Escorts who don't see Blacks/Indians/Pakistanis


New member
Apr 5, 2002
I know one escort here once said she doesn't want to see race "x" and was roasted as a racist.
However I would have to say 70-80% of my regulars whom are among the Top 20 reviewed escorts have stated the same thing to me.

I have had Asian, Black, and white girls state that they won't see race "x". Never heard an escort say she won't see a European guy.

Most of my regulars say they won't se Indian/Pakistani men. they seem to b ethe number one on the exclusion list.

I know many escorts will flame me for saying this but I know a lot of escort exclude these men.

Since I am not expecting an honest response from Escorts I am asking my fellow collegues:

Are there any of the three races that I have mentioned who have had a hard time booking escorts or have escorts arrived and made excuses to leave??

I know in Montreal and especially Quebec city I am asked outright if I am "Hindu or Black".

So what's the dirty little secret with escorts?
I have a feeling many act repulsed by this ideal in public but in fact have that policy. I could name 10 well known ones ( I won't) off hand.

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
Myself being of east indian descent have often been asked upon arrival to "shower up real good" before the session starts.Is this also asked to white guys? or just east indians because of the myth that we're smelly?


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope

On the race issue... A lot of women I know do it.

As far as the smell issue rusty... As I am pretty much limited to those who find my ad's on the net or those on the board... The men I see generally smell like nice subtle cologne...

I find that a lot of men of other races will now tell me what race they are to insure that I will still see them... My response is generally something to the effect of... Ok... Not a problem.

I can't speak for others but I do understand some of their issues. They have the right to make that choice... I have the right to make my choices... And mine is this... If I discrimintae against a race... Then essentially I am discriminating against a race in which I most likely have friends... I can not have the double standard so I just don't do it.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
I think that people often give off odours related to the food they eat.

I was recently in South Korea, where they love Kimchee(sp??), and was told that westerners, including me,smell awful because of the cheese, milk and other dairy products that we eat.

That being said, the world seems to be full of bigots; a very bad thing. This hobby no doubt has its share.

By the way , I hope all you clients wash before visiting an sp and I hope all you sp's wash thoroughly with disinfectant soap afterwards.


Well-known member
Social Stereotyping

Thats what social stereotyping ,and racial profiling in the media will get you. Racial and ethnic backgrounds tend to bring predisposed opinions.


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
kiarra said:
I have sent smelly people away but they were all drunk and I knew that by the smell, that is why I sent them away, not because they smell but because of the smell of booze.
I have to admit... I have walked away once for the same reason... It was not just the smell though... They were severly intoxicated and I do not think it is a good idea to be in situations like that.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
The race thing, yeah it's racist. ;)

The smell thing is trickier. As stated below, the foods you eat affect the way you smell. I remember being told the same thing the first time I went to Thailand. Maybe she was being nice, but the girl said that farangs, (foreigners), smelled bad even when they were clean. She told me I smelled good, not like other farangs, but like I said, maybe she was being polite.

Anyway, I was in Asia for over 8 months. When I got back, I could not believe how strong the smell of people here was. Everyone smelled like hamburger and cheese to me. Gross. I understood what the Asians were talking about. But then, I've gotten out of some cabs here pretty anxiously because of the smell of some drivers. I guess it just depends where you are from.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
olguy said:
Are there any of the three races that I have mentioned who have had a hard time booking escorts or have escorts arrived and made excuses to leave??
I've dated a girl who was a dancer and she used to tell me that she wouldn't dance for Indian/Pakistani men because she claimed they smelled.

Also have a few regular SP's, one which told me that she will not see black men because they "push her too hard". What she meant was that most of the experiences where the client felt like thay can do anything they want to her because they paid her were black.

Also heard a similar comment from another SP, except that she was referring to Indian/Pakistani men. She also referred to them as being cheap (no tips i guess?).

Anyway there are lots of stereotypes and unfortunately the only way they will be broken to some ladies is to experience a good time with a gentleman of a race she has negative stereotypes of.

Big Ben

Official Time Keeper
Aug 17, 2001
In the watchtower
Saying you don't want to see race "x" does not make you a racist. It's the reason behind the excuse that means something. Example, " I don't want to provide service to 'blacks' because they are all criminals" or "I don't want to provide service to 'East Indians' because they smell" or "I don't want to provide service to "Orientals" because they're cheap"

We all have our preference when it comes to the opposite sex. Tall, short, fat, skinny, blonde, brunette, dark, light. When someone starts to stereotype because of ignorance, I have a problem with that.

I know people that have never dated outside their own race. Not because they're racist more because of taste, similarities, cultural differences and opportunity.

Hey if I had a chance to be with Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Carmen Electra, Shikara, Kirsten Dunst, or any of these girls - check link

Race would be the last thing on my mind. :D

Its just ashamed people still see colour and we are even discussing this.

One Love



New member
Apr 5, 2002
See what we are getting here is most BS politically correct answers.
I think, especially the escorts, are totally sugar coating there true answers.

I know this because I have many Indian friends who can't book an escort on a Friday night. Or chinese men who get hung up on while calling agency's or get the infamous "I'll call you back".

You guys make is sound like it's 1/100 escorts who refuse service to these races. I say it's closer to 70/100.

I'm not saying it's racist because it's the escorts choice as t should be but come on let's be honest here.


What about Hispanics?

I can recall being asked a couple of times whether or not I was Hispanic. My accent was a dead give away I guess.

Also I recall a good Oriental Sp once telling me that she doesn't see Eas Indians and Blacks, her reasons: she said
that Indians stink and that Blacks were rude. She complimented me though since she thought I was European. I didn't bother to tell her that I was South American.

Now without trying to be politically correct, I'll tell you honestly that the race issue stinks. In a way though it is justified by the Sps experiences. If out of 10 clients of Indian clients one smells pleasant to her, she is not going to want to be with another 9 in order to get that 1 client.
It would be much easier for her to just say that she doesn't see Indians.

The above is a fictional scenario, in no way do I feel that Indians stink. I just used it to illustrate my point.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
After reading this board for some time and having experienced many sp's over the years, I think it is safe to say that many, if not most, of the practitioners of this hobby are less than enlightened.

My direct experience is with the female sp's. A large percentage of these ladies are narrow in their thinking( otherwise they would be doing something else) , which leads to the kind of bigotted reactions which I am sure are prevalent within the sp community.

The boards also appear to be full of chauvinistic, pretentious males who I am sure are just as capable of narrow racist behaviour. They will have sex with someone of a different race , not out of tolerance, rather out of control issues similar to the white slave owners of 100-200 years ago.

Service providers whether they are sellers of sexual favours or restauranteurs, have the same moral responsibility to serve any clean reasonable client, be he a diner or a john. Turning someone away for race or creed is completely unacceptable.

I agree with the poster that this board is full of falsehood and pretention, and dances around the truth.


Jan 13, 2002
I was again the theorty that too much immigration caused the CAD to drop, in a different thread; but on this issue, I feel that it is the SP's choiceas to decide whom she wants to see.

I know that many SPs are reluctant to admit it in public. I also know that some SPs do not like to see clients of their own race.

There was a similar thread in TBD/Vancouver recently, and the findings were that most SPs prefer caucasian clients to asians.

Just remember something, about 20 years ago, I saw this caucasian SP who worked out from her appartment in Village by the Grange. She told me that she did not like Italians, and I could never figured why. My Italian co-workers used to brag jokingly that Italian men are good lovers.
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here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
sorely said:
The boards also appear to be full of chauvinistic, pretentious males who I am sure are just as capable of narrow racist behaviour. They will have sex with someone of a different race , not out of tolerance, rather out of control issues similar to the white slave owners of 100-200 years ago.
I'd beg to differ with your statements. I have on occasion had sex with women of a different races. Never did it involve control issues or was it out of tolerance. Ever hear of attraction, physical or mental?

Service providers whether they are sellers of sexual favours or restauranteurs, have the same moral responsibility to serve any clean reasonable client, be he a diner or a john. Turning someone away for race or creed is completely unacceptable.
I think you're comparing apples and oranges here. A restaurant or any other business cannot lawfully close their doors to a person based on race. An SP has a whole different set of issues to deal with. For one personal safety. She has the right to deny service to anyone she doesn't feel comfortable with. Personal preference. If she doesn't like martians, she doesn't like martians and probably wouldn't provide good service to one in any case. Having sex with someone is a very intimate thing. No one should feel a moral obligation to provide that to anyone they don't want to do it with.


New member
Sep 10, 2001

We all have the right to be with people we feel comfortable with. That is why I visit different sp's. Maybe one in four or five results in a repeat.
Never have I been refused because of race, colour or smell; or for any other reason.
If you are not a bigot, your comfort level can only be determined by spending some time with the individual.
In this country you cannot refuse service for colour,creed, religion etc. Maybe that's the difference between an sp and a hooker. A hooker can refuse to see a customer for racial or bigotry reasons ????
Exploration of this topic may lead to a little more understanding and that wouldn't be a bad thing.

Take care and think about it.


New member
Sep 10, 2001

Congratulations on being one of the exceptions.

As to your second point, sex in the context of hobbying is far, far from intimate. It is just a commodity like anything else that is sold.

Any sp who writes off a whole race or religion as being dangerous or otherwise undesireable is unenlightened ( stupid), racist or suffering from some neurosis.


here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002

Maybe you're just seeing the wrong women. Or maybe it's just your own opinions that are preventing you from understanding the intimacy that can be enjoyed in this hobby.

Any sp who writes off a whole race or religion as being dangerous or otherwise undesireable is unenlightened ( stupid), racist or suffering from some neurosis.
Or maybe she's in a position where she doesn't have to provide service to everyone that calls. It's her choice not yours. Why would you want to see an SP who you know is not comfortable with you. I wouldn't. Look for one that is.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
I had this question posed to me just the other day.

I politely told him it is not so much a matter of the colour of your skin as it is your attitude and hygiene. I will openly admit that I have apprehensions about visiting indian, asian and black men.
Those apprehensions are due to many things, not much experience with them, bad experiences, and simple physical attraction.

I have never turned down a person on the basis of thier race though. And I have to say that even with those initial apprehensions they usually subside when we are together for a few minutes and I can see that the person is a real gentleman.

In my initial experiences with east indian men years ago when I first started I found them to be very rude towards women and always seemed to figure they could do what they wanted, and yes some of them did smell, but then again so do some white men. In continued meetings with east indian men I have come to learn that some of them are real gentlemen and just like any other race.

In my experiences with asian men it had nothing to do with rudeness or anything of the sort, my problem with most asian men is that they seem to be very ( and I mean VERY) quiet when having sex, this was generally with older asian men as opposed to younger ones but it made me feel uncomfortable, I know it sounds stupid but when you are not sure if the guy is even breathing how are you supposed to know if you are doing it right!

With black men I guess it was more a problem of being afraid of the stereotypes, they are criminals, players, etc. It is silly now that I think about it though.

I guess I wouldn't say that any of these things were really a "problem" per say. Because any one of these things could happen just as easily with a white man. It just so happens that in terms of ratio it happend more with people of different races.

I wouldn't even dream of rejecting someone just becasue they were of a different race. Anyone who approaches me in a civil respectful manner is more than welcome to an appointment. As I said attitude beats out skin colour any day!


New member
May 4, 2002
racism exists in every and all areas of life

I think it has more to do with cultural differences than race. I have found that certain cultures, have different ways of relating to and treating women than what North American women are accustomed to, and interpret as being rude and pushy and disrespectful. Especially men from cultures and countries that view women as below them. I use to work for an agency and almost every girl , I will admit, disliked seeing East Indian (who culturally were not that Canadianized) men because a high percentage of the men from this cultural background, that visited us, tried to bargain down the prices (dont get me wrong we disliked any man who did this) . I was told by an East Indian friend that bargaining is very common practice in her country, so some of these men did not even realize how disrespectful this was. The body odour issue was also a concern. I dont believe East Indian people as a whole have poor hygeine, but many people who live in North America dont have the same diet and diet can affect body odour, and are not accustomed to the body odour of people from different countries. A lot of my Asian friends comment on how dirty smelling they think white people are. I think most white people would find this insulting, and incorrect. I guess a matter of perspective and opinion.
I have been accussed of being racists because I will not see any one who has a strong foreign accent and does not have a great command of the English language. I think accents are sexy outside the biz but when an individual is coming to my place I have to be picky, for discrection concerns. In the past, because of the language barrier, men have made mistakes, and it is not worth taking a chance again, just to be politically correct. I agree that hygeine manners and attitude tke precedent over race , any day.
And remember, the majority of men on bad client lists in the city are 'white men' and not black, Indian or Asian men. So having a stereotype about a particular race could actually work against you and impair your judgement, put you in more harm as opposed to protecting you.
BTW- I have been told that a lot of black adult enternainers are discriminated against at most lot of strip clubs, agencies and massage parlors, and they will only hire one token black girl, if they hire one at all. So it works both ways.
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Monte Cristo

New member
Apr 17, 2002
As a former driver with many years experience (agencies and indie's), I can tell you stories...

You won't get many truthful answers on this board, that's for sure.

As for the comment about the various gastronomic tastes that different cultures indulge in, well... Ah... I digress.

By the way, if ya want personal info on the scene, PM me. I'd be more than happy to oblige;)
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