Dodger said:
If you are really interested in getting feedback on your sessions, you may want to ask the gentlemen prior to beginning so that they can look for possible areas of improvement. I think that you will find most guys willing to accomadate you on this if you ask. Generally I think most guys wait until the review for fear of upsetting the lady.
Honestly i have already tried that,but whenever i do their response is either, "i don't know do whatever" then sometimes post a bad review or they reply "i don't know,your the expert!" with a silly grin on their face making me feel stupid.
Another thing sometimes when i get visitors and i try to start convorsation or i try to make them feel comfortable and joke around a little bit (remember, you're a stranger to me too! i need to calm MYSELF down as well and feel you out,see how you are) and their response of body language is usually like, uhh, why are you talking to me?
I have feelings to, i usually am a very cuddly kind of girl i'm not a gfe but i could be a really fun person.
Everyone like to be comforted and feel comfortable. When people do that to me that makes me feel stupid as well, and then they rush out when they are done.
Even though your job s basically to be treated as an object, guys don't make it so obvious, us girls want to have fun and enjoy ourselves too!
And it doesn't make it any easier when guys talk to us like trash,or be rude and nasty.....
It was very clear that I_am_the_man didin't enjo ythe session but god! He really beat me up!
But yet there are people laughing like it's funny. This is a REVIEW BOARD not a place to insult people. Have respect for the ladies.
Most of us sp's try to be what everyone else wants you to be and that could be difficult at times, and sorry I_am_the_man for not being a sex machine that greeted you at the door with a french kiss..
The only thing that bothered me about the review is that he wrote it with so much passion as if he had a grudge against me or something.
I don't mind people voicing their opinions even though at times it may sting but thanks what you need to change what you need to change to make yourself better...i guess.
And noone can say i haven't improved from since i first got here.