Toronto Escorts

Why parts of Museum Station are caged off


Jan 31, 2005
I always used to wonder why part of the platform at museum station is caged off behind bars. Now we know.

Turns out to be the same reason why parts of Queen's Park and St Patrick station are walled off, which I didn't know because the walled off parts just look like.. walls.

But all three used to have crossover sections where you could walk between the North and South platforms. Now walled off at St. Patrick and Queens Park.

The reason is because they used to be isolated places where someone could hide without being seen by others further down the platform. In those days there were no cameras on the platform.

In 1975 a 16 year old girl named Mariam Peters was stabbed to death in St. Patrick station by someone who was never caught, even though others were on the platform at the time.

The TTC walled off the area after the murder, and also walled off similar areas in other stations, but installed the cage in museum station instead of walls because of a ventilation shaft.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Disturbing they never caught the murderer
May 8, 2010
Too bad there was no way to remedy the safety issues without completely walking off the platforms. I'm sure there must be a way but perhaps the cost of doing so would be prohibitive?
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts