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Why are birds so stupid?


New member
Aug 8, 2008
They have use of the entire big blue sky above all traffic, yet they'd rather swoop down right in front of my car as I'm going 80km/h on the country roads and risk near death and sometimes their demise.

Last dumb bird I killed was standing in the middle of the lane on the 401 pecking away at something.

Is this just their own version of 'chicken' to break their own boredom or are they just really stupid animals?


New member
Apr 29, 2002
The irony is, they got you thinking and slightly puzzled don't they? :)


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
They have use of the entire big blue sky above all traffic, yet they'd rather swoop down right in front of my car as I'm going 80km/h on the country roads and risk near death and sometimes their demise.

Last dumb bird I killed was standing in the middle of the lane on the 401 pecking away at something.

Is this just their own version of 'chicken' to break their own boredom or are they just really stupid animals?
Actually birds are very smart when left to their own devices. You try and find your way back home to the exact same point you started from over 3000 miles away, without any direction. They only get stupid around humans.


You are hitting the bird equivalent of the guy who tries to cross a busy highway and gets killed, or...any of the dummies on '1,000 ways to die'. MOST birds do quite nicely.


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Yeh, crows are the Einsteins of the bird world they can learn simple tricks and parrots too.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
They never evolved with cars is the simple answer but are quite intelligent in many areas


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
They have use of the entire big blue sky above all traffic, yet they'd rather swoop down right in front of my car as I'm going 80km/h on the country roads and risk near death and sometimes their demise. ...
Is this just their own version of 'chicken' to break their own boredom or are they just really stupid animals?
Swooping downward in front of a car to gain airspeed is the bird version of a rocket (JATO) assisted takeoff.

The birds are executing a complex flying maneuver, and it is the fastest way to cross the airspace in front of the car.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
I have lost all respect for pigeons based upon this occurrence. Where I once worked there was a small ledge outside my window where a pair of pigeons decided to nest. They had two offspring. As the baby birds got larger the nest became very crowded and I suppose one of the young fell off the ledge and landed on a roof below where it died. Eventually the remaining youngster got big enough to fly away and the pigeons left the ledge for a few weeks. One day the pair returned and started to build a nest again on the ledge using what remained of the previous nest as well as some new material. Once the nest was completed do you know what they used to line it? They used the now very decomposed body of their first offspring that fell off the ledge and onto the roof below. Basically it was now just a mass of fluffy feathers. This time they again had two offspring but both birds survived and eventually flew away. The pigeons never returned to the ledge. It was one of the most sickening things that I have ever seen. How can an animal be so stupid as to use the carcass of its dead offspring as building material?

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
Apparently, in the secret language of birds, they refer to the not-so-smart ones as "Balebrains".

Hey, I'm only kidding with ya, Bale buddy!
You've been a great audience...try the veal!


Apr 24, 2005
Actually, I was wondering why some people are so stupid:confused:. Passing by this restaurant on Prince Arthur and noticed they put a couple of tables and some chairs on the sidewalk right next to the curb (some sort of imitation patio, I guess). The people eating there were sitting inches away from a parked taxi with its engine running and spewing toxic fumes. DUMB!
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