October Smashes Temperature Records Practically Guaranteeing 2015 Will Be HottestYear


Mar 8, 2014
October Smashes Temperature Records, Practically Guaranteeing 2015 Will Be Hottest Year Ever

November 18, 2015 by Josh L Davis

The climate records just keep rolling in. Month after month, we keep hitting above-average temperatures, setting new records that are only to be broken yet again further down the line. This October, however, has blasted all**others out of the water. Not only will it pretty much guarantee, with a 99.9 percent probability, that 2015 will be the world’s hottest year ever recorded, but**it was also the first month**to exceed NASA’s average temperature data by more than 1°C (nearly 2°F).

Rather than using pre-industrial levels as a baseline, NASA used an average from between 1951 and 1980 as their starting point, which already includes a certain degree of global warming. Even so, this October smashed that average. In fact, it was so hot, it goes down as the warmest monthever recorded in NASA’s**entire database. This basically makes certain the prediction that 2015 will see average global temperatures breach 1°C of warming since pre-industrial levels.

According to NASA’s data, the global average temperature for October of this year was a shocking 0.2°C (0.36°F) warmer than for the same period last year. All this warming has meant that the last time the world saw a record cold year was in 911. Unfortunately,**13 out of the 15 hottest years on record have all happened since the year 2000. It now seems that rather than slowing down, we’re instead driving full steam ahead to the point at which the planet will no longer be able to recover.

The reason behind these records is depressingly familiar, mainly being down to human-driven climate change. Increases in greenhouse gas emissions are clearly having the predicted effect of warming not just land temperatures, but also the oceans too. Things haven’t been helped by one of the worst El Nino events in recorded history.According to the**World Meteorological Organization, El Nino still has yet to reach its peak, which should be happening over the next few months and could see weather patterns change even more dramatically.

All these records are likely to precede another that the planet will hit next year. It looks likely that atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide are going to rise above 400 parts per million, and will probably stay that way for our lifetime, taking decades to start falling again. This not only contributes to the slow cooking of the planet, but also to ocean acidification, preventing molluscs from building their shells. Such temperatures also contribute to the global coral bleaching event currently in progress from Hawaii to the Caribbean.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Warmest year in a millennia, they are saying, possibly even the warmest year in 10,000 years.

I've been watching news on the AMOC as well, as despite the record heat everywhere else on the globe we've had two very cold winters.
And that's because of a cold blob in the North Altantic, which is most likely a slowdown in AMOC, which was the basis for the hysterical 'day after tomorrow' movie about a sudden ice age happening (not that it was realistic, of course, but it was based off of the same mechanism it appears we are seeing now).

This year is going to be a battle between the effects of climate change, a record El Nino and the AMOC slowdown.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
This year is the first year in I can remember I had to use a jacket in August and September


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
Tell this to the people living in the Mid West US. They're shoveling 20" of snow since yesterday.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Nothing to see here. Just NASA/NOAA up to their usual bullshit baffles brains doomsday scenarios that somehow we are turning the planet into a microwave oven because we drive pickups & SUV's and eat red meat.


Mar 12, 2004
And that's because of a cold blob in the North Altantic, which is most likely a slowdown in AMOC, which was the basis for the hysterical 'day after tomorrow' movie about a sudden ice age happening (not that it was realistic, of course, but it was based off of the same mechanism it appears we are seeing now).
Still wrong,...no matter how many times you post this bullshit.

The last two record setting cold winters were caused by the Polar Vortex,...which has existed since the beginning,...dipped further south,... which was the norm in the not to distant past.

Bull shit like,.."a cold blob",...and "most likely" are absolutely useless to use in any "debate".

Try again.



Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Warmest year in a millennia, they are saying, possibly even the warmest year in 10,000 years.

I've been watching news on the AMOC as well, as despite the record heat everywhere else on the globe we've had two very cold winters.
And that's because of a cold blob in the North Altantic, which is most likely a slowdown in AMOC, which was the basis for the hysterical 'day after tomorrow' movie about a sudden ice age happening (not that it was realistic, of course, but it was based off of the same mechanism it appears we are seeing now).

This year is going to be a battle between the effects of climate change, a record El Nino and the AMOC slowdown.


Congressman now threatens to subpoena commerce secretary over global warming report

By Lisa Rein November 18 2015

Smokestack of a coal-fired power plant in northern China (Mark Schiefelbein/AP)
House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) opened another front in his war with federal climate researchers on Wednesday, saying a groundbreaking global warming study was “rushed to publication” over the objections of numerous scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

In a second letter in less than a week to Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, Smith urged her to pressure NOAA to comply with his subpoena for internal communications. Smith says whistleblowers have come forward with new information on the climate study’s path to publication in June.The study refuted claims that global warming had “paused” or slowed over the past decade, undercutting a popular argument used by those who refute the scientific consensus that man-made pollution is behind global warming.

[NOAA climate feud: Pursuit of scientific truth vs. public accountability ]

The research, considered a bombshell in the climate change debate, set off alarms among skeptics. Smith, a prominent congressional skeptic, claimed that scientists manipulated data to advance President Obama’s agenda and timed the study’s release to coincide with the administration’s new limits on emissions from coal plants.

He is seeking NOAA’s internal communications and e-mails among its researchers, and in October subpoenaed Administrator Kathryn Sullivan for the documents. But she has refused to turn them over, saying that deliberative communications between scientists should be protected.

[As Congress probes the global warming ‘pause,’ actual temperatures are surging]

Smith told Pritzker that the whistleblowers’ allegations make it more crucial that he be provided with the scientists’ internal e-mails and communications. If NOAA does not produce the e-mails he is seeking by Friday, the chairman said, “I will be forced to consider use of compulsory process,” a threat to subpoena the commerce secretary herself.

Whistleblowers have told the committee, according to Smith’s letter, that Thomas Karl — the director of NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, which led the study — “rushed” to publish the climate study “before all appropriate reviews of the underlying science and new methodologies” used in the climate data sets were conducted.

“NOAA employees raised concerns about the timing and integrity of the process but were ignored,” he wrote.

[Congress demands climate change documents as scientists warn of ‘chilling effect’[

NOAA Communications Director Ciaran Clayton, one of the officials whose communications the committee has subpoenaed, said in an e-mail:

“The notion that this paper was rushed to publication is false. In December 2014, the co-authors of the study submitted their findings to Science — a leading scientific journal. Following a rigorous peer review process, which included two rounds of revisions to ensure the credibility of the data and methodologies used, Science informed the authors that the paper would be published in June.

“The notion that NOAA is ‘hiding something’ is also false. We have been transparent and cooperative with the House Science Committee to help them better understand the research and underlying methodologies. … We stand behind our scientists who conduct their work in an objective manner.”

An aide to the Science Committee told The Post that the committee “has been in continual contact with whistleblowers for some time and received new information as recently as yesterday.”

Lisa Rein covers the federal workforce and issues that concern the management of government.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Warmest year in a millennia, they are saying, possibly even the warmest year in 10,000 years.

I've been watching news on the AMOC as well, as despite the record heat everywhere else on the globe we've had two very cold winters.
And that's because of a cold blob in the North Altantic, which is most likely a slowdown in AMOC, which was the basis for the hysterical 'day after tomorrow' movie about a sudden ice age happening (not that it was realistic, of course, but it was based off of the same mechanism it appears we are seeing now).

This year is going to be a battle between the effects of climate change, a record El Nino and the AMOC slowdown.

Is NOAA About to Crack? ‘Pausebuster’ study under intense scrutiny
Eric Worrall / 10 hours ago November 19, 2015

Is NOAA about to crack?

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

According to House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), who is leading a Congressional investigation into the infamous Karl et al 2015 “Pausebuster” study, NOAA whistleblowers have come forward, with information which cast doubt on the scientific integrity of NOAA’s global temperature reconstructions.

According to the Washington Post;

Smith told Pritzker that the whistleblowers’ allegations make it more crucial that he be provided with the scientists’ internal e-mails and communications. If NOAA does not produce the e-mails he is seeking by Friday, the chairman said, “I will be forced to consider use of compulsory process,” a threat to subpoena the commerce secretary herself.

Whistleblowers have told the committee, according to Smith’s letter, that Thomas Karl — the director of NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, which led the study — “rushed” to publish the climate study “before all appropriate reviews of the underlying science and new methodologies” used in the climate data sets were conducted.

“NOAA employees raised concerns about the timing and integrity of the process but were ignored,” he wrote.

Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ena-commerce-secretary-to-get-noaa-documents/

Climategate email 4872.txt talks of “pressure to tell a nice tidy story”, to tell a story which omits “messy” details about deep uncertainties with global proxy temperature reconstructions.

I know there is pressure to present a nice tidy story as regards ‘apparent unprecedented warming in a thousand years or more in the proxy data’ but in reality the situation is not quite so simple. We don’t have a lot of proxies that come right up to date and those that do (at least a significant number of tree proxies ) some unexpected changes in response that do not match the recent warming. I do not think it wise that this issue be ignored in the chapter.

What if this pressure grew, as the divergence between models and observations rose, until scientists finally couldn’t take it anymore?

If Chairman Lamar Smith can produce evidence to back his claims of inside information from whistleblowers, if he succeeds in forcing the release of NOAA emails, which are then discovered to contain evidence of dubious scientific procedures, the consequences will be far reaching.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
WUWT Stuff
Is NOAA About to Crack? ‘Pausebuster’ study under intense scrutiny
Eric Worrall / 10 hours ago November 19, 2015
Is NOAA about to crack?
Is NOAA about to crack?

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

According to House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), who is leading a Congressional investigation into the infamous Karl et al 2015 “Pausebuster” study, NOAA whistleblowers have come forward, with information which cast doubt on the scientific integrity of NOAA’s global temperature reconstructions.

According to the Washington Post;

Smith told Pritzker that the whistleblowers’ allegations make it more crucial that he be provided with the scientists’ internal e-mails and communications. If NOAA does not produce the e-mails he is seeking by Friday, the chairman said, “I will be forced to consider use of compulsory process,” a threat to subpoena the commerce secretary herself.

Whistleblowers have told the committee, according to Smith’s letter, that Thomas Karl — the director of NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, which led the study — “rushed” to publish the climate study “before all appropriate reviews of the underlying science and new methodologies” used in the climate data sets were conducted.

“NOAA employees raised concerns about the timing and integrity of the process but were ignored,” he wrote.

Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ena-commerce-secretary-to-get-noaa-documents/

Climategate email 4872.txt talks of “pressure to tell a nice tidy story”, to tell a story which omits “messy” details about deep uncertainties with global proxy temperature reconstructions.

I know there is pressure to present a nice tidy story as regards ‘apparent unprecedented warming in a thousand years or more in the proxy data’ but in reality the situation is not quite so simple. We don’t have a lot of proxies that come right up to date and those that do (at least a significant number of tree proxies ) some unexpected changes in response that do not match the recent warming. I do not think it wise that this issue be ignored in the chapter.

What if this pressure grew, as the divergence between models and observations rose, until scientists finally couldn’t take it anymore?

If Chairman Lamar Smith can produce evidence to back his claims of inside information from whistleblowers, if he succeeds in forcing the release of NOAA emails, which are then discovered to contain evidence of dubious scientific procedures, the consequences will be far reaching.

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All you gotta do is create fear. Its simple and it works, its almost like religious beliefs. What can I say. If there would be one god I would believe in it would be our own Sun that keeps everything alive. Let me know if I'm wrong here.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
All you gotta do is create fear. Its simple and it works, its almost like religious beliefs. What can I say. If there would be one god I would believe in it would be our own Sun that keeps everything alive. Let me know if I'm wrong here.
ERN, the most prestigious scientific organization on this planet, has confirm Svensmark's theory that changing solar activity, impacts cloud formation, and this has impact on the climate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANMTPF1blpQ

Svensmark: The Cloud Mystery


Absolutely brilliant, ground-breaking research worthy of a Nobel Prize.
This proof to be what drive climate ..it not co2 and it the SUN that affect the cosmic rays that impacts the clouds formations!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

Prior to the rather controversial adjustment of the data, NASA's records show their wasn't a single month in 2015 that was a record breaker:


In fact, most months weren't even close to the record.
I see, you are one of those conspiracy wingnuts who think that every climatologist in the world is on a big conspiracy to make Al Gore rich, or something like that.
And you fall for the conspiracy talk really easily, now you're posting some screen grab that cuts off the important info at the top, which would state where and when the data comes from.
You are so easy to fool, aren't you?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Still wrong,...no matter how many times you post this bullshit.

The last two record setting cold winters were caused by the Polar Vortex,...which has existed since the beginning,...dipped further south,... which was the norm in the not to distant past.

Bull shit like,.."a cold blob",...and "most likely" are absolutely useless to use in any "debate".

Try again.

Polar Vortex?
Last year?

Now you're just making stuff up.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
I see, you are one of those conspiracy wingnuts who think that every climatologist in the world is on a big conspiracy to make Al Gore rich, or something like that.
And you fall for the conspiracy talk really easily, now you're posting some screen grab that cuts off the important info at the top, which would state where and when the data comes from.
You are so easy to fool, aren't you?

Is NOAA About to Crack? ‘Pausebuster’ study under intense scrutiny
Eric Worrall / 10 hours ago November 19, 2015

Is NOAA about to crack?

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

According to House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), who is leading a Congressional investigation into the infamous Karl et al 2015 “Pausebuster” study, NOAA whistleblowers have come forward, with information which cast doubt on the scientific integrity of NOAA’s global temperature reconstructions.

According to the Washington Post;

Smith told Pritzker that the whistleblowers’ allegations make it more crucial that he be provided with the scientists’ internal e-mails and communications. If NOAA does not produce the e-mails he is seeking by Friday, the chairman said, “I will be forced to consider use of compulsory process,” a threat to subpoena the commerce secretary herself.

Whistleblowers have told the committee, according to Smith’s letter, that Thomas Karl — the director of NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, which led the study — “rushed” to publish the climate study “before all appropriate reviews of the underlying science and new methodologies” used in the climate data sets were conducted.

“NOAA employees raised concerns about the timing and integrity of the process but were ignored,” he wrote.

Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ena-commerce-secretary-to-get-noaa-documents/

Climategate email 4872.txt talks of “pressure to tell a nice tidy story”, to tell a story which omits “messy” details about deep uncertainties with global proxy temperature reconstructions.

I know there is pressure to present a nice tidy story as regards ‘apparent unprecedented warming in a thousand years or more in the proxy data’ but in reality the situation is not quite so simple. We don’t have a lot of proxies that come right up to date and those that do (at least a significant number of tree proxies ) some unexpected changes in response that do not match the recent warming. I do not think it wise that this issue be ignored in the chapter.

What if this pressure grew, as the divergence between models and observations rose, until scientists finally couldn’t take it anymore?

If Chairman Lamar Smith can produce evidence to back his claims of inside information from whistleblowers, if he succeeds in forcing the release of NOAA emails, which are then discovered to contain evidence of dubious scientific procedures, the consequences will be far reaching.
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