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Who is The Best SP in KW Area?


New member
Aug 18, 2006
I'm glad I discovered this board last week. A few years ago I was a very active supporter of the escort agency business. The owner of the best agency in town at the time lived in my apt. buiding and I got first dibs on his new girls. There were so many hot girls in the business at the time it was hard to keep up with them all.
After a few years hiatus I'm back!! Trouble is I've been unable to find any reeally attractive girls. There were two that used to come from Ottawa to work for Platinum Fox that were top notch but the rest I've had since were pretty dissapointing. Geeeez, you'd think a girl in business of selling sex would show up with some makeup on and without her hair just tied up in a bun while wearing sloppy blue jeans and an old sweater. There's been several like that. Others were a good 10 years older than advertised.
It seems to get someone really good I have to go the the Manor and spend a couple of hundred getting to meet the girl and then at least another $300 to come back to my place.
I don't mind spending above average money for an above average girl who is pleasant and professional. Who would you guys reccomend?
Savannah, Roxy and Shauna seem to get good reviews on this board. Are there any sites where they have pics posted? How much do they charge and how can they be reached? You guys who have had the pleasure of meeting all of them might be able to narrow the choice down a bit.
There's an Amanda adv. in the Record as a beautiful French/Russian doll. Has anyone met her? I talked to her on the phone and didn't like her voice. I thought she was rude, but maybe I'm wrong.
One final thought. maybe we should get some of us together for a drink somewhere some night and swap info. Perhaps explore the possibility of a party. The VIP suite at the Manor can be rented for $500 per night. If 5 guys got tegether and each brought a girl up from the bgar or brought your own with you it could be an interesting night. What are your thoughts?


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
This is a very STUPID post. Are you LE?

Anybody with half a brain would use the search function for information above, or at least READ what is posted on this column dear Sir.

Guys please be forewarned here, asking the obvious of what we all know.....something's not quite 'kosher' here.

So whats your badge number????


Apr 7, 2005
Kitwat said:
Perhaps explore the possibility of a party. The VIP suite at the Manor can be rented for $500 per night.
This part of the post is the giveaway. You were doing fine officer until you got greedy and tried to kill two birds with one stone. SP + SC = conviction? When will they learn?


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
dj1470 said:
This part of the post is the giveaway. You were doing fine officer until you got greedy and tried to kill two birds with one stone. SP + SC = conviction? When will they learn?


Apr 4, 2003
On the High Sea's
Wouldn't surprise me none..little roundup deal....but i would wager a few of the LE (with inside info) use these services lol..,,hmm me wonders if they get this free aswell..Oh to be a Cop,the dirty kind free drugs,free sex...FREE COFFEE..and a nice salary to boot..



My Kingdom For A Horse
Aug 25, 2006
Kitchener Waterloo area
Mr O with all due respect, I too am a newbie, but geez Louise I would never consider asking you guys to meet as a group for an Orgy. Although the idea of an ORGY with some of the K/W gals does sound appealing :)

I realize I asked some stupid questions too and I am sure I will still come up with a doozy or two in the months to come. But read KITWAT's post again and it does sound really suspicious.

You are right that sometimes the guys who have been around a little longer than us, can get damn pissy when we ask some stupid questions. But I must admit that the Tri City boys have been pretty good to me.

My two cents ...


New member
Aug 18, 2006
Unbelievable!!! I admit to being a newbie to chat rooms and such and I admit I don't knkow a hell of a lot about navigating one of these chat boards or whatever. But I will say I know a hell of a lot more about the law than any of you guys and let me ask you this. Do you really think the cops would spend the time and resources setting up a stinig of the nature you think I'm doing?

Someone said that the Manor isn't good value. I agree. That's why I'm trying to find better contacts in KW. But some of you guys seem to think thast Erin Ryder, Kakobee nad Maddison (formerly of Platinum Fox) are hot. I've had them and they are not. So either there are no top flights girls on the scene at the moment or you guys hyave lower standards than I'm interested in.

Any ideas of a group deal are gone from my mind. I don't need a bunch of paranoid jerks in my life.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
It's rare that any group of males could unanimously agree on anything... let alone all agree on which one SP is the best in our area. KW has had... and continues to have some great hobbying options. But who you think is "best" may not be the "best" in everyone else's opinion. The best options currently in KW are listed very clearly in all the recent threads. Read them... study them... and then make your own decision. If you think one poster is more bias than other... check their posting history and read their previous threads. Read them... study them and then make your own decision.


Jan 17, 2004
hammertm said:
One bit of advice when calling a record ad always do research first. The above mentioned Amanda has had nothing but horrible reviews.
Out of todays 13 ads i would only ever call two if them.
The Record
DEJA VU New Ladies! 496-8274/519-500-LOVE Hiring
TEMPTATIONS $140 - OUT CALLS 519-998-0323
Good advice, hammer. Never, ever, confuse the bogus Amanda with the real Amanda. IMHO, there is only one Amanda in K/W.


New member
Aug 18, 2006
Thanks for the tip Hammertm. I had heard good things about Amanda from a friend but it must be the good Amanda. You saved me some bucks. How about Amrita? She looks really good in your pic. Does Roxxxy do escort or just massage? Jollee looks good in the playmatets ad, but you can't see much of her. Hard to reach apparently.
I'd give some reviews on some girls at the Manor but as I understand the rules here you're not suppossed sto review girls without adds on Terb. If I'm wrong about that I can give you guys some advice on the Manor chicks. But they are expensive.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Kitwat said:
I'd give some reviews on some girls at the Manor but as I understand the rules here you're not suppossed sto review girls without adds on Terb. If I'm wrong about that I can give you guys some advice on the Manor chicks. But they are expensive.
You can... but you just have to be creative in your writing techniques ;)


Active member
Oct 8, 2003
Kitwat said:
Geeeez, you'd think a girl in business of selling sex...
These girls sell sex!!!!!!!!!!! That's just plain wrong, wrong, wrong.


New member
Jun 3, 2006
I was new too once. Glad ya'll weren't like that to me! I have done my research before I left the roost. Watched and looked at what was new and hot or not. There's another review board, not nearly as in depth as this one. The guru's on this board know thier shite! I read the gospel according to hammertm and the scrolls of cutterbuck and my first choice was with Spice from the advice from others. Unfreakinbelievable:eek: ! We actually met a couple of times. Her new location is great if you are 5'5", not 6'3".
Certainly everything said on this board about Spice is true! nuff said!

My question now is where and when do these Terb parties happen?


New member
Aug 18, 2006
Hard to reach may have been the wrong choice of words. Hard to book may be better. I've called the agency for you a few times but you were't working. Now it seems you are available again I'll give you another call soon.
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