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college degree a waste of money?


Jun 6, 2009
We've been over this in the recent past, but I guess you're desperate to post a thread. What exactly do recent grads know about the long term job market. That statement also goes for you. It's not a waste and certainly doesn't hurt. members who are actually bosses on TERB have said as much.

For every Rochefeller, Carnegie, or Gates there are at least a 1000 who don't make millions. Should have known you'd post an other one of Schniffie's gems.


Dec 11, 2011
it is a waste of money in the sense that people choose the wrong sectors. If these ppl majored in geology lets say, their prospects for finding a job would be pretty high as the mining industry is booming right now. its basic supply and demand. Now that being said, if you arnt a driven person and believe that simply by getting a college education a job will fall into your lap without hard work and determination than you will fail at finding a good job in your field and this is the mentality of most people.


Dec 11, 2011
you can't argue that by not pressuring kids to go to college right after high school they will be worse off, clearly thats not the case. You also cannot argue that govt backed student loans putting young people up to 100k in the hole is a good policy.


Jul 27, 2011

entertaining 5 minute video of brief interviews with random college grads working menial jobs in the streets of new orleans. shows you the college con thats peddled by politicians and the media.
I got into an argument about that topic when I was in Toronto (me in an argument? go figure!).

I eventually gave in and accepted the following:

1) Many students have majors that make them unemployable. If you decide to major in the left hind leg of ants you reduce the number of possible employers.
2) A lot of students take bird courses. Under-water basket weaving may drive up your grade average but employers do not value them highly.
3) Students who enrol in popular majors and are in the bottom decile will find it hard to get a job.

It is sad that we are forced to make decisions that are supposed to define our lives before we have the insightneeded to make those decisions.


Jun 6, 2009
it is a waste of money in the sense that people choose the wrong sectors. If these ppl majored in geology lets say, their prospects for finding a job would be pretty high as the mining industry is booming right now. its basic supply and demand. Now that being said, if you arnt a driven person and believe that simply by getting a college education a job will fall into your lap without hard work and determination than you will fail at finding a good job in your field and this is the mentality of most people.
Unlike you, I've been through a number of boom and bust job markets and it's a case of making your self multi skilled. It's been noticed, by those who do the hiring, that many recent grads want it all 'now' and have an over inflated idea of their worth in the workplace. Since we don't know how many 'students' Schniffie interviewed at night on Bourbon St on New Orleans to be able to fill the 5 minute video with people who told him what he wanted to hear, it's really not worth much.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
you can't argue that by not pressuring kids to go to college right after high school they will be worse off, clearly thats not the case. You also cannot argue that govt backed student loans putting young people up to 100k in the hole is a good policy.
Do you have a College degree yourself ? Obviously not and it shows. Ignorance is bliss.


Dec 11, 2011
Unlike you, I've been through a number of boom and bust job markets and it's a case of making your self multi skilled. It's been noticed, by those who do the hiring, that many recent grads want it all 'now' and have an over inflated idea of their worth in the workplace. Since we don't know how many 'students' Schniffie interviewed at night on Bourbon St on New Orleans to be able to fill the 5 minute video with people who told him what he wanted to hear, it's really not worth much.
yeah thats right, im sure he interviewed many other people who arnt in the same situation as the ppl in the video. Theres a 25% youth unemployment rate and the ones with jobs are working menial jobs like the people in the video not in the field they majored in. so obviously the very small minority of college grads actually get the high paying career they went to school for.


Jun 6, 2009
Do you have a College degree yourself ? Obviously not and it shows. Ignorance is bliss.
The fact that he puts forward that student are $100k in the whole when they graduate is. On average it certainly isn't there yet in Canada, with a few exceptions.


Dec 11, 2011
The fact that he puts forward that student are $100k in the whole when they graduate is. On average it certainly isn't there yet in Canada, with a few exceptions.
I said up to 100k. if you were in school for 4 years for a basic bachelor and lived on residence and paid for everything by borrowing from the govt, you are easily 50k in the hole


Jul 27, 2011
No, and im better off than everyone I know with a college degree.
Odd. In almost every country and in every survey, a college degree on average increases life long income by some huge amount. I remember one that claimed 4 times more income.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006

entertaining 5 minute video of brief interviews with random college grads working menial jobs in the streets of new orleans. shows you the college con thats peddled by politicians and the media.
people need to understand that getting a college degree doesn't mean you're guaranteed a job. Infact a college degree is to discipline and teach one how to do the things that need to be get done, regardless of whether one likes it or not. That is the biggest education and sadly too many with degrees don't even learn to master all their lives


Dec 11, 2011
Odd. In almost every country and in every survey, a college degree on average increases life long income by some huge amount. I remember one that claimed 4 times more income.
the figure that gets thrown around is " an extra million dollars in your lifetime". tell that to the over 50% unemployed/underemployed youth across north america saddled with 1 trillion dollars in student loan say that figure is closer to 75%


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Odd. In almost every country and in every survey, a college degree on average increases life long income by some huge amount. I remember one that claimed 4 times more income.
you impute a causation effect into it
what if a bunch of rich parents put their kids through college for no particular reason and then the kids do well but it's mostly because the parents are rich and connected anyway?


Jun 6, 2009
yeah thats right, im sure he interviewed many other people who arnt in the same situation as the ppl in the video. Theres a 25% youth unemployment rate and the ones with jobs are working menial jobs like the people in the video not in the field they majored in. so obviously the very small minority of college grads actually get the high paying career they went to school for.
Not getting a first job or staying in your field of study is nothing new. It's been that way since the late 60's and early 70's. Ask your dad, he'll fill you in. As for the unemployment rate, check the rate for degree grads in the US. I'll bet you it's less than half that. As for recent college grads, quelle surprise , they entered the job market in a recession not seen since the 30's.


Jun 6, 2009
the figure that gets thrown around is " an extra million dollars in your lifetime". tell that to the over 50% unemployed/underemployed youth across north america saddled with 1 trillion dollars in student loan say that figure is closer to 75%

Don't say it, as most on here familiar with your work in the P&IA forum know you make stuff up, show us. Romney tried to claim the real unemployment/under employment rate was ~25%, but stopped making that claim when he was shown the error of his ways.

Here a char t of the employability of all age groups with various levels of education. It should answer any question of the importance of an education.

Note that the rate for a high school grad is 3x's that of a degree grad, pretty simple. It's not even close.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It depends.

If you want to be a Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Accountant, Teacher, Nurse, or many other professions, you need a degree from University.

Community Colleges also offer excellent career training in a wide number of fields.

I don't think an eduation is ever a waste of time. Education is always a good thing.

But at the same time, I firmly believe that Canada is the land of the skilled Tradesman. A good pipe fitter, welder, electrician, plumber, carpenter, etc. etc. can make an outstanding living in Canada, in excess of many professionals. I've personally seen High Pressure Plumbers making 150 grand a year. (Now mind you, he's at the top of his game, and he's not an apprentice, however, it is possible.) I've noticed that "a lot of kids today" turn their noses up at the trades having been lead by their parents (usually immigrant parents too if I was to generalize) that they MUST go to University and they MUST be a doctor, etc. etc.

Hard work, skill, dedication, ability, responsibility, the right attitude, and yes, an education go a long long way in working towards "success" in life. Much more so than simply having a University education.
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