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The FBI reportedly started investigating whether Trump was a Russian asset


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The FBI reportedly started investigating whether Trump was a Russian asset after he fired Comey:

The FBI began investigating whether President Donald Trump was a witting or unwitting Russian agent after he fired FBI director James Comey in May 2017, The New York Times reported.
At the time, the bureau was already investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow during the 2016 election, and Comey's firing prompted the special counsel Robert Mueller to open an obstruction-of-justice probe as part of the Russia investigation.
But The Times' report is the first indication that the FBI believed it was possible the president himself was a witting or unwitting Russian agent.

After President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey in May 2017, the bureau became so concerned about his actions that it opened a counterintelligence investigation into whether Trump was intentionally or unintentionally working for the Russians, according to a bombshell New York Times report.

At the time, the FBI was already conducting a separate investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election and, crucially, whether the Trump campaign secretly coordinated with Moscow to tilt the race in Trump's favor.

Comey's firing prompted the special counsel Robert Mueller to open a new thread in the Russia investigation which examined whether Trump sought to obstruct justice when he ousted the FBI director. But The Times' report on Friday is the first indication that the FBI was concerned the president himself was a Russian asset and mounted a counterintelligence investigation with him as its target.

FBI agents had already been suspicious of Trump's ties to Russia since his 2016 presidential campaign but, according to The Times' sources, there was some concerns within the agency about how to approach the situation given its sensitivity. His decision to fire Comey, however, prompted them to move forward with the investigation.

Trump's frustration with Comey has been well documented.

The president began laying into the former FBI director after Comey publicly confirmed the existence of the FBI's Russia investigation in March 2017, two months before he was fired. Afterward, Trump repeatedly tweeted criticism of Comey and downplayed the significance of continued revelations of contacts between his campaign and Russians during the election.

When Trump abruptly fired Comey, the White House initially said he had been dismissed because of his handling of the bureau's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server when she was secretary of state. The White House also put out a statement from Trump which said he fired Comey upon the advice of then Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

But Trump later told NBC's Lester Holt during an interview that he had fired Comey, in part, because of "this Russia thing" and that he would have fired Comey regardless of what Sessions or Rosenstein had advised.

It later surfaced that two days after firing Comey, Trump boasted to two top Russian officials during an Oval Office meeting that firing the "nut job" FBI director had taken "great pressure" off of him. He indicated that the pressure he faced stemmed from the Russia probe.

A month after he was fired, Comey publicly testified that Trump had privately pressured him on multiple occasions to drop the Russia investigation and to "let go" of the bureau's inquiry into Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser who was forced to resign after it emerged that he discussed US sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador during the transition period.

Trump has denied all of Comey's allegations, many of which have been supported by contemporaneous documentation from Comey and other senior Justice Department officials.

Comey spoke to two

Trump's other public statements, including encouraging Russia to hack Clinton's emails during the campaign, also attracted scrutiny from the FBI, The Times reported.

It is unclear whether Mueller is still looking into the counterintelligence aspect of the investigation, according to The Times.

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, who the newspaper said had no knowledge of the FBI inquiry, appeared to be unfazed: "The fact that it goes back a year and a half and nothing came of it that showed a breach of national security means they found nothing," he told The Times.


This is a Bombshell. No wonder the Mueller Investigation has decided to interview Trump itself, and trump's attorney do not want him to sit with Mueller to discuss his dealings with the Russians!!


Feb 6, 2006
The FBI reportedly started investigating whether Trump was a Russian asset after he fired Comey:

The FBI began investigating whether President Donald Trump was a witting or unwitting Russian agent after he fired FBI director James Comey in May 2017, The New York Times reported.
At the time, the bureau was already investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow during the 2016 election, and Comey's firing prompted the special counsel Robert Mueller to open an obstruction-of-justice probe as part of the Russia investigation.
But The Times' report is the first indication that the FBI believed it was possible the president himself was a witting or unwitting Russian agent.

After President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey in May 2017, the bureau became so concerned about his actions that it opened a counterintelligence investigation into whether Trump was intentionally or unintentionally working for the Russians, according to a bombshell New York Times report.

At the time, the FBI was already conducting a separate investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election and, crucially, whether the Trump campaign secretly coordinated with Moscow to tilt the race in Trump's favor.

Comey's firing prompted the special counsel Robert Mueller to open a new thread in the Russia investigation which examined whether Trump sought to obstruct justice when he ousted the FBI director. But The Times' report on Friday is the first indication that the FBI was concerned the president himself was a Russian asset and mounted a counterintelligence investigation with him as its target.

FBI agents had already been suspicious of Trump's ties to Russia since his 2016 presidential campaign but, according to The Times' sources, there was some concerns within the agency about how to approach the situation given its sensitivity. His decision to fire Comey, however, prompted them to move forward with the investigation.

Trump's frustration with Comey has been well documented.

The president began laying into the former FBI director after Comey publicly confirmed the existence of the FBI's Russia investigation in March 2017, two months before he was fired. Afterward, Trump repeatedly tweeted criticism of Comey and downplayed the significance of continued revelations of contacts between his campaign and Russians during the election.

When Trump abruptly fired Comey, the White House initially said he had been dismissed because of his handling of the bureau's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server when she was secretary of state. The White House also put out a statement from Trump which said he fired Comey upon the advice of then Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

But Trump later told NBC's Lester Holt during an interview that he had fired Comey, in part, because of "this Russia thing" and that he would have fired Comey regardless of what Sessions or Rosenstein had advised.

It later surfaced that two days after firing Comey, Trump boasted to two top Russian officials during an Oval Office meeting that firing the "nut job" FBI director had taken "great pressure" off of him. He indicated that the pressure he faced stemmed from the Russia probe.

A month after he was fired, Comey publicly testified that Trump had privately pressured him on multiple occasions to drop the Russia investigation and to "let go" of the bureau's inquiry into Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser who was forced to resign after it emerged that he discussed US sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador during the transition period.

Trump has denied all of Comey's allegations, many of which have been supported by contemporaneous documentation from Comey and other senior Justice Department officials.

Comey spoke to two

Trump's other public statements, including encouraging Russia to hack Clinton's emails during the campaign, also attracted scrutiny from the FBI, The Times reported.

It is unclear whether Mueller is still looking into the counterintelligence aspect of the investigation, according to The Times.

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, who the newspaper said had no knowledge of the FBI inquiry, appeared to be unfazed: "The fact that it goes back a year and a half and nothing came of it that showed a breach of national security means they found nothing," he told The Times.


This is a Bombshell. No wonder the Mueller Investigation has decided to interview Trump itself, and trump's attorney do not want him to sit with Mueller to discuss his dealings with the Russians!!
Its obvious Trump is a Kremlin stooge. FOX news will go full tilt discrediting the FBI.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Its important to remember that it was Trump's own action that started the FBI investigating him.


Sep 19, 2018
Its important to remember that it was Trump's own action that started the FBI investigating him.
It started with the firing of Comey and him saying it was about Russia, don't forget Hillary was investigated by the FBI for a different reason, but it did have to do with classified information, we will see what happens. I doubt anything comes from this, he will have more trouble with other aspects of the Mueller investigation


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Its obvious Trump is a Kremlin stooge. FOX news will go full tilt discrediting the FBI.


Of course they will defend him, as after all the have anchors like Hannity and Jude Pirro that are his spokesperson, adviser, and campaign celebrities. Trump buys their falsehoods.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Its important to remember that it was Trump's own action that started the FBI investigating him.
But Trump's constant public denials about "No Russian Collusion" could come to haunt him if he is lying about that fact.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
It started with the firing of Comey and him saying it was about Russia, don't forget Hillary was investigated by the FBI for a different reason, but it did have to do with classified information, we will see what happens. I doubt anything comes from this, he will have more trouble with other aspects of the Mueller investigation
Nothing will come of this, but it does confirm that Comey's FBI attempted to wag the dog.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The FBI investigated Russian moves to attack the US election.
That has always been their primary goal.

Trump's obstruction of justice now appears to be part of the collusion with Russia to mess up the US system.

Spot on, that is why the more that Trump repeats the "No Russia Collusion", the deeper he will be digging himself in it. That is if this bombshell of a report is accurate, like it seems very likely to be.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The FBI investigated Russian moves to attack the US election.
That has always been their primary goal.

Trump's obstruction of justice now appears to be part of the collusion with Russia to mess up the US system.
No, they got upset that anyone, even the President, dared to go after them. How am I 100% sure? They opened an investigation BECAUSE Comey got shit canned. Talk about an ego!


Sep 19, 2018
No, they got upset that anyone, even the President, dared to go after them. How am I 100% sure? They opened an investigation BECAUSE Comey got shit canned. Talk about an ego!
This feeds into his The Deep state is out to get him. I don't think that's true but it is fishy they opened the investigation after he fired Comey. If you include the Page And Strock texts it doesn't look like they were impartial but I highly doubt they would try to illegally remove a Democratically elected President


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
This feeds into his The Deep state is out to get him. I don't think that's true but it is fishy they opened the investigation after he fired Comey. If you include the Page And Strock texts it doesn't look like they were impartial but I highly doubt they would try to illegally remove a Democratically elected President
Well, Strzok thought that he could.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No, they got upset that anyone, even the President, dared to go after them. How am I 100% sure? They opened an investigation BECAUSE Comey got shit canned. Talk about an ego!
No, they investigated because Putin was fucking up the election.
The investigation was always about Russian interference.
They just didn't expect Trump to be a Russian asset.

Every day there is more news like this:
Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration


Sep 19, 2018


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So why did they only start investigating him after Comey was fired? If they thought that right away why didn't they start earlier?
Its all explained well here.

If the president had fired Mr. Comey to stop the Russia investigation, the action would have been a national security issue because it naturally would have hurt the bureau’s effort to learn how Moscow interfered in the 2016 election and whether any Americans were involved.


Surely this is the beginning of the end.

So many beginnings, never an end................. lol


Sep 19, 2018
It's some douchebag's blog. Sorry, I don't take blogs seriously. They opened up the investigation after Comey was fired regardless of the reason it looks bad. If they thought all these things why did they wait to open an investigation? I'm not saying there is anything nefarious going on it just is very sketchy they did it right after Comey was fired.


Feb 6, 2006
Surely this is the beginning of the end.

So many beginnings, never an end................. lol
that's okay, they put all of Tump's buddies in jail, that can't a good feeling. And its likely they will nail the Orange Orangutang too......



Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
Trump evades question on whether he worked for Russia

Investigators sought to evaluate whether Trump was potential threat to national security, newspaper says

Thomson Reuters·Posted: Jan 13, 2019 1:21 PM ET |

U.S. President Donald Trump avoided directly answering when asked whether he "currently is or has ever worked for Russia" after a published report said law enforcement officials, concerned about his behaviour after he fired FBI director James Comey in 2017, had begun investigating that possibility.

Trump said it was the "most insulting" question he'd ever been asked, as he spoke to Fox News interviewer Jeanine Pirro, a personal friend, on Saturday night about a New York Times article published on Friday.

He never answered Pirro directly about working "for Russia," but went on to assert that no president has taken a harder stance against Russia than he has.

"I think it's the most insulting thing I've ever been asked," Trump said. "I think it's the most insulting article I've ever had written, and if you read the article you'll see that they found absolutely nothing."

"If you ask the folks in Russia, I've been tougher on Russia than anybody else, any other ... probably any other president, period, but certainly the last three or four presidents," he said.

Concerns reportedly led to investigation

A second prominent newspaper, the Washington Post, is also reporting that Trump had dealings with the Kremlin that raised suspicions.

Both cite unidentified former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the allegations.

In a Post article published Sunday, the paper reported that Trump has gone to "extraordinary lengths" to keep the details about his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin under wraps.

The Post said Trump "took possession of the notes of his own interpreter" after meeting with Putin in 2017 in Hamburg, Germany.

The Times reported on Friday that Trump was investigated after he fired Comey. Agents allegedly feared Trump was acting in the interests of Russia, and against the United States, in the early months of his presidency, and that gave federal law enforcement officials reason to begin an investigation.

Slow to implement sanctions, Democrat says

Trump's claim that he's been tougher on Russia than any recent president was disputed by the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee.

Virginia Sen. Mark Warner said almost all the sanctions on Russia arose not in the White House but in Congress, due to concerns by members of both parties about Moscow's actions. Warner accused the White House of being very slow to put in place the penalties.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer says he'll force a vote in the coming days on the Treasury Department's decision to ease sanctions on three companies connected to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

The Times reported that FBI agents and some top officials became suspicious of Trump's ties to Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign, but didn't open an investigation at that time because they weren't sure how to approach such a sensitive probe.

U.S. House panel to probe alleged FBI investigation of Trump working for Russia

Trump's behaviour in the days around Comey's May 2017 firing helped trigger the counterintelligence part of the probe, according to the newspaper.

In the inquiry, counterintelligence investigators sought to evaluate whether Trump was a potential threat to national security. They also sought to determine whether Trump was deliberately working for Russia or had unintentionally been influenced by Moscow.

Trump tweeted early Saturday that the report showed that the FBI leadership "opened up an investigation on me, for no reason & with no proof" after he had fired Comey.

Donald J. Trump


Wow, just learned in the Failing New York Times that the corrupt former leaders of the FBI, almost all fired or forced to leave the agency for some very bad reasons, opened up an investigation on me, for no reason & with no proof, after I fired Lyin’ James Comey, a total sleaze!


7:05 AM - Jan 12, 2019

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Robert Mueller took over the investigation when he was appointed special counsel soon after Comey's firing. The overall investigation is looking into Russian election interference and whether Trump's campaign co-ordinated with the Russians, as well as possible obstruction of justice by Trump. The Times says it's unclear whether Mueller is still pursuing the counterintelligence angle.

Sen. Chris Coons, a Delaware Democrat, said the report "may well suggest what it was that helped start this investigation in the first place."

He and other Democratic senators said this report and others within the past week questioning Trump's behaviour toward Russia give new urgency to the need for the Mueller investigation to be allowed to run its course.

Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani told the Times he had no knowledge of the inquiry but said that since it was opened a year and a half ago and they hadn't heard anything, indicating apparently "they found nothing."

Trump has also repeatedly and vociferously denied collusion with the Russians.

Warner spoke Sunday on CNN's State of the Union and Coons on Fox News Sunday.

Warner weighed in on the Trump-Putin summit last year in Helsinki, Finland, telling CNN, "The American government does not know what was discussed between Trump and Vladimir Putin in that frankly pathetic, embarrassing encounter where Trump was kowtowing on the world stage to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki."

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