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Why is the US so mired in the ways of the past...?

I'm working from home today and so I'm spending too much time with TERB and CNN...

I can't help but think that the entire US government is simply "stuck". Forget gun control and budget deadlocks for a minute, but even ridiculous "no brainers" seem mired in ridiculous bickering...

The United States Postal Service, which looses about a zillion dollars a year, has decide to back off on their plan to eliminate Saturday mail delivery. Now really, who the f*ck cares if they get mail on Saturday??? Businesses are mostly closed and the only thing most people get in the mail now anyway is direct mail advertising, and I'm pretty sure your average schmo could wait until Monday to get that. I live in the boonies and check my mailbox about once every two weeks...

And then the gun control thing! Don't they realize that the rest of the civilized world just thinks they're morons? Who really needs a friggin' assault rifle? Who really thinks it's a good idea to sell those online? Without some sort of background check??? I get the whole Second Amendment thing... Oh wait, that's 200+ years ago, when I suppose it made sense. Maybe they need to update that pesky Constitution a bit. Or rename it the Constipation because it sure seems to plug things up.

Maybe the two are related. Maybe Gomer just can't wait to get his new carbine he just ordered, so he needs Saturday mail.

WTF happened to this once great nation???


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Political power, overspending, bad management, self importance...take your pick. This once great nation is in serious shit.


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
Money in politics !!!!! Every politician must get private funding for his or her next election. And it comes from corporations mostly. It's not a democracy it's a corporatocracy. They run the show. Guns r big money. Health care is big money. Casino banking is big money. It's all one big game now. The more confused and stupid the populace is, the more the corporations get to run away with all the power and money so it's in the big boys interest to keep things log jammed and confuse the public. Mind u the public is pretty confused cause they watch mindless television all day and night. Who wants to worry about guns, no healthcare and insanely expensive university when there's really important things to worry about like American idle, dancing with the stars or the next football game.
The public is kept docile and apathetic or confused on purpose so the power players can make their millions while the middle class looses their shirt

The same scam is coming to Canada if we don't open our eyes and get better educated and involved.


Aug 12, 2008
There have been many years where the US Post Office has run at a profit. Of course, they aren't allowed to keep it and the politicians find ways to it. In years where they run at a loss, the post office gets criticized as if they've never put a dime into the budget.

As for guns...the founding fathers knew that there might be times when small groups or individuals would try to take over power and warp the system to allow them to become tyrants. They wanted the populace to be armed so that it could defend itself. Look back through history...first move by tyrannical leaders is to disarm the populace. Look at North Korea and Cuba and countries in Africa and South many people starving and living in horrible conditions...some might ask why the people don't change things if they don't like it...its because the government is the only group with guns...the populace has no chance to stand up for itself.

As for criticizing the US...say what you like but I think your lives would be very different if the US did work the way it did and does. In the short time that the US has been around it has become a super power. Who is always there first when there is a catastrophe, offering aide without asking for anything in return. Where does the world turn when it's in trouble...France? Russia? China? We are expected to be there when needed then disrespected the moment the crisis is over. Sometimes I wish we wouldn't get involved. Let the rest of the world fend for itself and see how long it lasts. The US is so bad?..well tough shit...we're here to stay.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
I'm working from home today and so I'm spending too much time with TERB and CNN...

I can't help but think that the entire US government is simply "stuck". Forget gun control and budget deadlocks for a minute, but even ridiculous "no brainers" seem mired in ridiculous bickering...

The United States Postal Service, which looses about a zillion dollars a year, has decide to back off on their plan to eliminate Saturday mail delivery. Now really, who the f*ck cares if they get mail on Saturday??? Businesses are mostly closed and the only thing most people get in the mail now anyway is direct mail advertising, and I'm pretty sure your average schmo could wait until Monday to get that. I live in the boonies and check my mailbox about once every two weeks...

And then the gun control thing! Don't they realize that the rest of the civilized world just thinks they're morons? Who really needs a friggin' assault rifle? Who really thinks it's a good idea to sell those online? Without some sort of background check??? I get the whole Second Amendment thing... Oh wait, that's 200+ years ago, when I suppose it made sense. Maybe they need to update that pesky Constitution a bit. Or rename it the Constipation because it sure seems to plug things up.

Maybe the two are related. Maybe Gomer just can't wait to get his new carbine he just ordered, so he needs Saturday mail.

WTF happened to this once great nation???
I guess you're too young to remember that we in Canada used to have Saturday mail delivery also!!! There was a big stink here when they eliminated that. Also I don't think most Americans care what the rest of the world thinks of them. They're too absorbed about their own country.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Why is the U.S still living in the past you ask?...................why do people still pay $500.00 and up to see the Rolling Stones?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I don't think most Americans care what the rest of the world thinks of them. They're too absorbed about their own country.
Why is this particularly bad Petzel, do most Canadian's run around saying oh goodness what will they think about us in Germany or Japan if we change a certain postal or banking regulation?


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Why is this particularly bad Petzel, do most Canadian's run around saying oh goodness what will they think about us in Germany or Japan if we change a certain postal or banking regulation?
I didn't say it was bad. I said that I don't think they care what the rest of the world thinks of them. I didn't make a judgment about them feeling that way.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
I'm working from home today and so I'm spending too much time with TERB and CNN...

I can't help but think that the entire US government is simply "stuck". Forget gun control and budget deadlocks for a minute, but even ridiculous "no brainers" seem mired in ridiculous bickering...

The United States Postal Service, which looses about a zillion dollars a year, has decide to back off on their plan to eliminate Saturday mail delivery. Now really, who the f*ck cares if they get mail on Saturday??? Businesses are mostly closed and the only thing most people get in the mail now anyway is direct mail advertising, and I'm pretty sure your average schmo could wait until Monday to get that. I live in the boonies and check my mailbox about once every two weeks...

And then the gun control thing! Don't they realize that the rest of the civilized world just thinks they're morons? Who really needs a friggin' assault rifle? Who really thinks it's a good idea to sell those online? Without some sort of background check??? I get the whole Second Amendment thing... Oh wait, that's 200+ years ago, when I suppose it made sense. Maybe they need to update that pesky Constitution a bit. Or rename it the Constipation because it sure seems to plug things up.

Maybe the two are related. Maybe Gomer just can't wait to get his new carbine he just ordered, so he needs Saturday mail.

WTF happened to this once great nation???
It is now a rotting, decaying empire in its death spasms.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Zoobot: self-absorbed, not caring what the rest of the world thinks about a domestic matter, and being unwilling to learn from others are three entirely separate concepts.

Also many countries with "better" qualities of life are also far, far more homogeneous.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Don't forget the good old imperial system which they are one of only 3 countries in the world to still officlailly use along with Liberia and Myanmar. I hate it when I'm dealing with American clients and I have to convert everything to feckin pounds/ounces/fahrenheit etc. just so they can understand.
Canada still uses pounds and inches when is comes to physical measurements, Great Britain still uses Stones and pounds.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Canada still uses pounds and inches when is comes to physical measurements, Great Britain still uses Stones and pounds.
i am not trying this as an attack, please keep that in mind and i am not wanting to be disrespectful either. i spend a lot of my time down here and enjoy it for how inexpensive it is and it has some incredible sites. the country as it is isn't working, the gov't, the economy and the ego/attitude. their needs to be some changes made to bring your country back to it's former greatness, it is falling apart from the inside out.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Simon I don't believe either Canada or the U.S.A. are perfect, but given all the alternatives. . . .


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Simon I don't believe either Canada or the U.S.A. are perfect, but given all the alternatives. . . .
not even close to perfect and i agree about the alternatives. i wouldn't want to live anywhere but north america. it's just you guys have fallen from where you were and are continuing to fall, i hope you can figure out how to turn it around and bring yourselves back up to the place you were not even 15 years ago.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Despite its problems the US is still better off than Europe or Japan....for now. Unfortunately under Obama they want to follow the path of Europe which is imploding due to years of excessive spending and taxation. The best thing is to hope for is that 2014 keeps status quo (Republican control of HoR) and gridlock continues until the Obama 2nd term expires.
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