Wholly Unsatisfying, Batman!

Jack Mioff

re: members
Dec 23, 2003

Searched around for some action the other day.
Ended up at Sakura against my better judgement. I hate to dis the local talent but here goes:

Greeted by Amy. Being her frantic self, I was directed to the back of the establishment and basically told to hide. I get it. There's lots of guys and they are trying to avoid any interaction between patrons.
Next thing I know, the most recently released schmuck is walked right by me in the back room. I'm thinking to my self, " why is there a waiting room in the front?"
We say "Hi" to each other.

Amy then leads me to a room. I think, "Great! In, out. Home in a bit." Takes 60 for a 45 session. Gives me 10 change after a while. Hey, what's 5 bucks, right?

No. I was to be disappointed.

First up: I needed to shower. I waited and waited for her to come back to the room to seek permission to use the shower as there was quite a lot of commotion out side the room. I could hear the girls talking in the corridor. Jibbering and jabbering in their native tounge. I finally strutted out in some flowery house coat to where I remember the shower is. But no. Amy [who intercepts me in the hall] tells me that the shower no longer works. She directs me to the washroom.

Suffice it to say, the can had none of the accoutrements necessary to clean oneself up as would a shower. I did the best I could under the circumstances. Paper was lacking as was towels.

I waited in the room for 25 minutes. Lying face down. Hoping beyond all hope that she would step in and start a session. I could hear her out side talking to her girls, her customers, her girls again, her girls, and then her girls, who knows who else.

3rd: after me looking at the clock for the fourteenth time, she enters. She asks me if I want to see another girl. The one I saw in the hall I wouldn't have clean out my lint trap, let alone wax my pipe. Besides, Amy has a certain technique that I haven't found too annoying in the past.

4th: She asks me again if I want the AC on. I say yes for the 4th time. Smokin' hot in the building. Temperature wise. She gives me a slight swoosh with the hands and disappears again.
I can now hear her talking to someone else. I thinks to meself: "Let's split, self" but I can't draw away now. I'm naked after all. 10 minutes later the AC comes on.

5th:The session finally starts. The door to our room is left ajar. Presumably to greet new customers. I really don't care, 'cause I really need some relief.

6th: Standard fare from Amy. Asks to bump me up to topless on the flip. Persuasive. {What's with those nipples?]
When the end was imminent, one of the girls calls through the door. Amy answers. A conversation ensues at top volume. I don't know what she was saying when I issued, but I do know they weren't talking about me.

Amy realizes that I have been there over an hour and had a 15 minute massage. She gives me some perfunctory machinations. I dress and leave. Left the appropriate amount on the table to agree with the 5 bucks she withheld and the 20 I had been coerced into.

8th: One of her minions runs after me, and asks if I paid her. Thouroghly disgusted, I answer, "yes.".

Felt like a sucker. Been there over an hour and felt used.

I like to support local talent and businesses, but I'm done with this one.



Well-known member
Feb 27, 2004
Come on, bra! You knew better than that. What did you expect there? Couldn't you tell from the last visit that they don't have dental plans either?



New member
Jul 13, 2005
I am in the same boat... I live in Whitby and prefer the asian MP scene... this is the only place I know of in the area... every time I end up going I say it was the last time... then I end up going back hoping it will get better :confused:


Early riser
Nov 20, 2004
East GTA
Too busy that night.

I do like this place when it's not too busy. They open at 11 am (or is it noon?) but before six thirty pm they are less busy. I used to stop by on my way home from work - haven't enjoyed the myself as much recently either.

I like Amy but she is "in charge" and needs to greet guests, settle disputes, refresh towells, laundry, make change, talk to employees. Some of her employees are high maintenance and she can't focus on a massage if she has too many other distrations.

I understand a fair amount of their language and it seems that most of their "through the wall conversations" regard money. "He short changed me", "This guy promised me 60 buy says he has no money now.", "I can only work till 9" etc.

My advice is to carry exact change for the door fee. If you short change her the same as she short changed you, then you've reduced yourself to stealing back. The $$ is VERY important to them.

I come in and try to decide, half an hour or a full hour? Nude or Nude reverse? They try to decide, how much money does he have with him? How can I get it?



New member
Jul 13, 2005
I never go in with more money than I plan to spend :) What are the rates there like?

fip said:
I do like this place when it's not too busy. They open at 11 am (or is it noon?) but before six thirty pm they are less busy. I used to stop by on my way home from work - haven't enjoyed the myself as much recently either.

I like Amy but she is "in charge" and needs to greet guests, settle disputes, refresh towells, laundry, make change, talk to employees. Some of her employees are high maintenance and she can't focus on a massage if she has too many other distrations.

I understand a fair amount of their language and it seems that most of their "through the wall conversations" regard money. "He short changed me", "This guy promised me 60 buy says he has no money now.", "I can only work till 9" etc.

My advice is to carry exact change for the door fee. If you short change her the same as she short changed you, then you've reduced yourself to stealing back. The $$ is VERY important to them.

I come in and try to decide, half an hour or a full hour? Nude or Nude reverse? They try to decide, how much money does he have with him? How can I get it?



Early riser
Nov 20, 2004
East GTA
Hmmm, the rates

vmax1500 said:
I never go in with more money than I plan to spend :) What are the rates there like?
I think it's $45 for the door for half hour. $60 for full hour. 20/40/60 for Topless/Nude/Nude Reverse. Correct me if I'm wrong, anybody.

If you hand her 3 twenties and ask for half an hour she says, thanks for the tip. Smiles and plants a kiss and runs out the door. She's slippery.

Jun 20, 2005
I went there once, and the woman giving me a massage ended up being interrupted what felt like every 5 minutes. That is one place I will stay away from forever!
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