Why are people still defending Harper?


Jan 23, 2006
For those who want to know what harper did to Canada...



Harper involved in helping shield files of multimillionaires with offshore accounts from CRA. The Harper government forged a partnership with a major Canadian accounting association, formalizing it as an adviser to the Canada Revenue Agency, at the same time as the group was fighting the CRA in court to shield the files of multimillionaires who had stashed money offshore. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/har...y-group-fighting-cra-over-kpmg-case-1.3257994

Federal judge confirms conservative election fraud in 2011 vote http://o.canada.com/2013/05/23/federal-judge-confirms-election-fraud-in-2011-vote/

The courts have confirmed that the robocalls were election fraud,and that these crimes were committed using the Conservative Party of Canada’s database, CIMS. http://leadnow.ca/robocall-fraud

Fraudulent election calls traced to Edmonton firm with Tory links. http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/02/22/racknine-inc-fraudulent-election-calls-traced/

At least 14 election ridings blitzed with live calls from fake Liberals (conservatives impersonating liberals). http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/0...s-blitzed-with-live-calls-from-fake-liberals/

Investigation of Conservative ‘in-and-out’ money-laundering scheme cost taxpayers $2.3-million http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/0...ut-scandal-investigation-cost-taxpayers-2-3m/

The Conservative Party under Stephen Harper has never run a clean election campaign in any election. Stephen Harper is rewriting Canada’s Elections Act to prohibit the Chief Elections Officer from educating Canadians about voter rights. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ele...ront-to-democracy-marc-mayrand-says-1.2527635

Dean Del Mastro, Conservative ethics spokesperson and former MP sentenced to jail for elections fraud. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/dea...se-arrest-for-election-overspending-1.3126992

Senator Irving Gerstein was charged in relation to the “in-and-out” scheme, in which the Conservative Party broke election spending rules in the 2006 election.

Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau charged with breach of trust and fraud.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s former top aides Bruce Carson charged and faces three counts of prohibited lobbying and one count of influence peddling http://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/former-harper-aide-bruce-carson-charged/

Conservative Senator Mike Duffy is currently on trial on 31 charges, including fraud, bribery and breach of trust.

Conservative Senator Pamela Wallin is currently being investigated by the RCMP for fraudulent travel expenses.

Reg Bowers, official agent for former Conservative MP Peter Penashue, was charged with taking illegal contributions from corporations during the 2011 election. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfo...ection-charge-ordeal-is-tough-going-1.3106079

Conservatives rewrite Canadian law to retroactively protect police from criminal charges after police broke laws. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/bud...-to-protect-rcmp-on-gun-registry-cp-1.3072548

On the economy:

Canada loses nearly 46,000 jobs in December while US creates 74,000 jobs in December, unemployment rate up 0.3 percentage points to 7.2% http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/canada-loses-nearly-46-000-jobs-in-december-1.2491374?cmp=fbtl http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/01/10/unemployment-rate-canada_n_4574735.html

There were 1.32 million unemployed people in 2014, according to Statistics Canada data. That’s roughly 250,000 more than 2007 and about 200,000 more than 2008. http://www.unifor.org/sites/default/files/documents/document/909-harper_economic_critique_eng_0.pdf

Worst job creation since WW2 http://www.unifor.org/sites/default/files/documents/document/909-harper_economic_critique_eng_0.pdf

Ottawa to pay out $4.3-billion in compensation for lost revenue to farmers in wake of TPP deal http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/tpp-trade-deal-reached/article26648472/

As a result of Harper’s cuts to the GST, personal and corporate taxes, Ottawa now collects about $45 billion less revenue per year. http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2013/12/27/stephen_harpers_historic_taxcutting_legacy.html

Their new Conservative slogan, "Protect Our Economy", is classic dog-whistle politics, synthesizing security and the economy and subtly introducing racism into any discussion of our economic performance (We must protect ourselves from refugees and immigrants, who will bankrupt our economy and steal our jobs). https://www.facebook.com/richie.assaly/posts/10100696059678825

Harper's income splitting plan will only benefit 15% of Canadians – most of whom are wealthy – and will cost the government $2.4 billion dollars http://ottawacitizen.com/news/polit...-cent-of-households-higher-income-earners-pbo

On foreign tax evasion:

Foreign investors avoid taxes through Canadian real estate. Up to 85% of $2-million+ houses sold to foreign investors cheating income and capital gains tax, and CRA "not set up" to handle offshore laundering http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...buying-real-estate-in-canada/article26683767/

Keep in mind previous point, Canada Revenue Agency under the current Conservative Party government looking to cut auditors despite rise in tax-haven cases. The Canada Revenue Agency is planning to cut auditors at the same time it acknowledges difficulty in tracking and collecting billions of dollars in unreported income from domestic and international tax evasion. http://business.financialpost.com/p...-cut-auditors-despite-rise-in-tax-haven-cases

As Canadians dutifully file personal income tax returns during the coming weeks, consider this: many profitable companies pay little or no tax. “There’s been a proliferation of tax havens,” Howlett explains to host Michael Enright. “Now, a quarter of all direct Canadian foreign investment going abroad is going to tax haven countries. That’s about $170 billion sitting in tax havens, so it’s become a huge problem.” http://www.cbc.ca/news/corporate-tax-avoidance-scheme-hurting-canada-expert-says-1.2572712

Canada has lowest corporate tax rate in G8 and yet corporations are abusing Canada and evading taxes. Meanwhile, Conservative Party does nothing and cuts back on auditors - the people tasked with finding tax cheats. This while ordinary Canadians pay significant amount of income tax, corporations get away many times with paying almost nothing. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/canadian-business-tax-rate-among-world-s-lowest-1.1173662

On your privacy:

Environmentalists obstructing a pipeline route or a peaceful blockade of a logging road by an Indigenous community could all be seen as threats to national security and charged as terrorists. https://bccla.org/2015/03/8-things-you-need-to-know-about-bill-c-51/

C-51 Criminalizes speech acts that have no connection to acts of violence. https://bccla.org/2015/03/8-things-you-need-to-know-about-bill-c-51/

Since C-51 has passed and is now law, Canada’s no-fly list is now a secret list compiled with secret evidence, only reviewable through court proceedings that may also be secret. https://bccla.org/2015/03/8-things-you-need-to-know-about-bill-c-51/

More than 100 academics are urging the government to drastically alter C-51, the Conservatives' proposed anti-terrorism legislation, arguing it is far too broad and doesn't come with safeguards to protect Canadians' privacy rights. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ant...erous-legislation-100-academics-say-1.2975233

Conservatives shut down review of C-51 after only 3 days to ram through bill despite strong warnings from experts: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ant...erous-legislation-100-academics-say-1.2975233

Privacy commissioner is concerned the federal government is taking too narrow a reading of a recent Supreme Court of Canada decision that limited warrantless access to Canadians’ personal information. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/..._to_explain_position_on_internet_privacy.html

Bullying opponents:

More than 400 academics are demanding the Canada Revenue Agency halt its audit of a think-tank, saying the Conservative government is trying to intimidate, muzzle and silence its critics. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/aca...-moratorium-on-political-tax-audits-1.2765967

Ottawa is spending $13.4 million so its tax auditors can descend, locust-like, on charitable groups not in lockstep with Stephen Harper’s world view, searching for real or imagined evidence they’re devoting more than 10 per cent of their resources to political advocacy. http://www.metronews.ca/views/halif...13-4-million-to-attack-charitable-groups.html

International Commision of Jurists in Geneva investigate Harper after Harper's intimidation of Supreme Court http://ottawacitizen.com/news/natio...er-for-his-treatment-of-supreme-court-justice

Bird-watching group in southwestern Ontario has its charitable status under surveillance after the group raised concerns about government-approved chemicals damaging bee colonies. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/revenue-canada-targets-birdwatchers-for-political-activity-1.2799546

There is disturbing news about the Harper government's attack on charitable public interest organizations. The federal Finance Minister has allocated $8 million to monitoring the spending of environmental and human rights organizations, and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is conducting extensive audits of these groups. http://canadians.org/blog/harper-attacks-charitable-public-interest-organizations

Former Newfoundland and Labrador premier Danny Williams says some of the tactics of Conservative Leader Stephen Harper are borderline racist. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/danny-williams-stephen-harper-election-1.3256756

Canada becomes international embarrassment over "barbaric cultural practices" hotline and niqab issue. Pregnant woman in Montreal attacked and forced to remove her head scarf by gang as niqab issue heats up http://www.theguardian.com/world/20...ervatives-barbaric-cultural-practices-hotline

Attack on pregnant Muslim woman after Conservatives make niqab an issue and try to force women not to wear them. http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canad...oman/ar-AAf22O8?li=AAacUQk&ocid=mailsignoutmd

Another attack on muslim women in Toronto after Conservatives make niqab an issue. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...ile-wearing-niqab-in-toronto/article26646425/

The prime minister of Canada goes out of his way to criticize the Federal Court of Canada because it permitted a woman to take the oath of citizenship while wearing a niqab, a veil, exploiting fear and using racism http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2015/02/23/Exploiting-Fear/ http://rabble.ca/blogs/bloggers/mic...iqab-and-dog-whistle-racism-canadian-election


Jan 23, 2006
On Healthcare:

Harper is cutting the "jugular of public health care,". To date, the Harper government has refused to meet with premiers to negotiate a new accord. Instead, the federal government plans to cut $36 billion over 10 years from public health care and walk away from its responsibilities to ensure equal access to all Canadians, which could lead to mass privatization. http://canadians.org/media/harper-cutting-jugular-public-health-care-says-barlow

Budget 2014 triggers Harper’s plan to dismantle national health care. Budget indicates the government will use federal transfers in order to eliminate national standards in health care. http://www.hilltimes.com/opinion-pi...-plan-to-dismantle-national-health-care/37467

Medicare system faces serious spending cuts starting in 2017. http://ipolitics.ca/2015/01/07/how-harper-killed-medicare-and-got-away-with-it/

Stephen Harper’s hands-off stance could signal end to national health-care system. “It will mean more privatization in more provinces, or some combination of private and public. It will be a very much weakened fabric of national unity without Mr. Harper’s direct involvement" http://news.nationalpost.com/news/c...al-end-to-national-health-care-system-romanow

By closing the Health Council of Canada, Stephen Harper is abandoning national medicare http://www.thestar.com/opinion/comm...n_harper_is_abandoning_national_medicare.html

Harper government derailed the national pharmaceutical strategy contained in the 2004 Health Accord. As the Health Council pointed out, the national pharmaceutical strategy was integral to the renewal and sustainability of the entire health care system. http://www.thestar.com/opinion/comm...n_harper_is_abandoning_national_medicare.html

Canadian Medical Association Journal - Harper government has dithered on public health measures of glaringly obvious benefit, such as tobacco control and asbestos elimination; ignored and disbanded expert advisory panels on health issues; weakened the authority of the public health agency; muzzled scientists; eliminated the long form census, the best source of information on regional disparities relevant to health; and eroded research support, while increasingly tying what remains to business interests rather than health benefits. By all appearances, the federal government seems to be trying to get itself out of the health care business. It cannot. Many essential aspects of health care are a federal responsibility, and our biggest, most complex problems in the health care system cannot be solved without federal leadership. Without such leadership, Canadians will continue to suffer. http://www.cmaj.ca/content/early/2015/08/17/cmaj.150896.full.pdf

After 2017, Canada Health Transfers to be much lower than previously paid, putting real struggle on provincial health care across Canada. After 2017, minimum three percent rate is below the funding increases of the last 10 years. What this means is that the growth of transfer payments will not likely keep up with the possible continued growth in healthcare costs. In other words, provinces and territories will see funding from the federal government grow at a slower rate than previously. Increases above three percent will also be less predictable and less stable, as they will be tied to increases in GDP above three percent. The bottom line: Given population growth and inflation, federal health cash transfer growth of only three percent after 2017 essentially means a freeze in real per capita health transfers. http://umanitoba.ca/outreach/evidencenetwork/archives/26746

Two tiered citizenship now in Canada:

As a result of this new law, dual citizens and people who have immigrated to Canada can have their citizenship taken away while other Canadians cannot. Bill C-24 could easily be used against non-terrorists—for example, a journalist who is convicted of a “terrorism offence” in another country for reporting on human rights violations by the government. https://bccla.org/2015/06/its-official-second-class-citizenship-goes-into-effect/

Harper turns 863,000 Canadians into second-class citizens. "Say you were born in the United Kingdom, like me and 126,000 other Canadians, and have dual citizenship. Even if you’ve never lived and never intend to live in the U.K., you can now be deported if government thinks it has cause. In fact, the new rules say that all you have to do to merit the asterisk is have a claim to citizenship elsewhere, so anybody with a grandparent born in the U.K. likely falls into this category. Overnight, we have some Canadians discovering they suddenly have fewer rights as citizens than, say, native-born career criminals." http://www.vancouversun.com/stephen...+citizens/11410121/story.html?__lsa=a606-1c0d

I always knew I wasn’t an “old-stock” Canadian. But I was very shocked when one day I woke up and discovered that thanks to Bill C-24 I had somehow become a second-class Canadian. Old age security. All you have to do is look at the application form and you will see that for non-Canadian born citizens proof of our arrival and citizenship is not enough to qualify. Canadians born here are not asked to document every address they have ever lived at in order to get OAS. Are we assumed to be cheats? http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/10/01/how-i-became-a-second-class-canadian.html

It means that government would reward them citizenship for “good behavior” and could take it away for “bad behavior”. This is a form of “punishment,” and in fact, an unnecessary punishment, especially when there are other avenues to deal with the so-called “bad behavior”. The introduction of citizenship as merely a privilege, and not a right comes from the negative perception that immigrants are cheaters. It constructs the idea that immigrants, refugees, foreign workers, and naturalized citizens are terrorists or criminals and need to be deported to their “home countries.” http://www.sfu.ca/education/cels/bilingual/bilingual-corner/bill-c-24.html

On muzzled scientists and anti-science:

"This is more than an attack on academic freedom. It is an attempt to guarantee public ignorance." Over the last few years, the government of Canada — led by Stephen Harper — has made it harder and harder for publicly financed scientists to communicate with the public and with other scientists. It began badly enough in 2008 when scientists working for Environment Canada, the federal agency, were told to refer all queries to departmental communications officers. Now the government is doing all it can to monitor and restrict the flow of scientific information, especially concerning research into climate change, fisheries and anything to do with the Alberta tar sands — source of the diluted bitumen that would flow through the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. Journalists find themselves unable to reach government scientists; the scientists themselves have organized public protests. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/22/opinion/sunday/silencing-scientists.html?_r=0

"The Harper years have seen a subtle darkening of Canadian life," writes Stephen Marche, a Canadian who has regular columns in both Esquire and the National Post. [...] The darkness has resulted, organically, in one of the most scandal-plagued administrations in Canadian history. [...] Americans have traditionally looked to Canada as a liberal haven, with gun control, universal health care and good public education," says Marche. "But the nine and half years of Mr. Harper’s tenure have seen the slow-motion erosion of that reputation for open, responsible government. His stance has been a know-nothing conservatism, applied broadly and effectively." http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/16/opinion/sunday/the-closing-of-the-canadian-mind.html

Ms. Keen was fired as chair of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission because she had held her ground against political pressure to restart the Chalk River nuclear reactor in Ontario, a reactor that had been shut down for routine maintenance on Nov. 18 and was found to be missing important safety equipment. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/linda-keens-stand/article1324188/

In a letter published online Thursday in the journal "Science," the scientists from Simon Fraser University criticize cutbacks at eco-toxicology labs and an aquatic research facility and changes to the act itself, saying the government's rationale for making the changes is not supported by fact. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/fisheries-changes-attacked-in-prestigious-science-journal-1.1275448

Harper govt closes lab that discovered that phosphates in detergents and household products were causing lakes to turn green with algae. It led to international changes in ingredients for those products. This lab also discovered affects of acid rain among many other scientific discoveries. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/budget-cuts-claim-famed-freshwater-research-facility-1.1155136

Journalists from around the world were denied access to Canadian government scientist Kristi Miller, who had published a groundbreaking paper on the decline of salmon populations in western Canada in the journal Science. http://ourworld.unu.edu/en/scientists-denounce-climate-change-denial-censorship

Harper cancelled funding for a successful treatment program for sex offenders so as to save money. The program had reduced chances of re-offending by 83% http://globalnews.ca/news/1399260/feds-defunding-program-for-freed-high-risk-sex-offenders/

Climate change denial:

Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver is casting doubt on climate change science. "I think that people aren’t as worried as they were before about global warming of two degrees,” Oliver said in an editorial board interview with Montreal daily newspaper, La Presse. “Scientists have recently told us that our fears (on climate change) are exaggerated.” Meantime, a newly-published peer-reviewed study shows linked fossil fuels to rising temperatures in China. http://o.canada.com/news/national/b...ubt-on-climate-science-in-defence-of-oilsands

The Conservative Budget Is 500 Pages of Climate Change Denial http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/john-mckay/conservative-budget-2015_b_7154136.html

Canada’s Minister for Agriculture, Gerry Ritz commentary is bizarre, scientifically flawed and ridiculous. For someone with the political responsibility of overseeing Canada’s agricultural sector to lack a basic understanding of climate science, one of the greatest threats to food security, is beyond bad politics — it’s dangerous. http://climateactionnetwork.ca/2014/02/19/when-will-harpers-people-stop-denying-climate-change/

Conservative MP Bernier argued there is no scientific consensus on the matter and he applauded the Conservative government for taking a go-slow approach. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...cries-climate-change-alarmism/article4310491/

Sabrina Zuniga, Conservative Candidate, Says The Ground Can Absorb Oil Spills http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/10/06/sabrina-zuniga-oil-spill_n_8253960.html

On Military:

Harper has cut $1.1 billion from Veterans Affairs, despite 40,000 veterans returning home from Afghanistan. The majority of the savings come from veterans’ death and disability compensation. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...erans-affairs-documents-show/article21665655/

After misleading Canadians to believe F-35 fight jet procurement would cost $9 billion, Conservatives reveal they intend to spend $40 billion on F-35 fighter jet – a jet most experts agree is poorly designed and ill suited for Canadian needs. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...ries-of-low-balling-f-35-cost/article4104618/ http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/cost...5-fighter-jets-soars-to-40b-sources-1.1069258

Stephen Harper breaks military protocol and reveals troops faces in Iraq for video shoot, but members of the media accompanying Harper were told to not show the faces of any Canadian soldier for fear of retaliation from ISIS. http://globalnews.ca/news/1979744/dnd-media-cant-show-soldiers-faces-pms-video-can/

Harper wanted to join the war in Iraq despite there being no evidence of weapons of mass destruction. This war would later take the country into turmoil after US contracted military firm Blackwater slaughtered innocent Iraqi's in the street, turning a huge portion of the country against US/UK coalition. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/michael-d-nicula/canada-iraq-war_b_2912798.html

Harper government spends $700,000 fighting disabled veterans in court on benefits after Harper took away life long pension for veterans who have become disabled while fighting for Canada. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/briti...ting-federal-government-on-benefits-1.2859114 http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/01/28/veterans-lawsuit-canada-harper-government_n_6563592.html

Harper government ignores former Supreme Court justice Marie Deschamps report of endemic sexual assault and harassment in the military. The Harper government’s reaction was non existent and ignored report. http://ipolitics.ca/2015/05/06/miss...per-is-shrugging-off-military-sexual-assault/


Jan 23, 2006
On Crime:

The evidence has been mounting for years that the Harper government’s signature “tough-on-crime” policies have more to do with cynical politicking than with actually fighting crime. http://www.thestar.com/opinion/edit...enda-gets-a-well-deserved-slap-editorial.html

Texas conservatives reject Harper's crime plan: 'Been there; done that; didn't work,' say Texas crime-fighters. Conservatives in the United States' toughest crime-fighting jurisdiction — Texas — say the Harper government's crime strategy won't work. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/texas-conservatives-reject-harper-s-crime-plan-1.1021017

Stephen Harper’s ‘tough-on-crime’ policies are doomed to fail http://o.canada.com/news/national/maher-stephen-harpers-tough-on-crime-policies-are-doomed-to-fail

All serious empirical research in Canada and Europe over the last 30 years shows beyond a doubt that longer sentences do not deter offenders. http://www.ucobserver.org/features/2012/06/crime/

Despite dropping crime rate previously, Conservatives crime laws and 'tough on crime' stance result in needlessly locking even more people up. Number of people in prison skyrocketed under Conservative rule. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada-s-prison-population-at-all-time-high-1.2440039

Harper doesn't believe that crime has sociological explanations, and instead only seeks to address crime by increasing the punishment for offenders. This obviously won't prevent crime, but only seeks to punish wrongdoers

On Foreign Affairs:

Security Council rejection a deep embarrassment for Harper. [...] imposed on a country that no longer plays its traditional role of peacekeeper and champion of human rights on the international stage. [...] Canada will now have to wait a decade or more before it can expect to mount another campaign for a Security Council seat. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...deep-embarrassment-for-harper/article1370239/

Leaked internal report warns of Canada's declining world influence http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...world-influence-has-declined/article26556418/

Harper government’s foreign policy making does not meet three criteria that would ensure policy clarity, consistency and effectiveness [...] eroded Canada’s status as a moral leader on the world stage. http://cips.uottawa.ca/publications...e-foreign-policy-under-the-harper-government/

Joe Clark, bemoaned in his 2013 book, How We Lead: Canada in a Century of Change that Harper isolated Canada by badmouthing and boycotting multilateral forums, “hectoring and leaving.” [...] hijacked foreign policy to help the Conservative Party win votes in carefully targeted ethnic communities. http://www.thestar.com/opinion/comm...-stephen-harpers-foreign-policy-siddiqui.html

Canada was one of only four countries not to vote for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; the only Western country that refused to repatriate its citizen from Guantanamo Bay, Omar Khadr; and the only one to pull out the Kyoto environmental accord to reduce emissions. http://www.thestar.com/opinion/comm...-stephen-harpers-foreign-policy-siddiqui.html

Canada scathed on human rights record. From Intelligence sharing and torture. Pay equity and women’s equality rights. Solitary confinement and high incarceration rates of aboriginal people. Detention of immigrants with mental-health problems. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/glob...-canadas-human-rights-record/article25405839/


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2011
The Conservatives may not be perfect, but the NDP and Liberals are so much worse.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
The Conservatives may not be perfect, but the NDP and Liberals are so much worse.
You obviously either can't or refuse to read the numerous lines of text preceding your post. The economy is worse under the conservatives and they ran consecutive deficits while the preceding liberals ran budget surpluses. There is more corruption, more haste mongering, more racist legislation and passing of legislation designed to infringe on individual rights.

So arguing that conservatives are the best alternative is moot considering their record has already proved them the worst choice. Harper has proved himself a racist .. maybe you could use that if you are desperately grabbing at a reason to support them.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
The economy is worse under the conservatives and they ran consecutive deficits while the preceding liberals ran budget surpluses.
I'm not voting Conservative, but whenever I hear someone say this bullshit line, I stop giving credence to anything they say afterwards. Do you remember something called the "Great Recession"? I would hope so.

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
You obviously either can't or refuse to read the numerous lines of text preceding your post. The economy is worse under the conservatives and they ran consecutive deficits while the preceding liberals ran budget surpluses. There is more corruption, more haste mongering, more racist legislation and passing of legislation designed to infringe on individual rights.

So arguing that conservatives are the best alternative is moot considering their record has already proved them the worst choice. Harper has proved himself a racist .. maybe you could use that if you are desperately grabbing at a reason to support them.
The previous liberal government did not have Justin Trudeau as leader. He is only where he is because of who his daddy was. PM of Canada, I sure hope not.


Apr 23, 2014
Just scanning through PiratePete's list and all I can think of is really?

Bird-watching group in southwestern Ontario has its charitable status under surveillance after the group raised concerns about government-approved chemicals damaging bee colonies.

Revenue Canada targets birdwatchers for political activity
Canada Revenue Agency issues warning letter to wildlife club to curb any political activities

Corporations taking over and the government (politicians) are just licking their assholes for personal gain no doubt.

People who are enjoying the outdoors, under the microscope because they raise concerns


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Just scanning through PiratePete's list and all I can think of is really?

Bird-watching group in southwestern Ontario has its charitable status under surveillance after the group raised concerns about government-approved chemicals damaging bee colonies.
File that one as yet another charity attacked for using science.

Meanwhile Harper gave the Republicans $8 million of our tax money.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
You obviously either can't or refuse to read the numerous lines of text preceding your post. The economy is worse under the conservatives and they ran consecutive deficits while the preceding liberals ran budget surpluses. There is more corruption, more haste mongering, more racist legislation and passing of legislation designed to infringe on individual rights.

So arguing that conservatives are the best alternative is moot considering their record has already proved them the worst choice. Harper has proved himself a racist .. maybe you could use that if you are desperately grabbing at a reason to support them.
Canada is increasingly becoming polarized similar to America and it will only intensify. Harper smells this and exploits this almost brilliantly, almost.


Jan 31, 2005
Canada is increasingly becoming polarized similar to America and it will only intensify. Harper smells this and exploits this almost brilliantly, almost.
I'm not sure that's true. The NDP, Conservatives, and Liberals aren't all that far from each other on 99% of issues.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
In addition to all that, and the anti-Terbites Bill C-36:

Harper justified calling for this longest-in-modern-history election campaign by claiming he wanted electors to be well informed. He then refused to take part in the regular number of debates and loaded his campaign stops with only loyal party members so that he would not be asked tough questions about his terrible policies and bills.

I really hope a lot of young people get out and vote instead of letting "old stock" decide the fate of the country's governing party.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I'm not sure that's true. The NDP, Conservatives, and Liberals aren't all that far from each other on 99% of issues.
Harper is making statements that resonate across Canada that he feels with give him votes and sucker the NDP an Liberals to respond. His statements are deliberately polarizing.


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
Harper justified calling for this longest-in-modern-history election campaign by claiming he wanted electors to be well informed. He then refused to take part in the regular number of debates and loaded his campaign stops with only loyal party members so that he would not be asked tough questions about his terrible policies and bills.
I actually like the long election as it does let the true issues settle out. As for the debates, I do not think more debates equates to more content. If anything, I wish all debate "facts" would be verified so you can have a real discussion (vs all the petty contradictions that typically go on). The parties all have clear policies at this point that distinguish themselves, which is good IMHO.

I really hope a lot of young people get out and vote instead of letting "old stock" decide the fate of the country's governing party.
I hope so too. You may be surprised though that for many voting PC, the future of the young people is critical. Deficits, income splitting, taxes on small business, etc. will all have a huge impact on their future. Trudeau is simply promising something for everyone, and it has worked well for him. It is the same approach the Ontario Liberals used, and puts you in office, but effectively fucks over the economy and the future for the young people of today.


New member
Oct 4, 2015
People are still defending Harper because he made this the longest in modern history election campaign because he can outlast the other parties financially. and now that it's near the end he's hitting hard. because this is where the other parties can't fight back as hard either.
Toronto Escorts