who wants a bunny?


Turgid Member
Sep 10, 2005
My arithmetic is getting bad.
I don't know what to do.
I bought a little bunny
then I bought another bunny.
Don't one and one make two?

Now when I'm looking at the bunnies.
I get as mad as mad as I can be
Cause now there are so many bunnies
Oh me oh my,
You wanna buy a bunny

When I'm eating bread and honey
Those silly little bunnies pester me
Cause all the bunnies beg for honey
Oh gee oh gosh
Do you wanna buy a bunny

When we're playing hide and seek
At my heels the sneek sneek sneek
When I hide they peek peek peek
I get so mad I could shreik EEK.

If you want a fuzzy bunny
Thats got a wiggly nose and cotton tail.
I wish that you would buy a bunny
Cause I got lots of bunnies for sale.

And when I get up early in the morning to go out to the chicken house to feed my little tiny baby chickens
oh those crazy little bunnies they follow on after me just hop hop hop hop hop hop hopping like the dickens.

Here chickee chickee chickee chickee get away from me bunny you bother me. Get out of here you crazy little bunnies.

And when I sneak my little tiny puppy dog rover upstairs with me to bed. The bed is full of them silly little bunnies from the foot up to the head. Get out of my bed you bad little bunnies. Go on bunnies get out of here go on now.

Bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies everywhere. There's bunnies on the table and there's bunnies on the chair. Bunnies on the sofa and there's bunnies on the floor. And there's some new ones coming through the door. More.

Please come on and buy a bunny. I even like to sell you two or three. But if you don't have any money, I'll give you a bunny cause theres just too darn many bunnies for me. There's bunnies all over the place, bunnies under my feet, bunnies in my bed everywhere I go there's cute little bunnies.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Ummmm, this is a joke or showcase for your poetic skills (i hope)?

If not, this sounds pretty irresponsible, almost bordering on sounding like one of these abusive animal mills?

Most people are irresponsible pet owners (and lets not get into kids) and giving away most of these bunnies won't end up well. Most asshole owners will just drop them off at shelters or release them in the wild (which is not a good idea).

Please screen potential owners and spay & neuter. PLEASE!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
I know some coyotes that would be very happy with any bunnies you could donate. Coyotes are natures answer to bunnies.


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY

Italian baked rabbit with green olives & lemon

* 1 rabbit , jointed into 6-8 pieces (ask the butcher to do this)
* olive oil
* 1 onion , finely chopped
* 2 garlic cloves , crushed
* 4 tbsp chopped parsley
* oregano or marjoram, finely chopped to make 1 tbsp
* 2 lemons , zested and the juice of one, the other cut into wedges
* a handful of green olives , pitted or whole
* 3 potatoes , cut into chunks
* 300ml white wine

1. Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Brown the rabbit pieces in a little olive oil in a large ovenproof casserole then remove. Tip in a little more oil, add the onion and fry over a low heat for a couple of minutes. Add the garlic, 2 tbsp parsley and the oregano or marjoram. Cook until an aromatic paste, then return the rabbit to the casserole.
2. Stir in the lemon zest and juice, the olives, potatoes and wine. Bring to the boil and season well. Cover with a lid and bake for 1 hour, remove the lid and bake for a further 30 minutes to reduce the sauce a little. Stir in the remaining parsley.
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