Why do guys...


Aug 10, 2002
I have always wondered why guys often have girlfriends/SOs/wives that are well.. ugly..

I mean there are some gals [about 60% for me] that look so bad that I could not have sex with them with my eyes open... and yes I have been there.... but I never made them my GFs/SOs/wife.

Why do many guys accept such gals as fate accompli.. and how can they live with them.. considering they have to see her face and body type many times every single day.. ahhhh...

Some of you might say... well do you look good enough?? frankly I don't care.. stopped caring about it a long time ago [does not matter for guys in my situation]. money beats looks... for guys.. esp. if you have enough..

Some of you might say.. maybe the gals do not like you.. are just faking it etc... again as long as I am getting off.. I don't care...

I am expecting flames.. but then again... look at my handle
In order to know ugly-ness, you first need to know what is beautiful.

In order to know what is beautiful, you first need to know what is ugly ...

There is beauty in ugly-ness and thre is ugly-ness in beauty.

We all know we are going to get old someday and our bodies will not be as "beautiful" as it was when we were younger ... so why be so obsessed about physical beauty when it will not last forever? Why not pursue something that does not "deteriorate" such as character?


New member
Jun 3, 2002
Or maybe the women he is with.........is beautiful to HIM!!!!!!!!!

Beauty for one comes in many forms, not just looks.

True you may see women and think you could never imagine waking up let alone everyday for the rest of your life with her, but that is your PERCEPTION. To this person she may be the most BEAUTIFUL women in the whole world.

Maybe the women you have been with are repulsive to someone that walks pass you.

And ultimately it is your choice who you are with, married to or waking up next to.
So why do you concern yourself with what other people's opinions of what beauty is???

However JMO


Lady Sarah

New member
Jun 10, 2003
lucifer said:
I have always wondered why guys often have girlfriends/SOs/wives that are well.. ugly..

I mean there are some gals [about 60% for me] that look so bad that I could not have sex with them with my eyes open... and yes I have been there.... but I never made them my GFs/SOs/wife.

Why do many guys accept such gals as fate accompli.. and how can they live with them.. considering they have to see her face and body type many times every single day.. ahhhh...

Some of you might say... well do you look good enough?? frankly I don't care.. stopped caring about it a long time ago [does not matter for guys in my situation]. money beats looks... for guys.. esp. if you have enough..

Some of you might say.. maybe the gals do not like you.. are just faking it etc... again as long as I am getting off.. I don't care...

Yeah. By your handle I can only assume you have read one too many Anne Rice novels with the business end of a Lacrosse stick up your ass, front row tickets to King Crimson and wearing an Alan Parsons Project tee-shirt without a hint of irony.
With your attitude, you belong in the bleachers. Lucifer? Heh. Lemme TELL you about this dude, and no, I've never met him.
This guy's overweight, smells vaguely of feet EVERYWHERE and is a shut in MESS, Terbites. Wanna know how I know?
Because any cocksure smartass like Romeo here who waves his hand and dismisses TAKING CARE OF HIMSELF as "...something he stopped caring about a long TIME ago..." was busy letting himself go as the ladies who were around when he was a handsome buck gravitated AWAY from him because they saw he wasn't taking care of himself, and couldn't convince him NOT to.

They tend to just lay there, getting fat and gassy and acting they're entitled.
Lucifer, Spawn of the Undead, Dateless wonderStink, whatever you're going by today? Comic Book Store Guy?
That was the WORST POST EVER. Not because I am offended as a woman (holy shit...I am no ballbusting feminist, y'all...I take my clothes off for money I am a prostitute with boundaries, no more, no less), but because the occasional ponce like you just pisses me off.
(taking a breath)
Or you could have been drunk. Either way you sound like a schmuck. If you HAD me, you wouldn't know what to do with me. That's why the cool ones ALWAYS will leave you and you'll be paying for sex.
Let the floodgates open. So if I'm off a little? Whatever. Maybe he's scrawny, instead of physically resembling cheese curds in a Macaw shirt. Six of one....


Aug 10, 2002

Hmm.. hehe

>>Yeah. By your handle I can only assume you have read one too many Anne Rice novels with the business end of a Lacrosse stick up your ass, front row tickets to King Crimson and wearing an Alan Parsons Project tee-shirt without a hint of irony.
With your attitude, you belong in the bleachers. Lucifer? Heh. Lemme TELL you about this dude, and no, I've never met him.
This guy's overweight, smells vaguely of feet EVERYWHERE and is a shut in MESS, Terbites. Wanna know how I know?

Sorry...bzzz.. wrong... on all counts... in fact I have a BMI/ WHR [check what that means.. in case you don't know] better [healthier] than most guys..

>> Because any cocksure smartass like Romeo here who waves his hand and dismisses TAKING CARE OF HIMSELF as "...something he stopped caring about a long TIME ago..." was busy letting himself go as the ladies who were around when he was a handsome buck gravitated AWAY from him because they saw he wasn't taking care of himself, and couldn't convince him NOT to.

Actually... no.. I take care more care of myself than say 5yrs ago... like the insinuation though.. but frankly have you looked at the faces of most gals past 32.. even the ones with good figures...


Well I am not so sure... do some people watching.

>>They tend to just lay there, getting fat and gassy and acting they're entitled.

And guess what.. if they have money they can get it.. I mean come on is there really any difference between a trophy wife/GF as compared to a SP.. in fact a SP is actually cheaper/more honest/much less of a hassle and much more easy to replace with a newer/better version.

>> Lucifer, Spawn of the Undead, Dateless wonderStink, whatever you're going by today? Comic Book Store Guy?

Hey.. I love the simpsons, futurama, dilbert... see a pattern there

>> That was the WORST POST EVER. Not because I am offended as a woman (holy shit...I am no ballbusting feminist,

Ballbusting works only on guys who feel that they are wrong [even in a small corner of their mind].. therefore I don't care.. get it

>> y'all...I take my clothes off for money I am a prostitute with boundaries, no more, no less), but because the occasional ponce like you just pisses me off. (taking a breath)

Ahh.. kinda like the guests on Jerry Springer.. I have to say that show is truly entertaining.

>> Or you could have been drunk. Either way you sound like a schmuck. If you HAD me, you wouldn't know what to do with me. That's why the cool ones ALWAYS will leave you and you'll be paying for sex.

First of all.. most men always pay for sex [exceptions may include rock stars, sport stars, really rich guys, a very few good-looking guys who are not stupid and can manipulate women's greed and lust for money/power to get laid].

Do you really think that relationships/divorces/kids/affairs/dating does not cost any money.

>>Let the floodgates open. So if I'm off a little? Whatever. Maybe he's scrawny, instead of physically resembling cheese curds in a Macaw shirt.

You see I have been in situations without much money [when in uni] and with quite a good disposable income [now].. I also know the vast difference in dating opps. that race can create in canada [inspite of denials].

I have heard much worse even when I approached people in a much more friendlier way.. do you think I care anymore now??? Of course I find all this entertaining.... *S*


Kidding myself
Feb 10, 2003
lucifer said:
I have always wondered why guys often have girlfriends/SOs/wives that are well.. ugly..
Back to the original thread - which maybe had some merit...
I hope you have also wondered why some beautiful women marry/live with/keep company with guys you KNOW are losers and/or way uglier 'n you ?
No, it isn't (always) money.

IMO it's chemical.
Not "chemistry" - like we get along - but chemical in the pheromone sense where your limbic system tells you this person is the "one" for you.
So watchit. Avoid places where ugly singles congregate. :)


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
lucifer said:
I have always wondered WHY guys often have girlfriends/SOs/wives that are well.. ugly..
Lucifer...........I bet if you ask your father why he married your mother.....you will find out the answer to your asinine question. LOL


lucifer said:
I have always wondered why guys often have girlfriends/SOs/wives that are well.. ugly..

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Yah Why do girls???

notdedyet said:
Back to the original thread - which maybe had some merit...
I hope you have also wondered why some beautiful women marry/live with/keep company with guys you KNOW are losers and/or way uglier 'n you ?
No, it isn't (always) money.
I am sure I am not alone here with this one... yah why is it that girls are often in the company of, dating, living with and even marry ugly looking jerks.

In most cases it boils down to low self-esteem I think. Why else would a lady keep in a relationship where she is being mistreated, sometimes even abused and the guy not only perpetrates this behavior on her but he is ugly to boot. I have not only seen or observed this, I have also met and even dated more then a few. What really hurts is these girls will go from one (if they get out at all) to another to another the same. When between these harsh relationships they meet Mr. Nice Guy (me) the relationship will not last very long. They are soon bored or just plain tired of Mr. Nice Guy and leave for the more exciting and for them more familiar abusive relationship.

I have learned my lesson in this the hard way too many times. So that is why now when ever I meet someone new and I hear of past abusive relationships… I don’t walk… I RUN away.

The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
There is no shortage of examples of the more fortunate ones who have supposed "beautiful people" as their partners and yet they are extremely unhappy or don't get what they need (Kobe). A beautiful partner does not guarantee your ability to co-exist in a relationship that provides both parties with the fulfillment they require. But...what ever you "believe" will make you happy Lucifer.

BTW lady Sarah - Be careful with your lacrosse stick...crap is tough to get out of the mesh, and that particular activity should be saved for special occasions.

Lady Sarah

New member
Jun 10, 2003
HAHAHA!!! In the movie Man Bites Dog (a French film that's hard to watch)...a serial killer's good friend gets murdered as commeuppance, and they shove her flute up her ass.
He turns to the camera and asks, "Do you think shit is good for scales?"


Mostly quiet now ...
Jul 24, 2003
Lucifer .. Lucifer ...

Ever heard the term "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" ?!!

At the end of the day when all the beauty and looks fade ... you want a soulmate. Beauty within never fades.

I don't understand it either but hey ... to each his own!


New member
Feb 12, 2003
Everyone has different tastes so what's the problem. Some guys blow off a great lady who will stand by them because she is relatively plain. Other put up with all sorts of shit from a woman because she is a looker.

To bottom line is some guys are dumb, about an inch deep and get what they deserve.



New member
Jul 12, 2003
Here are a few reasons, not in any order, that I can think of for a guy to hook up with an ugly [consensus opinion] woman:

1) Her family has money. He doesn't. A possibility of a fast tracked career in the father-in-law's company.

2) She reminds him of his mother. Maybe he needs a mother figure more than a wife.

3) They share some nonsexual passion, (politics, birdwatching, French film, etc).

4) She has a great personality, [you turned down the blind date with her. Someone else didn't].

5) She's low maintenence.

6) She pays his bills.

7) She wasn't ugly when they met.

8) She's more attractive than his right hand.

9) His friends' wives are ugly, too, so there isn't the social stigma.

10) He feels he can get away with just about anything, because if she threatens to leave, there are plenty of other ugly girls out there that he could be with instead.

11) She's smart, he's not. Somebody has to runs things.

12) She does DFK, BLS, BBBJTC, DT, etc, and she doesn't look half bad with the lights off.
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