Toronto Passions

What's your opinions on this?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Looks like a link:D

Also she signed an agreement. Seems to me that I might be a tab suspect of her claiming she did it only to get the 400 a month.


What kind of values are being taught to the child? The child could unknowingly teach those values to other children.

We must take the moral high ground.


New member
Feb 14, 2004
If I were her, I'd be inclined to snub a school that attempted to control the activities of the parents. Ordinarily too, I'd say that a prior agreement to follow the values of the school gives them every right to expel the student if the agreement is broken, but the wording of that contract seems very vague.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Fucking ridiculous!!!
Talk about judging!!!

I wouldnt want my kid there anyways so just move her/him to another school

My $.02


Re: Wave of the future for tha states

fridrikk said:

It was one thing when they were preaching but to actually force someone to follow their values?

Fuck em and I hope they burn in hell.
Frid, that was not very nice.. but I forgive you.


New member
Feb 14, 2004
Re: Wave of the future for tha states

fridrikk said:

It was one thing when they were preaching but to actually force someone to follow their values?
How was she forced? Her kid did not have to go to a Christian school; she did not have to sign any agreement. The terms of the agreement were vague to be sure, but the school is not completely in the wrong.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
How the Hell did they find out?

Could these very nice christians have been going to the stripjoint in the first place?




It's been good to know ya
Hadrien said:
How the Hell did they find out?

Could these very nice christians have been going to the stripjoint in the first place?


I do not think that is actually the case but who knows. I think it is some nosy neighbor that knows where the child goes to school or something more along that line. I bet there are lots of people that know you and anyone else that you may not even know that know you.

They see you come and go places on a daily basis and you may not even take notice. People gossip within thier own homes about you and may have kids in your childs school etc... There are so many people out there that could not really care for you and are more happy just to make troubles for others.

Bored people with nothing better to do than to watch and they only ask others questions to get more info on you they sit in thier chairs at home with fellow neighbors around you and ask questions to get more info on an individual. Finally this person that lives near by to you hears you are a stripper persay and they know where your child goes to school and they decide to cause problems. Who really knows, but there are people out there with more info on you than you think. JMHO


Former Slut Pup!
Jul 20, 2002
Far and Away
Come on you don't have to work for NASA to realize a Christian school is going to think stripping is not spiritually enhancing. Personally I generally think all organized religion is a way to obtain power for an elite few. Nonetheless the woman apparently signed the agreement. And only an idiot could think stripping would be a "grey area" in the agreement. When people sign agreements with me I expect them to be fulfilled in letter and in spirit. I expect the school feels the same as would this woman were she on the other end of the disagreement.

Yes I know what she would think....I am psychic....for those of you who don't want to know what happened to Elvis stop reading now......

........HE'S DEAD!!

Also here are the pictures of this mother that were in Playboy after she made the news. (If you look at the date on the story it is a few years old.)
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