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What's Wrong With You?


Dec 25, 2004
I am sure some TERB members has listened to What's Wrong With You on 102.1FM in the mornings. For those of you that do not know what this segment is about, in essence people will call in to talk about a situation or event that is basically hilarious, disgusting or just plain weird.

I just came back from a few days up north with one of my buddies. I dropped him off at his house and with that all of his items that he had in my backseat and trunk. He asked me to help him bring some of this stuff into his house. As I brought one of his knapsacks inside he asked me to drop it on the floor of his bedroom. I wasn't sure why but I asked him why his stereo was on full blast. He wasn't sure and mentioned that the music was probably coming from his parents' room. So as I proceeded to walk upstairs to his bedroom as I took the last step to the 2nd floor I noticed his dad getting a happy ending from some random dude on his bed while he was tweaking one his nipples. He did this with the door wide open without a care in the world. I guess he didnt hear us come into the house.

I yelled out WTF and immediately ran down the stairs, told my buddy what was going on and at that point his dad ran down the stairs with his boxers on and I just took off.

That was one of the most disturbing things I ever saw.

If anyone on here as any stories that are hilarious, disgusting or weird, please share.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
to many fucked up stories to count or start sharing.


Active member
Aug 27, 2009
Sorry I'm not lucky enough to see sshit like that. Would have been awesome.
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