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New member
May 29, 2004
Can anyone give me an inside scoop on Michael Moore's latest film-Farinheight 9/11? Who is being put in the hot seat etc?


New member
May 29, 2004
BoxHunter said:
Can anyone give me an inside scoop on Michael Moore's latest film-Farinheight 9/11? Who is being put in the hot seat etc?
While Michael isn't exactly unbiased or innocent of glossing over some facts he does make a strong effort in his works to provide information or analysis in areas that most US news organizations stay away from. To that end MM's latest documentary looks specifically at some of the links and potential root causes of 9/11 and subsequent retaliatory actions, specifically the invasion of Iraq. Naturally this has been viewed by the US Right as a direct attack on President George Bush and to that end MM has not disputed that this "is personal".

MM looks at the relationship of the Bush family with the Saudi Royal family that existed long before 9/11. This of course is considered important since the Saudi's both fight and support terror groups within their country and raises the issue of a possible complicity and why despite the fact that most of the 9/11 Hijackers were Saudis and that AQ was/is funded through Saudia Arabia that no US investigations into that country's involvment took place. The film raises and discusses the fact and possible reasons why some 140 family members of Bin Laden living the US were ferried out of the country following 9/11 and only a small number were questioned and even then not intensely. Other issues like the reasons for the Iraq invastions as well as information that had been kept hiden as a result and of course the introduction and misue of Patriot Act.

I expect that much like Bowling For Columbine it will have his slant and probably quite a few simplistic straw man logicoms. But so what, the right wing support of Bush and the invasion as well as the war on terror is equally flawed to the point of fraud.

One may not agree with him, or some of tactics, but it is refreshing to see someone challenge the accepted norms. Not to mention that any release that so clearly pisses off and worries either ideology as clearly as this film does the right suggests far more truth in its content than easily dismissed falsehoods.


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