Zidane's Mother Wants Materazzi Castrated


New member
Jul 14, 2004

Top news: 12 July 2006, Wednesday.

The mother of Zinedine Zidane has praised her son for his disgraceful World Cup headbutt on Marco Materazzi amid claims the Italian branded her a "terrorist whore".

Talking in a fury to British daily Mirror, Malika Zidane warned the Italian defender she wants his "b*lls chopped off" for igniting the ugly spat.

Algeria-born Malika claimed Zidane, 34, was simply protecting her honour when he butted Materazzi in Sunday's final.

She has expressed her utter disgust by what she had heard and praised her son for defending "the family's honour".

"No one should be subjected to such foul insults on or off the football pitch and I don't care if it was a World Cup Final," Malika Zidane was explicit.

"Our whole family is deeply saddened that Zinedine's career should end with a red card but at least he has his honour. Some things are bigger than football," the French skipper's mother added.

Materazzi last night admitted he insulted his French opponent but denied calling him a terrorist or abusing his family and Muslim religion.

FIFA has confirmed a probe would take place into the shocking scenes which marred Italy's triumph over France.

While visiting Tony Blair, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika sent Zidane a letter of support. He described the player, born in Marseille after his parents emigrated from Algeria, as a "World Cup demi-god".


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
xdog said:
Now I know where Zidane gets his "class".

Any boy must defend hos mother's honour, cost what it will.

And his mother has the class to speak her mind.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Any mother who would praise her son for a head-butt is an idiot. Why must we respond with violence to a verbal confrontation?


Oil Please

xdog said:
Now I know where Zidane gets his "class".

You judge someone on one incident? The guy he headbutted has had much more trouble in the past.


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
ONe incident??

Oil Please said:
You judge someone on one incident? The guy he headbutted has had much more trouble in the past.

Zidane has a handful of dents on his noggin for every time someone calls him fat or baldy. Zidane has something like 20-30 red cards for nonsense and stupidity...he's a loose cannon.

The crazy guy's are usually good futbal players though.


Active member
Jan 20, 2006

Ulyssses said:
I guess Materazzi is your idea of a class act?


"head and shoulders" above Zidane.

So all you losers think now that Zidane's mom said this, that it is justified for Matterazzi's family to exact physical revenge on Mrs. Zidane? She said a mean thing about someone's son, so they should go after her????


I say end the violence. Zidane has now apologized. He admits he was wrong. Put it all behind us.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Ulyssses said:
I guess Materazzi is your idea of a class act?


He didn't say that, you did. I think both guys were classless, but Zidane's use of force to retaliate against words is totally unacceptable in the western world. I think we're much more civilized than that, although we're not perfect and have to always work at it.

Oil Please

I didn't say what he did was justified. I just don't think you should talk about his lack of class. You and I could not even fatham the amount of adreneline going through a player during a game of that magnitude.


May 30, 2006
Zin Laden has spoken. Materazzi!! The terrorists are coming for your balls. Chop! Chop! It's gonna be sweet when they play footy with your balls. :D


New member
Feb 28, 2006
I know a "class act" when I see one. I played football in my younger days and I never assaulted anyone. I never defended the Italian player. I was commenting about Zidane's stupidity. Why are great players given the benefit of the doubt when they do something stupid or classless? I watched Brian Mcbride of the US receive a bloody face from an elbow but he didn't attack anyone.
Are people telling me that if someone from TERB insults me that I have the right to go to his house and headbutt him? I hope not.



Active member
Feb 11, 2006
well having played pro soccer I can tell you that part of the game is throwing your opponent off of his game. Soccer is part physical, and at the pro level, all mental. Zidane is a professional player who just lost it at a very crucial time. What was he thinking you ask? well, in a world cup final I'm sure that he wasn't thinking. When you get to the final of a world cup do you ever realize what is going on or do you act on instinct/training/experience. I often remember going on the the field and rarely remember playing in the game as everything around you moves so fast you really don't have any time to stand back and admire the beautiful game because your in it. Do you remember the guy that insulted you on your wedding day? sort of the same comparison, only zidane was a victim of mental attack and at that split moment he failed
to control himself.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Have to agree with Tightfit. I got so involved in game, I couldn't hear spectators. Zidane acted instinctively. He was probably more upset with himself than Matterazzi.
BTW, I never talked trash. Thought it was stupid.


Oil Please

tightfit said:
well having played pro soccer I can tell you that part of the game is throwing your opponent off of his game. Soccer is part physical, and at the pro level, all mental. Zidane is a professional player who just lost it at a very crucial time. What was he thinking you ask? well, in a world cup final I'm sure that he wasn't thinking. When you get to the final of a world cup do you ever realize what is going on or do you act on instinct/training/experience. I often remember going on the the field and rarely remember playing in the game as everything around you moves so fast you really don't have any time to stand back and admire the beautiful game because your in it. Do you remember the guy that insulted you on your wedding day? sort of the same comparison, only zidane was a victim of mental attack and at that split moment he failed
to control himself.
So now trash talking is part of the game? PATHETIC! I talked to my son in law who played in the NHL for 14 years and asked him if that shit goes on in hockey. He laughed and said "no we respect each other to much to trash talk". He then said "the ones who do today like Avery are not looked upon in a good way even by their own teamates". Soccer sucks if trash talking and personal insults are common. The other thing about hockey is if you did run your mouth someone will shut it with their FISTS!

Oil Please

xdog said:
Have to agree with Tightfit. I got so involved in game, I couldn't hear spectators. Zidane acted instinctively. He was probably more upset with himself than Matterazzi.
BTW, I never talked trash. Thought it was stupid.

You fucking jokers compare your shitty soccer games to the World Cup Final ? PATHETIC!


May 30, 2006
Yes football is a dirty game, players grab, act, shove, call names etc, but I'm sure most of the players, at least in the professional level, know where to draw the line. I don't think it's often that you see a player insulting the opponent's mother or sister. Don't you think Zidane would've been used to Materass's thrash talk if thrash talk happens all the time? Zidane is a pro, who uses his skill in the game, unlike Materass who has to fall to thrash talk. It's disgusting, must've been to Zidane too.

Not saying that Zidane's act was right, but I still have respect for him, who besides being a professional soccer player, still displays the quality of a true human being, full with genuine emotions, unlike many of the italians, who should be awarded the oscars for their acting.
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