How Important Is Your Privacy?


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Okay... let's have another group discussion. Since I've been answering PM's for the last three hours based on my comments earlier this evening... there is obviously some significant interest. I don't want this thread deleted so I will be very careful with what I say and ask that each of you be careful as well. It deals with something that I consider to be a very serious issue and over the next few days... it might cause you to reflect on your current hobbying practices and personal security. In the end I will share the reasoning behind all of this... provided it doesn't get deleted.

As noted and documented many times... KW has had a wonderful number of gems over the past couple years. Some of these ladies have moved on and some new ones have emerged over the past few months. With such a small population base when compared to the bigger cities... this "advantage" also brings a significantly higher risk of loss of privacy and confidentiality.

So just to get everyone started... here's a few generic questions. Answer them all or answer none of them. But the question is how important is your privacy if you live in the KW area and also hobby in the KW area? Obviously be careful what you write... or you'll lose all of your privacy and confidentiality. :)

  • I have no concerns over my privacy as a hobbyist
  • I am always concerned about my privacy as a hobbyist and take the necessary protective steps
  • Do you use your cell phones to make bookings? Do you change your number? How often?
  • Do you use pay phones to make bookings?
  • Do you use Hotmail to make bookings? Do you change your address? How often?
  • Do you use PM's to make bookings?
  • Have you ever used your home or business e-mail addresses when making bookings?
  • Have you ever used your real name when making bookings?
  • Have you ever used your Terb handle when making bookings?
Oct 25, 2002

I try to protect my privacy as much as possible. It is a trade off with SP's and their security needs. I will give them my handle, so they can see I am not a raving maniac on the boards. I try not to use cell phones but it is getting difficult to contact some SP these days without it. I may try a pay as you go since no record is ever kept and some privacy is maintained.

Just my thoughts



Throbbing Member
Apr 23, 2003
In exile from Madisen!
I use my cell phone, and my real name. Debb knows my handle, as that is how I first booked a session with Kaylyn. One of the reasons my reviews are not too detailed, is to show that I can be trusted, should my handle be discovered. I try not to use my terb handle too much, as I don't think terb should be used for leverage.
I am concerned for my privacy, and for that of the ladies involved. You get the best from people who trust you.


Gone to the future.

nautilus said:
I use my cell phone, and my real name. Debb knows my handle, as that is how I first booked a session with Kaylyn. One of the reasons my reviews are not too detailed, is to show that I can be trusted, should my handle be discovered. I try not to use my terb handle too much, as I don't think terb should be used for leverage.
I am concerned for my privacy, and for that of the ladies involved. You get the best from people who trust you.
As Nautilus well knows, he and I are very much alike. His statement reflects my exact response, right down to the names involved! I do a tremendous amount of research before seeing someone, that way I feel comfortable enough to give them my real name in order to give them a comfort level. I also prefer to spend some time exchanging emails to get and give a sense of each other's personalities. I feel it's very important for them to feel some level of comfort before the first meeting, let's face it, we know a lot more about them because of reviews, web site and pm's. We are in fact a total stranger showing up at the door, how comfortable would you feel about that?


New member
Jan 20, 2004

I don't hobby in my own town. As a matter of fact, I live in a smaller community about 45 minutes from the KW area. I don't need a work associate questioning a certain Plaza off Victoria I might stop by.

I do use a real cell phone number to contact anyone I might be booking with, as they too need a bit of security in who is calling them. I do reflect a TERB handle, more so so that they know I have a history and that I am a legitimate hobbiest (Not in the league of many here unfortunately) and such that they can see I have never had ANY of the ladies reflect anything "un-gentlemanly" in my visit. I suppose some have enough information that they could track me down, but I have made a point of only visiting ladies with a known and good reputation in the TERB community. If I was really paranoid, I'd be park KMs away, walking or taking a taxi to my appointments.

I guess there are going to be some risks when skirting the black and white lines of laws dealing with these activities. Is the reward above any risks you may encounter?
Calloway, you raise an interesting subject. As an unmarried, self-employed guy, I have relatively few concerns about my privacy, but take the usual steps others have outlined.

I am curious about the reason you raise this issue though. Has there been an "incident" concerning your privacy? Did it involve a particular provider or agency? Enquiring minds want to know....:confused:


New member
Sep 10, 2001
It is important that everyone be careful, on both sides of the street. Unfortunately not everyone has a complete( maybe not anyone) grasp of the consequences of friendly chatter and technology backlash.

Be careful, but not paranoid. This is all too much fun to lose because of fear.


Apr 3, 2004
When I first started in the hobby a couple of years ago, I didn't take too many precautions because I was single. Then a SP in my hometown got my home # and started calling me for dates. I then started using a pay as you go cell phone for my hobbying life.

I now usually don't hobby in my hometown, partially to keep some distance from my friends and associates, partly because the Hamilton SP market sucks (in a bad way). Those providers that I have gotten to know do know my real name and handle on the boards. Some even have my home # and e-mail address, but these are those SP that I consider friends as well as providers, and I have trust in them.

It can be a dangerous issue for those that are attached. I can sympathise with those that have been outed by others or whose SO finds out because of indescrete communications. I guess the question is How much of the real you are you willing to give up for the hobby and how much do you have to lose if that info gets out there?


New member
Sep 10, 2001
Jersey said:
May not be my place to say anything here but I never would have seen anyone without knowing there popular terb handle and having an email address. Knowing what general city someone lives in is nice too so i know how long it takes them to get here and what kind of traffic they may be going through, although if someone is really afraid of me knowing then i guess they wont tell me. I only know enough about one person to track them down and do damage if i wanted to, and i would never do that unless they did it to me.
I personally think the ladies should have some ability to track down clients if necessary. They are asked to be alone with bigger guys that they don't know and it is in a sexual setting. Then there's my biggest fear " heart attack in the saddle." Problems can happen and some thoughtful precaution, on both sides, is necessary.

Be careful.


Aug 27, 2005
Calloway, this is an interesting topic you abroach. As I am sure many would like to protect their privacy when hobbying, especially married members, I would think many precautions go into doing so. Fake names, booking from hotel rooms, not using work related cell phones, and of course just trying to have a normal session not to raise any eyebrows. I am a single young self employed male so I don't have too many issues with privacy. I use my real name and cell phone when booking. I do however, only book in hotel rooms, as I want to keep my home address seperate from this hobby.

One point or question I would like to add to your list is if hobbyist use their credit cards to book. This can be a very private thing, and there are a large number of people that use their credit cards to pay for sessions. There is alot one can find out about someone with their credit card info. So becareful when using this pay option.

BTW, nice tits. LOL :D


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Excellent points so far... thank you. I'm not trying to cause any significant worries for anyone. Perhaps the situations... yes that's in the plural form... have happened to me simply because they come with the risk of being "Calloway" in a small community. Up until recently I also thought I was brilliant in my hobbying security plans... but obviously not brilliant enough. I trusted and assumed my identity with a few and it has backfired. Do I book under "Calloway"? Rarely... but I do know each and every lady that I have. Read my lips... I will never book by PM every again in the local area. If you book with the better run agencies... your main concern should simply be your telehone or cell number provided. If you book with independents... I am warning each of you that the risk is much more significant. This is not a blanket statement for every independent in KW. There are true professionals out there that can separate work from personal life... and they are just as concerned for their privacy as we are. But there are also others out there that cannot keep things separate... or screw up by accident even though they may not have intended any harm. Just be smart.

The point of this entire post is not to judge... but to ask each one of you to review your own hobbying practices from the booking stage to the moment you leave the parking lot. There are always risks... but minimize them. If you think your only risk is LE... you're kidding yourself. Don't assume a thing... and don't give out any personal information of any type. Being divorced for a number of years... I could care less about whether an SP has my phone number. The concern is not with the SP... my concern is with everyone else that has access to her records... her phone... her e-mail and her MSN Windows Messenger that accidently pops up during their romantic dinner. Use the head on your shoulders and not the one in your pants.


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
As a Married Hobbiest privacy is a big concern. I use a pay as you go cell, as there are no records etc. and occasionally a pay phone. Sometimes even the PM function here to set up meetings. As for seeing an SP in public (at the Mall or whatever) they are not even acknowledged by either party as it should be.


New member
Apr 28, 2005
Certainly have concerns

generally only call from pay phone or *67 and block number out going number

will PM and have a private "hotmail" email account.

Cash only...MP or agencies..

No real name and few real details...I actually don't like it when the ladies "quiz you"

Have use my cell phone (company) occasionally-had one minor issue with SP phoning me a couple of generally really don't use it now

Occasionally this means can't see certain ladies (for example I see Spice wants a real cell phone number)...but that's just way it is...

Never seen an SP or MPA in public..but would hope we would respect each other-unless it was a fairly private situation, then maybe a "hi"


Oct 17, 2005
Great topic

I had a problem about 10 years ago when i was young and very green to this hobby. Long story short i had a sp in the hammer somehow track me to my home and of all things confront my girlfriend at the time, still to this day have no idea as to why she did this ??? At the time i was using my credit card quite often... So these days i have a whole new identity for my hobby and give very little info unless it is someone i KNOW i can trust, always use cash these days always do outcall at the hotel/motel of my choice( although on some occasions i have done incall) prefer not to though, pay as you go phone(are you positive that these still cant be traced?) I agree that we ALL have to be carefull hobbiests and sp's alike. Any sort of LE raid the first thing they confiscate is always COMPUTERS..


Sep 7, 2004
I must concur with a few of you in that I have used my name,cell and email when booking appointments with certain women I have or thought I had built up a trust with. If it is a first meeting then an alias will suffice. Hadn't given much thought to other people getting access a point well taken.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
There was a well known madam in Halifax named Ada, back before the days of email and computers. Unfortunately during a periodic raid a client address book was seized and somehow fell into the hands of the press. Halifax is a small city, like KW, and the fallout , while humorous to the public, I'm sure was devastating to some of the individuals "outed".

Today those that hold client names, phone numbers or email addresses, etc. must be very careful how this information is stored and used.

So again, ladies and gentlemen be careful and don't keep unnecessary client addresses around .


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
yesguy said:
Thanks for the wake up call. I will miss seeing the local ladies I have had the priviledge of meeting but the potential price given the "information" in this thread clearly isn't worth it.
Yesguy... this could happen anywhere and anytime. It's not strictly a KW issue... but in my specific case it is.


New member
Aug 5, 2005
My 2 cents

Hello All,

I must agree with all that privacy is the most important thing in this hobby. It is like the building block of this hobby. If we lose this principle than this hobby will die. Alot of people in this hobby have private lives that are more important then this hobby and must be protected at all cost. This is not just a one way street but also for all people involved in this business.


New member
Apr 28, 2005
[Any sort of LE raid the first thing they confiscate is always COMPUTERS..[/QUOTE]

Now I am not an expert...but if they get an SPs computer,so what?

OK..they go to the effort (which I doubt they will-they are very busy people) to follow the email or PM backwards...get the ISP information..are able to track that back to an actual internet connection and thus my PC (assuming they call legally do all of the above with search warrants, etc)

Now they have me right? I sent emails/PMs that were possibly setting up a paid for sexual encounter....or were they fantasies?...and was it me that sent them or someone else using my computer? Is it illegal to arrange a paid for sexual encounter over an email (I honestly don't know-not exactly public soliticitation is it?)

Can't say that this possibility keeps me up at night-a raid, sure...bumping into somone I know at a SPs apartment building and not having a good explanation for why I am SP or MPA finding out who I really am and for some reason getting into my personal life-a little bit (they get in mine-then of course they are also exposing themselves at same time)...but LE getting an SPs computer and doing a "CSI routine" on it...seems far fetched to me....
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