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Windsor 5-0 Buzzes Pelissier MP...Live Coverage

Dec 11, 2004
Too funny...not a half hour ago I was driving down Pelissier doing some reconnoitering of the massage parlours along there when, low 'n behold a squad car and cop SUV pull pass me and stop say 100 yards down the road, block off the street and proceed to go into an MP (which one exactly I do not know, but it was around a couple of blocks south of University)...I am sure this is nothing too unusual, but funny (and mildly disconcerting) to see happen first of the cops waved me down a side street and I circled back say 15 minutes later...two little hotties were outside chatting with a of the chicks had bleached blonde hair, seemingly very young and was most definitely quite fuckable.

Baron Von Munch reporting, CBC Newz, Windsor
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