Why cannot i just upload pic. from my laptop to my message.


Nov 14, 2005
To add message it seems must be link on live web. Cannot upload pic. to message from laptop?


Jun 6, 2009
Nothing to do with ur thread but why are you so obsessed about going bare with sps?
You're right it has nothing to do with this thread. I mean right off the bat ffs.

Now back to the regularly scheduled broadcast. Sorry CB can't help you here.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
To add message it seems must be link on live web. Cannot upload pic. to message from laptop?
No, and you never could. Find an image hosting site.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Ha ha, yes, my greatest Terb wish list item - being able to upload pics from my computer to Terb directly without having to use an image hosting site.

Just woke up at my computer from a dream in which actress Laura Vandervoort was having sex with me. Wow. About as much chance of her coming over to do me as there is of Terb allowing photo uploads from Terbities. Heck, they won't even let us store 100 messages in our inboxes that take up no space at all haha.


Still, given the choice I'd rather have Laura show up at my front door and pass on being able to upload photos to Terb (see above Laura link - since we can't upload pics to Terb)


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Because Fred would hafta buy/lease/rent servers with storage capacity for all those uploaded images, and/or reconfigure TERB to actually hold masses of pix instead of just linking to them. He doesn't want to.

As was pointed out, no probs if you become the image server for your own pics: just get a permanent web-addy (that static IP, plus your own filename coding) you can identify the pic with, so the software can magically assemble it w/ yr post when some TERBian decides to read them. That, and leave your box on and connected to the Weeb 24/7. But you don't want to do that.

Fortunately there are image hosting/serving sites whose business is accepting your uploaded images, storing them with unique URLs so they can be linked and seamlessly assembled into other pages on demand. They want to do that.

You probably can load a pic right into the text of your message, BUT it would appear as miles if incomprehensible alphanumeric gloop and would vastly exceed the character capacity of a single post. Besides, to do that you'd hafta first get that code for the pic. It doesn't exist as an image y'know, your 'puter and its software knows to make an image when it sees that code handed off to it in expected ways. The BB software is not one of those ways, that software only knows how to handle links, not those big image codes. Best you should accept that magic it is, unless you're limited by its 'inadequacies'.

What's the diff to you, between uploading to an imagehost and uploading to Fred?

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Because Fred would hafta buy/lease/rent servers with storage capacity for all those uploaded images, and/or reconfigure TERB to actually hold masses of pix instead of just linking to them. He doesn't want to.
Storage is cheap, I suspect it's the bandwidth. Bandwidth is also cheap, but it's effectivly 'metered' in most cases, and cheap still isn't free.

Fred: Here's and idea, a paid upgrade to advertisers' accounts that let's them do some limited uploads. Then make a yearly paid account for members, that oh say, triples the PM mailbox, and allows for some limited uploads. You'd have to crunch the numbers, but bandwidth doesn't cost that much, so turning a modest profit on that should be possible.
Just woke up at my computer from a dream in which actress Laura Vandervoort was having sex with me. Wow. About as much chance of her coming over to do me as there is of Terb allowing photo uploads from Terbities. Heck, they won't even let us store 100 messages in our inboxes that take up no space at all haha.
I've had that dream too! Ever since I saw her as Kara on Smallville

(BTW- This pic was loaded via hotlink from my imgur account... and properly re-sized per new TERB ruling... as the original was too big)
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