Ashley Madison

Why We Went to Iran


New member
Jan 26, 2007
Why We Went to Iran
The recent trip of Neturei Karta leaders to Iran has evoked much in the way of hysterical comment in some quarters.

The vicious nature of this reaction has puzzled us for some time. Why should an attempt to create goodwill between the Jewish people and the Iranian government in particular, or the Islamic world in general, be viewed as negative effort? If misunderstandings existed in the past, why should we not try to alleviate them in the present?

If our efforts have relieved antagonism, shouldn't this be seen as a positive thing for the Jewish people and all men?

If we are indeed concerned about the future of our relations with the Islamic world, then shouldn't all efforts be made to assure that those relations be pleasant?

For those who took time to bypass the media blizzard of disinformation, several things about our trip should have been clear. Our position as stated throughout the conference was explicit and free of any ambiguity. We affirmed the reality of the mass murder of Jews during the Second World War. And we were not the only speakers there who did so. But (also of enormous significance) we told those assembled that the reality of the Holocaust should not be used as a pretext to strip the Palestinian people, either as individuals or collectively, of their property and land.

It is our Torah based obligation to constantly declare before all humanity that the deeds done to the Palestinian people throughout the last century and continuing to this day are unconscionable. Our experience has shown that the fulfillment of this obligation yields only positive results.

Further, it is our assumption that the approach of Zionism has not lessened the Jewish-Gentile antagonism but has exacerbated it. The trail of suffering created by this movement stretches back over the decades and continues to the present.

These tragedies should come as no surprise to anyone since the Torah expressly forbids the desire or the implementation of any Jewish sovereignty over the Holy Land.

We ask that the interested reader take the time to read the texts of the actual talks given in Tehran.

Our beliefs were confirmed when the Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, at our meeting with him after the December Conference, condemned anti-Semitism in no uncertain terms.

He stated (and his words were carried by the Iranian news agency IRNAJ) that "vigilant and just human beings will not blame the Jews for the crimes committed by the fake Zionist regime and its supporters in the occupied territories, including genocide of defenseless and oppressed women and children."

And, in contrast to the stereotype perpetrated by the would-be mind controllers of the media, the President's solution to the conflict in the Holy Land was to suggest that "a free referendum to establish a government based on the will of the Palestinian nation in which all Palestinians, including Jews, Christians and Muslims will be given the chance to vote."

Obviously two paths lie before the Jewish people. There is the path of Zionism that summons Jews to a state of perpetual war in order to "protect" Jewry and there is the path of the Torah which calls upon us to seek peace and dialogue with all men.To us the choice is elementary.


Feb 1, 2006

That was one remarkably consistent moronic piece. That takes effort, and I'll always applaud effort.

When Iran will allow one of its Jews to be President, I'll be sure to listen more closely to advice from Ahmadenijad.

Lastly, I'd recommend a few courses on logic and reasoning.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
persis said:
the Torah expressly forbids the desire or the implementation of any Jewish sovereignty over the Holy Land.
I tell you those blasted translators, all these years of reading the Old Testament to find out that those verses weren’t really there*. :rolleyes: This sounds like a revisit from whomever it was that used to stubbornly insist in his posts that there was no archaeological or historical support for the Bible.

* The quote says nothing to indicate they are speaking of the present day as compared with the past.


New member
Jan 26, 2007
Zionism is the transformation from Judaism, a G-dliness and spirituality, into a G-dlessness, materialism with nationalistic aspirations. Theodor Herzl and his cohorts, the fathers of this relatively new ideology of Zionism (approximately 100 years), have taken the Almighty out of the equation.

The ultimate establishment of the Zionist State, the fulfilment of the Zionist ideology, takes this blasphemy a step further. The Jewish people were sent into exile by Divine decree. They where then expressly commanded by the Almighty, not to attempt to leave their exilic existence through any human intervention. They were expressly forbidden to create their own state, such as the Zionist state of "Israel". (Talmud, Tractate Kesuboth, p.111).

The Jewish people are forbidden to oppress another people. The creation of the State of "Israel" came about through, the theft from, subjugation and oppression of, the Palestinian people.

Torah Jewry, therefore, condemns the horrifying suffering inflicted upon both the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Because of all of the above, all attempts to achieve peace and stability for "Israel" are destined to fail. The Creator cannot be defied with impunity.

The Rabbis stated, that the State of "Israel" will result in unending pain, suffering and bloodshed. May the Almighty protect His creations.

The State of "Israel" does not speak in the name of Jews, they have stolen the name "Israel" from the Jewish people. Jews are commanded to be loyal citizens in every country in which they reside.

Zionism and the State of "Israel", is the main cause of the exacerbation of anti Semitism universally.

The government of the illegitimate State of "Israel", continually attempts to uproot the Torah and its statutes. They persistently oppress the Torah true Jews who reside in its borders.

We pray that all misery in the Holy Land and Lebanon, shall come to an end and that Zionism, the root of the suffering, continue to fade from Jewish consciousness, to be replaced by the faith of Torah. We shall all witness soon the peaceful dismantlement of the Zionist State "Israel". May we merit seeing the day when all humanity will serve the Almighty in harmony and peace. Amen


Feb 1, 2006
you see persis,

I'm sure you're right that Jews shouldn't persecute other people. But I don't recall anything in Judaism which says Jews shouldn't try to stop future attempts at exterminating them. Funny how you neglect this.

And forgive me if I'm wrong, but there is something in the bible that tells them where that should be, no?

Now, what were you saying again?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


New member
Jan 26, 2007
Ahmadinejad Meeting With Anti-Zionist Jews :confused:

for the Lord Mercy be upon all who believed. I really felt so relieve watching this video. All this days i have seen only violence but for once and by God, im really touched by this bond of muslims and jews. Their hug resemble a universal love. May the Almighty Lord God bless this unity between us forever. Ameen. Ya allahu rabbal al' ameen. Thanks for uploading.
Ahmadinejad on claims of wanting to destroy Israel

Ahmadinejad DID !!! threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."

Everybody should just chill out and smoke a joint. For real, someone should just dump a crapload of ecstasy in the Israeli water supply so everyone can just love one another. Peace in the Middle East!
Rumour of the century (wiping Israel off the map)

do a google search with quotations of "wiped off the map" the first result is from Al-Jazeera English. the story has recently been removed, but you can still see it if you click on the cache link. i think al jazeera probably had people qualified to make that translation....

I emailed the Editor in chief and he said, al Jazeera didn't translate it. Thanks.....

Many organisations use agencies when they have no-one present at this or that event. It makes sense. They don't want to miss out. But you say they need to run a correction - AJ have covered the story and angles better than most. They have reported the Iranian foreign minister for example clarifying the remarks. You don't get that from the BBC or Fox.
Galloway Crackers (wiping Israel off the map)
Last edited:


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
How droll!

Aardvark154 said:
...used to stubbornly insist in his posts that there was no archaeological or historical support for the Bible.
You think there is such support!? And what might that be, pray tell?



New member
Mar 28, 2004
I thought we went to Iran to finish off what those 300 Greek guys failed to do. Death to Xerxes.
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