N ncn2004 Senior Member Jun 21, 2005 197 0 16 Ottawa Sep 23, 2005 #1 Does anyone know if there are any SP's or MP's who have just turned 18 in Ottawa?
L langeweile Banned Sep 21, 2004 5,085 0 0 In a van down by the river Sep 23, 2005 #2 If they tell you they are 18 add 5 years to it...
T The Lurker All grown up. :O Sep 7, 2005 1,980 0 0 Sep 23, 2005 #4 www.ottawaplaygirls.com Lexus says she is 18 and has good reviews on another board. Still say though 30+, rocks!
www.ottawaplaygirls.com Lexus says she is 18 and has good reviews on another board. Still say though 30+, rocks!