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When Is A Good Time To Buy - Best Guess??


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
I max out my RRSP contributions every year, and have done so for the 2008 tax year. I'm looking ahead to 2009 - Initially, I was going to buy my RRSP next May for the 2009 tax year after I get my refund. However, with the markets being down so much at the present time, I was thinking of buying more units now and holding them in my non-registered account to take advantage of the drop in value and then registering them next year. I know it's a gamble, since my advisor said no one knows where the bottom is. Should I wait until next spring and re-assess the situation at that point, or buy now and take my chances??


Nov 14, 2006
Never try to time the market. This mess is not over yet and it could get worse...or better. Nobody knows. The psychology of the market right now is extremely fragile and it'd only take a minor event to shatter confidence.

The best thing to do is to take little bites at set (weekly or monthly) intervals.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
Just contribute to your RRSP and park the cash. A self directed RRSP is a good thing to setup if you don't already have it setup. Can just keep the cash safe for now in GIC or money market within the RRSP.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Radio_Shack said:
Just contribute to your RRSP and park the cash. A self directed RRSP is a good thing to setup if you don't already have it setup. Can just keep the cash safe for now in GIC or money market within the RRSP.

Cash is King in this market, I expect to see many stock to go to zero...

The VIX ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VIX ) is at a record levels these days, which is not good for the general market.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
look at this chart first.


we are about 1989 on it. do you see any returns after that point?

that was the Japanese credit crunch and banking crisis. their demographics are about 18 years older than in the US. it looks like something somewhat similar and yet different is happening here.

however, Japan is looking good for the future. i put in a limit price order on EWJ at $8.11 that hasn't been fulfilled yet.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
RogerRabbit said:
Cash is King in this market, I expect to see many stock to go to zero...
then why the hell aren't you shorting instead of being a cash is king dork?

your views are polar opposite. that don't make sense to go into cash if you see opportunity in movement.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
Good advice

wetnose said:
Never try to time the market. This mess is not over yet and it could get worse...or better. Nobody knows. The psychology of the market right now is extremely fragile and it'd only take a minor event to shatter confidence.

The best thing to do is to take little bites at set (weekly or monthly) intervals.
More to the point- buy WHAT?

As my fund manager said many years ago "I dont buy the market, I buy stocks".

Are you thinking of a 5 year+ time horizon for your investments? Then it is a great time to be buying junior Canadian (producing) natural gas stocks. Will some go lower? Maybe, but at current levels they are a steal. Hell, there is an oil sands Co (in planning stage) with A+ partners, 2.4 billion barrels of dirty sand, and its trading for CASH in the bank!

And of course buy gold bullion.
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