinging back on the conservative pendulum
Spot on, Elfie!!


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I got to say that I like Trump's style. He is driving his opponents positively nuts and right over the cliff. There's no way that the NYT hires her racist ass 3 years ago, but the arrival of Trump released the breaks to the point where the flagship of the American progressivism actually hired on the record racist. What's more, they actually defended it in the face of the overwhelming and objective evidence. The new American liberalism has revealed its face and, it turnes out, it's not liberal at all. It's just an old and tired rehash of Stalinism, with the contempt for the citizenry and all. I have never thought that I would live long enough to see it. Again. And once more the truism is confirmed: if you want to know who the progressives really are, just listen to what they accuse their opponents of being.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
His base is scared and on the run and they see him as their last great (white) hope.
You still don't get it. A major news organization hiring and defending an openly man-hating racist is concerning to many more people than just Trump's base. Rightfully so.

This is just the latest and most egregious example of what anyone paying attention has understood for quite some time - that much of the mainstream media is an extreme leftist juggernaut wildly out of control to the point of actually being the enemy of Average Joe America.

Now progressives will double down and call anyone who condemns NYT's piss poor decision as "alt-right" or "racist" (that ugly suspension of reality someone else eluded to earlier) thereby digging their hole even deeper. The 'silly season' of politics that Obama talked about years ago has unapologetically morphed into all-out 'crazy season'. You don't have to be conservative or alt-right to push back on it. You just have to be a normal human being.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Someone asked what would happen if you said these things about black people, or Jews.

Take a look.

Twitter would immediately ban you.

Funnily enough, twitter actually allowed her to replace the comments with 'black' people, but deleted/banned her comment when it was replaced with Jews.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Sounds like the Sare-Bear needs to get laid. I bet she hasn't even tried out a butt plug.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
What the fuck is CNN?
A network so motivated by hatred for everything Trump that they have completely abandoned objectivity in news reporting.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Just another thought about our lovely subject, Sarah and her current employers lack of action about keeping her employed with a responsibility to give her opinions to the public.

Sarah Jeong believed in the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax even after it was debunked, and continued to believe that the Duke Lacrosse team was guilty (even though the state attorney general said they were actually innocent, and DNA evidence confirmed their innocence):

The commentary at this link says Sarah Jeong was a propagator of the UVa. fraternity gang rape hoax, even after it was debunked, and argues that Jeong's views are symptomatic of the New York Times:
Because facts don't matter. It's the narrative that is all important. Facts can always be changed or, more often, disregarded. Remember the aftermath of the Ferguson shooting.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
A network so motivated by hatred for everything Trump that they have completely abandoned objectivity in news reporting.
Trump listens to CNN all the time but doesn't want anybody else to do so including his wife. CNN is as anti-Trump as Fox was anti-Obama, illustrating the polarity and schisms in America. America needs a third party, other than Trump who is neither Democrat nor Republican. The NYT has not been on Trump's side for years, maybe Miss Jeong can keep the pot stirred. It is all about ratings these rants.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I got to say that I like Trump's style. He is driving his opponents positively nuts and right over the cliff. And once more the truism is confirmed: if you want to know who the progressives really are, just listen to what they accuse their opponents of being.
The reverse is even more correct. The right is always looking for liberal sex deviants or fabricating the big Antifa myth.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Antifa is mostly a creation of the extreme right in order to villify the left. On the other hand, the KKK and other white supremicist groups are well established and growing stronger with each Trump enabled day.
another leftist who don't read news reports

US security officials have classified the left-wing group Antifa as "domestic terrorists", confidential documents have revealed.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has reportedly been warning about the growing threat of violence between left-wing anarchists and right-wing nationalists since 2016, amid claims Antifa's activity has become more confrontational, according to documents seen by Politico.

A confidential intelligence report by the DHS and the FBI accused the "anarchist extremists" of attacks on police, government and political institutions, along with any other symbols of the "capitalist system" or displays of racism, social injustice or fascism.

It described some of their activities as "domestic terrorist violence".
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