White House Faces Barrage of Leak Queries


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
The shark style 'feeding frenzy' has begun!
Dubya is AWOL again, hidden in his bunker with Dead-Eye DICK, ducking questions, refusing to explain or even talk about what he meant/said years ago to explain the apparent gross hypocrisy revealed by his scapegoat Scooter Libby, who it seems has turned on Dubya & Dead-Eye DICK!
Doofus Dubya's Double Standard seems to mean if Doofus Dubya leaks things, whenever Team 'w' wants to ....it's OK!.....but if anyone else leaks things without a Team 'w' OK.....well that is Treason........:D

By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer
6 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - The White House faced a barrage of questions Friday over the timing of
President Bush's decision to declassify intelligence that was then leaked to the press by Vice President
Dick Cheney's chief of staff.

In a tense briefing, White House spokesman Scott McClellan was asked repeatedly to explain his statement from three years ago that portions of a prewar intelligence document on
Iraq were declassified on July 18, 2003.

Ten days earlier, Cheney's top aide, I. Lewis Libby, had leaked snippets of intelligence from the document to New York Times reporter Judith Miller to rebut allegations by Bush administration critic Joseph Wilson, Libby told prosecutors, according to documents revealed this week.

Libby, Cheney's former chief of staff, said he had passed the information to Miller after being told to do so by Cheney, who advised Libby that Bush had authorized it, said a court filing by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald.

McClellan told reporters July 18, 2003, that the material being released on Iraq "was officially declassified today." On Friday, McClellan interpreted his own words to mean that's when the material was "officially released."

Asked when it was declassified, McClellan refused to answer, saying the matter was part of Fitzgerald's ongoing
CIA leak probe that has resulted in Libby's indictment.

Libby faces charges of perjury, obstruction and lying to the
FBI regarding the disclosure that
Valerie Plame, Wilson's wife, worked for the CIA. He is accused of making false statements about how he learned of her CIA employment and what he told reporters about her.

Plame's CIA employment was disclosed by conservative columnist Robert Novak eight days after her husband, Wilson, accused the Bush administration of manipulating prewar intelligence to exaggerate the Iraqi threat from weapons of mass destruction.

The declassification issue marks the second time in the CIA leak probe that the White House's previous public statements have been called into question.

After checking with Libby and presidential adviser Karl Rove, McClellan said in 2003 that neither aide was involved in the leak of the CIA identity of Wilson's wife. Rove remains under investigation in the leak probe.

John Podesta, a former chief of staff in the Clinton White House, said, "Scott McClellan's credibility isn't just in tatters. It is more like confetti."

Administration critics said Bush's actions were a misuse of the declassification process.

Bush's "selective declassification of highly sensitive intelligence for political purposes is wrong," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

Pelosi said a presidential executive order requires a uniform system for classifying, declassifying and safeguarding national security information and asked, "Why didn't President Bush follow this protocol before authorizing the selective leak of highly sensitive intelligence?"

Rep. Rush Holt (news, bio, voting record), D-N.J., called for a House Intelligence Committee investigation and for the president to explain his actions in person to Congress.

Last year, a commission appointed by Bush to look into the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq cautioned against leaks for political purposes.

"Policymakers who leak intelligence to the press in order to gain political advantage ... may do so without fully appreciating the potential harm that can result to sources and methods," the commission said.

It said the intelligence community should consider implementing "a widespread, modern-day equivalent of the `Loose Lips Sink Ships' campaign to educate individuals about their legal obligations and possible penalties to safeguard intelligence information."

On Friday, McClellan said there's a difference between providing declassified information when it's in the public interest, and leaking classified information that could jeopardize national security.

"Now, there are Democrats out there that fail to recognize that distinction or refuse to recognize that distinction," said McClellan. "They are simply engaging in crass politics."

The intelligence Libby was authorized to leak to Miller stated that Iraq was "vigorously trying to procure" uranium. Administration officials said in the run-up to the war they were concerned about Iraq building a nuclear weapon.

A LEAKY War President !!!


New member
It's the beginning of the end for Bush. The avalanche of doubt is crashing down turd mountain, the way avalanches do, deadly fast. Soon the WH will be buried in questions over it's own lies and less-than-toward manipulations. The press will keep racheting up the pressure, and someone will crack. Libby won't take the fall, and the end of the day, neither will Cheney.

Who's on first.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
I dunno. I think both Cheney and Bush will take the fall. What Libby testified to was Cheney said Bush authorized. So if you ask Cheney, he'll have to say yes as it's Grand Jury testimony he's up against, and Bush will then have to say Yes, or no

So If Bush says No, Cheney says yes, or if both Cheney and Bush say no, then Libby stands by his testimony, that's when criminal indictments take place. However, McClellan says Bush can declasssify anything. Well, there's a process to declassify, not McClellan's way which is "I (Bush Jr) decided to declassify this today and we will make it publically available when Libby goes to the press about it." That's not in coordination with the Freedom of Information Act for declassifications.

This White House is finished. Impeachment, health problems, mental instability, illegal wars, doctored evidence costing the lives of 2500 Americans, purposely allowing 9/11 to occur, allowing Osama to survive for political and war profiteering gain, this is dangerous. There will be resignations and impeachment hearings with the Dems in charge in 2007. Hopefully without Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi as Dem leaders. Wouldn't be surprised if Cheney will be cuffed for it, just to allow Bush (as the title of President) to last until the end of his term.

If you see a swift unexpected resignation of Condalezza Rice, then Cheney and Bush will be resigning soon enough.

Impeach them both.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
KKKarl Rove has been very busy.....

Here's another take.
Maybe this was just more handiwork of 'Turd Blossom' all along.....:eek:

Bush Has Hog-Tied Fitzgerald and Hung Libby Out To Dry

By Evelyn Pringle

With the latest revelations in the CIA leak case, the question on the minds of most Americans, is whether Bush and Cheney were the masterminds in an organized plot to destroy Joe Wilson by revealing his wife's name and status as a undercover agent of the CIA.

Hands down, yes they were. And a brilliant scheme it was....

A concerted effort to destroy a critic is not a jailable offense. But it would seem that because they knew Valerie Plame was an under-cover operative, and knew the information was classified, that such a disclosure would be in legal terms "willful." In other words, a disclosure of information on purpose, even though they knew it was classified.

Although that may be true, since Bush and Cheney knew they were the culprits at the center of the investigation, they came up with a plan to hog-tie Prosecutor Fitzgerald and sabotage his investigation right from the start.

While it may appear that Bush stepped in to take the fall for Libby, don't believe it for one minute. Bush would never, never take a fall for anyone, probably not even his own mother. Or I should say for sure not his own mother, because he obviously has a lot of unresolved issues with her.

Bush stepped in because he was forced to by Libby's court filings. He knew this day would come but he also knew he was untouchable.

When Libby leaked the name of a CIA operative he released classified information, which would be a crime, if he acted on his own authority, as most of us believed. But now we find out that he was not acting on his own authority, he was acting under instructions from Cheney and Bush and thus, as it turns out, he did nothing illegal.

That is, until he lied, presumably to save the butts of Cheney and Bush. If Libby would have simply went before the grand jury and told the truth, the saga would have ended then and there and the public would have known the truth before the last Presidential election.

In covering for Bush, Libby's lies can be credited for giving Bush a second term. But a lot of good it did him. So long as Bush sticks to the story that unbeknownst to anyone, besides himself, Cheney and Libby, he had "declassified" certain information and told Cheney to instruct Libby to release it, Bush and Cheney walk, but Libby does not.

Fitzgerald knew this was going to happen and this is why it always seemed as if he was talking in circles when discussing Libby's indictment and why he continued to say over and over that Libby was not being charged with leaking the name of a CIA agent, and that furthermore, he did he plan to charge Libby with that crime.

Fitzgerald knows full well that the White House pulled a fast one on him.

He knew it shortly after his investigation got underway. But Libby is still going down, in part, probably because Fitzgerald is ticked off over being had. And in turn, this is why Libby is so ticked off, and why he is now trying to bring Bush and Cheney into the mix.

The "fast one" that got Bush and Cheney off the hook does not apply to him and its disclosure in court filings won't help one bit in defending against the charges he's facing.

Libby needs to accept the fact that he has officially been "hung out to dry."

Apparently, Bush can declassify any information he has a mind to at a minutes notice. Talk about not-so-subtle blackmail. This probably explains why other CIA employees have stayed in lockstep with the line that they did not feel pressured by the administration to hype or distort intelligence in the run up to war.

In fact, it probably explains a lot more about why this White House keeps getting away with murder.
May 3, 2004
The past 5 years must have been one helluva deluded purple-haze, neocon nightmare from hell fors ya.

Buck up, bucko.
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