Toronto Escorts

WOW she literaly loses control


Oct 1, 2007
Interesting technique. I'm going to have to field test it.

But, who the hell is this guy? Any body know?

Is he setting himself up as a full-service massage therapist guru for hot broads?
If so, I wish him luck, as it could be a sweet little niche market for some lucky guy if he pulls it off, but wow, is he a smarmy little cocksucker, or what?
"Ladies and gentlemen, the world's first totally satisfied woman!"
The little bozo acts like he invented sex, or personally discovered at least the female orgasm.
So much for the Kama Sutra, the Jainist temple of Khajuraho, the debauchery of Rome, the art of France, Japan, what-have-you.
I guess all my own work in this area has been a complete waste of time.
All those women who thought they had a good time, were obviously foolishly deluded evidently, having never experienced his two-in-the yap, air-guitar, finger fest technique, or whatever the hell he calls it.

Well, any way, exposure to new techniques is always a good thing.
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