Why curling is better than sex


Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
Top 10 reasons curling is better than sex:

10. In curling, you don't have to fake it when you're having a good time.

9. In curling, when it gets out of hand, you can quit.

8. It's OK to curl on national TV in front of millions of people.

7. In curling, you can score up to 10 times in one night.

6. A really good curling game lasts two and a half hours.

5. In curling, size, looks, and age are all irrelevant.

4. In curling, you don't regret a mistake nine months later.

3. In curling, you're expected to yell, "hurry, hurry, hard all the way!"

2. In curling, there are four positions to know, but you only have to be good at one of them.

1. When you're finished curling, someone else has to clean the sheets.
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