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Active member
Aug 26, 2001
I saw it a few weeks ago.... it was incredibly fascinating. Only thing I couldn't see as possible was how people thousands of years ago could recognize astrological patterns that took thousands of years would be understood, like how the age of Aquarius was next. That everything is a con set up by the rich and powerful to induce we the unknowing pawns to do what they want was an eye opener. I look at the situation in Iraq a lot differently after seeing this documentary.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
I watched it tonight, a real eye-opener. Alot of it does make sense though.

It's encouraged to copy it, and give it away for free.:D


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I'm not religious in any way except for the occassional exclamation during sex.

But you'd be wise to google something like response to zeitgeist because some would argue that the info is inaccurate.

here's one of many sites that I found

the point I'm making here is that too often people see a doc and accept it without checking the facts.


Apr 3, 2007
frankcastle said:
I'm not religious in any way except for the occassional exclamation during sex.

But you'd be wise to google something like response to zeitgeist because some would argue that the info is inaccurate.

here's one of many sites that I found

the point I'm making here is that too often people see a doc and accept it without checking the facts.
the thing is, I don't believe anywhere close to all of it. The chip part is just stupid IMO cause they're just too many people to really control what every person does and doesn't do. Its pretty far fetched at best.

I totally believe the religion part, being raised catholic and educated I've come to my own opinions and realizations that religion is just a way for people to control others.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
kitaa said:
Ich glaube nur an den Geist des Weines, nicht an den Geist der Zeit oder gar Zeitgeister ... geistlos? vieleicht .....
Can you repeat that in English please. :p


Hunting..what ??
Apr 21, 2006
Very Retired
kitaa said:
Ich glaube nur an den Geist des Weines, nicht an den Geist der Zeit oder gar Zeitgeister ... geistlos? vieleicht .....


Do I not believe in only the spirit of the wine, at the spirit of the time or quite zeitgeist... spiritless? much oak ....



New member
Jan 19, 2006
blaze69 said:

I'm a sucker for conspiracy theories so if you want to be enlightened, or simply just entertained, this vid is for you.
Every disproved piece of nonsense for the past two millennia dredged up for the gullible.

H.L. Mencken was right when he said "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public," apparently his statement holds true in Canada as well.


New member
Sep 7, 2001
Listen ....

I don't know if I believe in God or Jesus Christ or George W or Osama or anything else for that matter.

But I do believe in one thing implicitly ...

The woman in Big_Iguana's signature picture has the nicest ass I have ever seen and I would give a year off the back end of my life to bang it and play with it and knead it and lick it and kiss it and bang it and ...

Brother ... I believe!


Turgid Member
Sep 10, 2005
kitaa said:
Ich glaube nur an den Geist des Weines, nicht an den Geist der Zeit oder gar Zeitgeister ... geistlos? vieleicht .....
Ich kann Deutsches nicht sprechen. Ich verstehe nur sonderbare statemens in den Fremdsprachen. OH- und Tracht Prügel die Esel!


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
Aardvark154 said:
Every disproved piece of nonsense for the past two millennia dredged up for the gullible.

H.L. Mencken was right when he said "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public," apparently his statement holds true in Canada as well.
If you think it's all a pack of lies, then how is the fact that the media (and the public) were tricked into believing the Iraqi military were shipping incubators to Iraq from Kuwait, all to "sell the war"?

Your off handed dismissal of everything is a pile of lies and how those of us who found it interesting are stupid without even going to the trouble to show sources that refute the movie like Frankcastle did tell me how self satisfied and smug you are. Care to share how the world really is, Mr know it all, pat yourself on the back? If you're nor too busy chatting with your friends at Mensa that is. All the while you call CNN the Clinton News Network? Now look in the mirror when you talk about stupid conspiracy theories.Bitching about a media double standard (while you take in your steady diet of Fox news?) because they are not "right wing" and kissing GWB ass. Yeah.... I wish I was as "smart" as you, NOT!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
wumpscut said:
Your off handed dismissal of everything is a pile of lies and how those of us who found it interesting are stupid without even going to the trouble to show sources that refute the movie like Frankcastle did tell me how self satisfied and smug you are.
Well, lets's start with the movie's statement that Christ is a myth. Discounting both the Epistles (written in the first forty years) and Gospels (Mark written within 40 to 50 years, and John written within 60 to 70 years) there are many additional secular sources which mention his life for instance Josephus and Tacitus, so this statement is rather like saying that Lucius Mummius Achaicus or that the Emperor Caligula never lived after all almost everything known about the former comes from but a single book.

Then there is the claim that the Crucifixion is taken from pagan mythology such as the myth of Attis however this statement is just plain inaccurate. There is more than ample evidence that in fact the resurrection of Attis wasn’t added to the myth until the mid second century likely in response to Christianity.

Much of the first part of the movie is seemingly based on the book the The Christ Conspiracy. written by D.M. Murdock using the pen name Acharya S.

That the destruction on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 was caused by the controlled demolition of the buildings is a canard that has been addressed here on TERB numerous times. It has been refuted in reports and articles from the National Institute of Standards and Technology ,the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, the Journal of Engineering Mechanics and may others.

I believe my "offhand dismissal" is well justified.
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Active member
Aug 26, 2001
truth is I found the first part about religion interesting but I never studied theology and wouldn't be able to comment. What I found much more interesting was the second part, where they talk about wars being started for profit and that the reasons that we the public get behind them is based on nothing but lies. The link I posted was also on a CBC documentary I saw, showing the incubator story was a fake. Thats the stuff I want to know if you do or don't believe. They made a pretty convincing case in my opinion. Can you shoot down those assertions?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003

I wouldn't take Aardvark's comment so personally. I think his point is valid that people are pretty easily convinced. We're all guilty of it. I mean M Night Shamalan (6th sense director) takes advantage of this in his movies where we the viewers make certain assumptions. That's why the 6th sense is so cool is that the plot twist catches a lot of people off guard (due to the perspective that the viewer enters the film with). Same thing goes for documentaries, the news etc. We often view it with the assumption that it's the truth. This is the reason that I was quick to post a counter site (mind you it was a christian site so one might wish to dig a little deeper..... but I was just trying to prove a point).

But hey I'll be the first to admit that I've been a sucker in the past.

Ah if only we spent the amount of time on terb researching SPs and MPAs on other things we'd have the worlds problems solved pretty quickly! :D
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