well the PBO is entitled to his opinions as is everybody else.
He being the expert hired for that express purpose, his opinion carries a little bit more weight than most. However I agree, even the biggest fool is entitled to an opinion, Flaherty being no exception to that rule.
The other thing is he has absolutly no idea of what cuts the budget will bring, granted the govt has said that there will be no major program cuts but they never said just what a major program was.
From what you just wrote, I would conclude that the government is either incompetent, or lying. Given Flaherty's track record, I'll be charitable and go with incompetent. My grandmother always told me never to attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity.
When the economy does recover and it will eventually recover the additional tax increases from existing tax programs should be enough to cover the deficiet.
Again, the PBO has directly contradicted that claim in his report. That is Flaherty's claim, and the PBO is saying that Flaherty is wrong.
Specifically one of the following two actions will have to be undertaken to restore fiscal balance:
1. Raise taxes, by a lot
2. Cut spending, by a lot
Flaherty's claim that minor adjustments in spending and an economic recovery will smooth everything out are just plain wrong, just as he was plain wrong when he was Ontario's finance minister, just as he fumbled the income trust file, just as he bumbled his original response to the economic crisis.
I have no idea why Stephen Harper keeps Flaherty in that job--maybe he's one of those leaders, like China's Mao, or Russia's Stalin, who feels more secure in his job by surrounding himself with fools and incompetents. That way there are no credible contenders for his job.