WorldWillDiscoverHRC&ObamaAtCenterOfSyrianConflict ProfitTheClintonfoundation


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Hector Morenco ‏@hectormorenco
⚡ “The Qatar - Turkey Pipeline Story”

Quatar & Saudis donated to the Clinton foundation while HRC was Sec. State. In exchange for the donations, the CIA was sent to Syria (2011).

CIA was behind a staged Arab spring uprising to attempt to topple Assad, because he was blocking the Quatar/Turkey pipeline plan.

ISIS formed by accident, and spiraled out of control but also provided cover for the Obama/HRC agenda of laudering bribes for the pipeline.

Emails on HRC's private server confirm these tragic events, and Obama & HRC thought they could pardon each other after the election.

Little did Obama/HRC realize that an auto-sync feature between Huma & Weiner inadvertently saved the deleted emails on Weiner's machine.

Trump in many ways is a sideshow to the brazen criminality & size & scope of the Obama admin & Clinton's corruption enterprise.

Russia also cut a deal with Assad to allow an alternative Iran pipeline to go through Syria in exchange for favorable OPEC votes & cash.

The cash payments from Iran were actually wealth transfers from Obama>>Iran>>Russia. Obama got pissed that the Iranian money went to Russia.

The Democrats were so irritated for being played by the Iranians and Russians that they now want to reignite the cold war against Russia.

These bombshells will be confirmed by Wikileaks/Dikileaks soon, but maybe not before the election. The volume of hacked material is massive.

If HRC wins then Obama & the Clinton's will pull off the largest heist in the history of the world. That's how important this election is.

This high level heist leaving millions dead is also why HRC wants to assasinate Assange & why Obama sent Kerry to Ecuador. Now its too late.

The larger story is how many insiders fighting for insiders there are. All of the MSM is getting a piece of the action from Obama/HRC.

When Trump talks about "Draining the Swamp" he is right, & has risked his life going against the entire world's corrupt power structure.

AMBO Stevens was was working on exposing the Free Syrian Army plot info when HRC planned a purposeful attack on his embassy killing him.

The FSA, was orchastrated by the CIA at the request of Obama and HRC at the request of Qatar in exchange for Clinton foundation donations.

The "FSA" Free Syrian Army was composed of (7) CIA operatives. This group was responsible for the 07/31/11 massacre of 95 people in Hama.

Soon the world will discover HRC & Obama are at the center of the Syrian conflict, profited from the Clinton foundation, & ignored ISIS.
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Hector Morenco tweeted

Please promote this message. I'm working to release source but running out of time. Already spent 300+ hours & won't finish before election.

When Trump talks about "Draining the Swamp" he is right, & has risked his life going against the entire world's corrupt power structure.

The larger story is how many insiders fighting for insiders there are. All of the MSM is getting a piece of the action from Obama/HRC.

This high level heist leaving millions dead is also why HRC wants to assasinate Assange & why Obama sent Kerry to Ecuador. Now its too late.

If HRC wins then Obama & the Clinton's will pull off the largest heist in the history of the world. That's how important this election is.

The Democrats were so irritated for being played by the Iranians and Russians that they now want to reignite the cold war against Russia.

The cash payments from Iran were actually wealth transfers from Obama>>Iran>>Russia. Obama got pissed that the Iranian money went to Russia.

Russia also cut a deal with Assad to allow an alternative Iran pipeline to go through Syria in exchange for favorable OPEC votes & cash.

Trump in many ways is a sideshow to the brazen criminality & size & scope of the Obama admin & Clinton's corruption enterprise.

Little did Obama/HRC realize that an auto-sync feature between Huma & Weiner inadvertently saved the deleted emails on Weiner's machine.

Emails on HRC's private server confirm these tragic events, and Obama & HRC thought they could pardon eachother after the election.

ISIS formed by accident, and spiraled out of control but also provided cover for the Obama/HRC agenda of laudering bribes for the pipeline.

CIA was behind a staged Arab spring uprising to attempt to topple Assad, because he was blocking the Quatar/Turkey pipeline plan.

Quatar & Saudis donated to the Clinton foundation while HRC was Sec. State. In exchange for the donations, the CIA was sent to Syria (2011).

Soon the world will discover HRC & Obama are at the center of the Syrian conflict, profited from the Clinton foundation, & ignored ISIS.
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Hector Morenco retweeted
Jack Posobiec ����
Oct 29
Jack Posobiec ���� ‏@JackPosobiec
Multiple sources: FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for months. Subpoenas coming

Hector Morenco retweeted

I'm watching Hillary's rally and she is just talking about Trump. This whole is election is basically a choice between Trump and 'Not Trump'

Hector Morenco retweeted
Oct 28
zerohedge ‏@zerohedge
Meanwhile in the Kremlin
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Hector Morenco retweeted
Dr. Ben Carson
Oct 28
Dr. Ben Carson ‏@RealBenCarson
It is apparent that @HillaryClinton is unfit to be president. The @FBI should tell the American people what they have. We deserve to know.

Hector Morenco retweeted
Fox News
Oct 28
Fox News ‏@FoxNews
.@realDonaldTrump: "This is the biggest political scandal since Watergate."


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Aug 30, 2009
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