Who here thinks Dana White can bench press 315lbs?


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
Do you think he can flat bench 225 for 14 reps?


I know what ur gunna say.... "who the hell cares he's still a prick"lol
Serious this is quite impressive for an "older" guy to accomplish.
I wud'ov bet $100. that he couldnt do 225lbs 14times and lost the bet. Thats why I retired betting.lol

Shit, at my strongest I could only do 225 for 5 reps on incline bench press (without a spotter).
I give him props... He has perfect form on his reps. Props D-White


Jul 8, 2002
Dana White used to be a fighter and an athlete, so, no, I'm not surprised he can bench 225 lbs for 14 reps. That's about the same weight rookies at the NFL combine can do, as well as the same weight that several guys at my gym can manage. Now, if you got video of Dana White sprinting 40 yds in 4.5 seconds, then I would be surprised :)

This is still impressive to see, though. I can't do nearly that poundage.


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
i believe it 100% and agree with pencap... even for some non-gym-goers, this is a realistic amount of weight to move. and on the other hand, frequent gym-rats find this difficult. White does look strong, though, but He is Maxing out at this 315... a good number, yes, but it's probably his max.

I don't go to the gym nearly often enough... though, I do go when I'm motivated to do so. My journals go back over 10 years, and recently one odd day in June I did 245 lbs. for 6 reps and was pretty sore for 5 days afterwards. I'm not in great shape and not nearly as strong as when I was in my early 20s when I was more committed. However, I make my lifts count for more and push myself when I do them. I'm pretty sure I could do close to 300... perhaps 285, and if I were a little more dedicated (just as Dana White is), in 3 months, 315 and greater would be achieved- I'm certain of that.

but, all for what? I'm not a rock mover- just trying to keep my good looks. I can achieve that with a skipping rope and some sweat, which is my current passion. I also enjoy doing the cardio classes at kombat arts in mississauga once a week.
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