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WOW! Americans Have Won the "War on Terror" (video)


Registered User
Aug 21, 2005
Wow we are winning the "war on terror"!! $100 billion dollars wasted in Iraq and finally in the video below we see the fruits of our toil. Thanks America for hammering muslim kids such as the ones in the video in wanting to be future Red Cross aidworkers.

Thanks neo-cons, you guys have totally wiped out terrorism for the next 100 years........Bruhahahahahaha :p


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
It always pains me to see videos like that. This isn't the first time. I think it was a year or so ago that I saw a video of a kid, must have been 3 or so and could barely speak but could say "death to americians" or something like that.

There is a new series on tv called "over there". About US service men and women serving in IRAQ. One line from the show goes: "how do you deal with an enemy who isn't afraid to die...".

I find it extreme funny that the kids in the video are taught to think that being a martyr is a wonderful thing, when in fact all you become is just another dead kid.

I forget what movie I heard this line in but it went something like this:

"All terrorists think they will end up in paradise upon their death, and my job is to help them get there as quickly and expeditiously as possible...."


Registered User
Aug 21, 2005
Muslims literally think that dying for God in war is an automatic ticket to Heaven... and that Heaven is full of cute girls, cuter than any female that ever existed here on Earth. They take this so seriously that during the Iran-Iraq war iranian soldiers used to wear yellow-colored plastic keys around their necks to "open the gates of Heaven after death". Some soldiers would refuse to fight until this plastic key was given by a Mullah (muslim priest).
Aug 1, 2002
I would say this video's hatred is directed to the Jews and not the American's. But I'm sure these kid's and their parent's hate the USA just as much.

It's a shame when you see these little boys and (and even a little girl?) aged about 5-7 years old mentioning how they want to kill people (aka Jews) when they grow up. They are taught hatred at such a young age and they are brainwashed.

But don't worry, about 10-15 years later they will no longer be cute little kids. Their mouth and actions will get them into big trouble, and I wouldn't shed a tear if they got killed. Their minds are messed up beyond repair.




It's been good to know ya
That is just sad. So many thoughts run through my mind, but all I can say is shame on the adults that influence them. Children honestly will believe anything even in fairy tales. Teaching children violence is definatly not the way. I understand that they are growing up around it but it is the responsibility of the adults to try to protect them from it. :(


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field

They are growing up around it because their parents taught them the same things they are teaching their children. It is a perpetual action unless someone can come along and say hey, you're wrong....In the muslim world the only ones that can influence that is the mullahs and IMHO any holy man that would direct his people to die for their cause, is not a holy man.

Before we all go off half-cocked, just remember christians used to burn heretics at the stake and have their own holy wars. They have probably killed more over time than any other religion....


New member
Aug 15, 2005
Kommander1975 said:
Thanks America for hammering muslim kids such as the ones in the video in wanting to be future Red Cross aidworkers.
Hmmm... I wonder if U.S. 'liberation' is really a terror tactic in itself. Wherever these guys go they lay waste to entire regions: Indo china, Middle East, Latin America.

Agent Orange, depleted uranium, land mines, etc.

'...Behave or we'll 'liberate' ya into the stone age...' Is that the gig?
Aug 1, 2002
tboy said:
Before we all go off half-cocked, just remember christians used to burn heretics at the stake and have their own holy wars. They have probably killed more over time than any other religion....
Islam has only been around for 600 years and the founder and prophet Mohammed was a distant relative of Abraham. Mohammed was no Jesus Christ though. Unlike Jesus who preached love, Mohammed preached numerous ways of violence and war.

Mohammed and his evil army would also force their religion and beliefs on others, and if you didn't convert, you were killed. The crusades happened shortly thereafter inorder to stop the spreading of Islam. Most of Europe was un-affected, however certain countries such as Turkey are now 95% muslim.

I am a baptized Catholic, but I am not really religious. I do not however find myself ever converting to Islam. At least other religions are more civalized in certain area's. The muslim extremists are filled with so much hatred and are the most brain-washed. You can see that in USAma Bin Laden and his towel-wearing boyfriends. Also, look at how they treat their women such as torturing and killing them for adultery or sex before marriage, or even dressing them in burkas because they are overly jealous.

The United States is the crusader of our generation, and many more to come.




Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
wow Vincenzo you seem like a Phd expert on Islam, so why dont you tell us about the teachings of Islam that have to do with compassion oh wait you like the neo cons want to only focus on the bad, the vast majority of Muslims werent forcibly converted to the religion, there were just too many peoples to convert, some converted out of conveniance to their new rulers, some actually liked the teachings of the religion like those who were African slaves, you can bad mouth and make any religion look bad or good.

As for that video those are Palestinian children and well as the saying goes you treat people like animals, they will act like animals, being thrown out of their homes, forced to live on 3 generations of international aid handouts, subjected to a brutal and illegal occupation, how do you expect them to act.


Registered User
Aug 21, 2005
VincenzoTurismo said:
It's a shame when you see these little boys and (and even a little girl?) aged about 5-7 years old mentioning how they want to kill people

LOL, that little girl raises her left fist first and shouts "rise up kamikaze soldiers" then raises her right fist and shouts "join and support al-Jihad" (holy war). It looks as if she's inside a 5th grade class too.
Aug 1, 2002
scouser1 said:
As for that video those are Palestinian children and well as the saying goes you treat people like animals, they will act like animals, being thrown out of their homes, forced to live on 3 generations of international aid handouts, subjected to a brutal and illegal occupation, how do you expect them to act.
Oh I'm aware those were Palestinian's in that video. I think the Palestinian's disrupting peace the past 5 years by not only throwing rocks, but by shooting innocent people, as well as detonating suicide bomb's and car bombs was just crazy. But then again the Israeli's destroying the Palestinian homes and taking them out with tanks and Apache helicopters was pretty bad too.

But how can you explain the horrid ways of the Taliban in Afghanistan? Would you want to live over there with them? How about USAma Bin Laden and Al Qaida being behind 9/11? How about Saddam Hussein torturing and killing innocent Iraqi's of different faith's and nationalities?

The point I'm trying to make here is religion fucks up the world. I personally don't think all muslims are bad, but I think most of them are. The main psycho's of Islam are the fanatics. They all think by taking their own lives to kill other innocent people it earns them a 1-way ticket to heaven. That is fucked up and I hope those fanatic's get a bombing and a half.


Aug 1, 2002
Kommander1975 said:
LOL, that little girl raises her left fist first and shouts "rise up kamikaze soldiers" then raises her right fist and shouts "join and support al-Jihad" (holy war). It looks as if she's inside a 5th grade class too.
Yeah her crazy mother and father or her insane older brother taught her that. She then did it in front of her 5th grade class as part of show n' tell. I just hope in the future she doesn't board a bus with a bomb belt on.

I heard once in Egypt during a terrorist attack on mainly Tourists a woman jumped off a bridge and detonated a suicide bomb that shot nails. If you don't get killed by the explosion like she did, watch out for the flying nails.

I wouldn't be surprised if she built that bomb herself. Women can cook and clean in all places of the world. Muslim fanatical women can cook up a suicide bomb, and clean out a room full of innocent people.




Registered User
Aug 21, 2005
VincenzoTurismo said:
Women can cook and clean in all places of the world. Muslim fanatical women can cook up a suicide bomb, and clean out a room full of innocent people.


Yes, and christian women can drag naked men on the floor with dog collars like those american female soldiers did to those defenceless naked prisoners in Iraq.
Aug 1, 2002
Kommander1975 said:
Yes, and christian women can drag naked men on the floor with dog collars like those american female soldiers did to those defenceless naked prisoners in Iraq.
OK, do you see Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, Sikh, Buddhist or Atheist suicide bombers??? You don't. So that mean's those brain-washed Islamic fanatical women are just as messed up as their husbands.

Remember that attack on that Russian school by those Chechnen rebels? Chechnen's are muslim (predominately Sunni, just like USAma) and they share the exact same views. There was even female terrorist's there too and they were shooting at the children who were running. Not only the older kid's, but also the young aged 6, 7 and 8 year old's. They're evil people.

At least those American female soldier's only humiliated those evil insurgents and not kill them.




CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
VincenzoTurismo said:
Islam has only been around for 600 years and the founder and prophet Mohammed was a distant relative of Abraham. Mohammed was no Jesus Christ though. Unlike Jesus who preached love, Mohammed preached numerous ways of violence and war.

Mohammed and his evil army would also force their religion and beliefs on others, and if you didn't convert, you were killed. The crusades happened shortly thereafter inorder to stop the spreading of Islam. Most of Europe was un-affected, however certain countries such as Turkey are now 95% muslim.

I am a baptized Catholic, but I am not really religious. I do not however find myself ever converting to Islam. At least other religions are more civalized in certain area's. The muslim extremists are filled with so much hatred and are the most brain-washed. You can see that in USAma Bin Laden and his towel-wearing boyfriends. Also, look at how they treat their women such as torturing and killing them for adultery or sex before marriage, or even dressing them in burkas because they are overly jealous.

The United States is the crusader of our generation, and many more to come.


Some of your statements above are a little wide of what turns up* when you Google "muslim rule in Spain" which means that 600 years you referred to as how long "Islam has been around" is shorter than the time they spent occupying and governing a sizeable chunk of the Europe you say "was unaffected". By most accounts their regime was more civilized and tolerant than the Christian one that followed. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella (yes, Columbus's Queen Isabella) were brutally repressive, not just of their Muslim foes but also of the Jews, who had been peacably neutral for centuries.

Had it not beeen for the Islamic scholars who preserved and studied the works of Aristotle, Plato and other Greeks and Romans while Europeans were burning them, or scraping theer parchments clean to write lives of the saints, we wouldn't have had the Renaissance. To say nothing of 'our' arabic number system, serious astronomy, medicine, chemistry and physiology that we got from the arabs back in the 15thC. That's howcum algebra and alcohol start w/ "al" because they were originally arabic words.

It was not to "stop the spreading of Islam" that the Crusaders who took Jerusalem slew every soul in it men women and children, Christian, Muslim and Jew until the streets flowed with blood past their ankles. That was the Christian way of winning back the holy places, and that was the reason for the crusades. When Constantinople fell to the Turks, and when they swept to the gates of Vienna (we get croissants from their crescent flag crusading was distinctly out of fashion.

It's fine that you despise the crimes against women and others that you enumerate, but not so fine that you mistakenly attribute them to the religion—which you, and we, need to learn more about: Mohammed owed much to women and admitted it, for example—and not to the same human failings all peoples and all faiths can find bitter examples of in our past.

* Muslims ruled Spain 711-1492 AD, I believe the 'founding' of Islam is usually dated 635 AD. [Actually it's 622, dated from the Hejira] Until Constantinople fell it still styled itself the capital of the Roman Empire, as the capital had been moved there from Rome well before Constantine bestowed his name on what had been Byzantium, and is now Istanbul.
Last edited:
May 4, 2005
Kommander1975 said:
Yes, and christian women can drag naked men on the floor with dog collars like those american female soldiers did to those defenceless naked prisoners in Iraq.
That's pleasure, not torture. Guys will pay $300/hr for that!

P.S. See the dominatrix thread.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
VincenzoTurismo said:
OK, do you see Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, Sikh, Buddhist or Atheist suicide bombers???
We call the Christian ones (includes Catholics) "martyrs for the faith", and I believe the Japanese term is kamikaze.

As Gwynne Dyer said (and he was by no means the first to say it) the training of a soldier is dedicated to producing someone who will die willingly. If your army is rich in materiel and especially in delivery systems, you conserve the expensively trained soldier and use a rocket perhaps.

But when you have nothing left, or nothing to start with, a person is the most basic and at the same time the most sophisticated delivery system you can have. All armies have ordered their troops into suicide missions. Dieppe comes to mind, or thirteen year old Hitler Youth ordered against Red Army tanks in the suburbs of Berlin, and the cyanide capsule for the lone agent's positively a cliché.

There's really nothing novel about suicide bombers today, except perhaps the numbers of them the media deliver. That speaks more to the bombers' sense that this world has nothing for them than of anything else, certainly not of any particular religion. We should really ponder what it says about the bloodthirsty encouragement we give the reporters to "show us everything. Now!" But were I the third or fourth generation born stateless and hopeless into the wasteland of a typical refugee, agnostic though I am, …

Say did you hear the one about the agnostic dyslexic insomniac who stayed up all night, wondering if there was a dog?
Aug 1, 2002
oldjones said:
It's fine that you despise the crimes against women and others that you enumerate, but not so fine that you mistakenly attribute them to the religion—which you, and we, need to learn more about: Mohammed owed much to women and admitted it, for example—and not to the same human failings all peoples and all faiths can find bitter examples of in our past.
I do agree with you that we all need to know more about Islam to better understand how they are. I just find that no other religion treats women as badly as they do. I also find that not all muslims are bad, just most of them and I am mainly referring to the fanatics.

Mohammed definitely did owe women. I've read that Mohammed was married to 11 women and he was a polygamist and I heard one of his wives was only 6 years old.

I plan on reading that book The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie who was born a muslim. In this book he condems Islam and had a death sentence put on his head because of it.




CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
VincenzoTurismo said:
…edit…that book The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie who was born a muslim. In this book he condems Islam and had a death sentence put on his head because of it.


Sorta makes ya think of the death sentence the Catholic Church passed on Galileo, for saying the Earth goes 'round the Sun, doesn't it?

The problems not the belief, it's the believers.
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