So how about every pissed off group showing up and protest at the G20? Where are all the Tamils, they did a great job with closing down the gardner, last year. How about all the bicyclers, get them out to slow down traffic, and get grid lock. Where are all the gay and lesbians. They should be parading front and center in there chains and chaps. If every protest group, every lobbist, enviromentalist, feminist, homosexual, stepped on abused, or mildely annoyed person, was to decided to stake out a piece of the down town core, they whole city would come to a grinding halt. What about our trash collectors? TTC. and other unions? shouldnt they also get envolved... Come on everybody, grab a lawn chair, a case of beer and park your selfs in a intersection. Stop traffic and show the G20, that we can not be pushed around.