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What's the most money you've lost?


Corrupter of fair maidens
Jan 24, 2004
I've run into an unexpected situation where I have to bail on an anniversary night I've been planning for months. Tomorrow is our 15th year together, and with two young kids and no family around, we haven't had an upscale evening to ourselves in years.

So starting a few months ago, I began planning for a night to remember: Overnight childcare; dinner at Canoe (I've heard it's nice); Madonna concert (we grew up in the eighties); and back home to an empty house that's been setup with candles, hot bath with rose petals, wine and dessert. ** **(see 'Buy and Sell Zone').

Then Saturday, came the news from overseas that her 99 y/o grandmother fell down at home, fractured her skull and is likely in her last days. Needless to say, my wife caught the last flight out yesterday, leaving me stuck with thoughts of what might have been.

This loss will cost me a few hundred bucks and the time spent arranging all the details, but in the grand scheme of things, it's just an irritation. But it made me curious, everyone has lost or had to write off expenses. I wonder if you folks would like to commiserate by sharing your best stories of what you've lost but also what you learned.

I'll start by sharing a few other incidences that pop into my head. Many years ago, when I was still in school, I lost a wallet with over $800 of Xmas and New Year's money inside. Considering at the time, I lived in a shared basement apartment and slept on a mattress on the floor, that really hurt my comfort level for a while. Also, one time I had a smoking hot ee dancer at The Landing Strip fleece me for $600, it left me feeling sheepish but toughened me up to their mercenary charms. And lastly, I loaned a thousand bucks to a co-worker 15 years my senior, who moved away to Chicago and never paid me back. That one taught me never lend any money you're not willing to lose.

So what's your best tale?

(To keep the thread on track, let's stick to real, monetarily quantifiable losses ie: not your kids, your hopes and dreams, your anal virginity, etc... ;-)


Well-known member
Total?..maybe 100K
single idividual loss..15K on a bad investment
The rest...stock markets that NEVER got repaid..too many to list individually...
Nope...not a one...except that 1 fucking SUPERBOWL ....AAAAAAARGH..@#$%&*&%$#@#$%^%$^*%$#@@@


New member
Mar 7, 2004
Also, one time I had a smoking hot ee dancer at The Landing Strip fleece me for $600,
Can you give us some details?

For me, I booked a flight to Europe but couldn't go because of work. Loss: $1,500.00. If I had thought it through better, I wouldn't have bought the tickets in the first place.


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
Private equity deal that didn't turn out cost me $100k.

Some personal loans that weren't repaid cost me around $20k.

Painful but educational lessons.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2010
S. W. Ontario
$20. I was 5-6 years old and mom sent me to the bakery for a loaf of bread, lost the change on the way home. That was 60 years ago so considering inflation.....

Not thousands like some of the previous lost on bets or investments but hurt none the less.

Looking skyward...'a sorry, mom'.

Lost more than that since but that one hurt the most.
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Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
North of $1.5M. The lawyer got greedy. As one of the investment group and not acting in his official role as a lawyer we weren't able to get anything back.
Total take was over $16M.
He did 12 sentences concurrently of 3.5 years and was out in 2.5 for good behavior from minimum security.
If you went into a bank and threatened you had a gun you would get more.
He's a minister somewhere in the Far East now.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
I once left an envelope with $700 in it at the machine in TD. Ran back barely 3 minutes later and it was gone. Asked the bank if anyone turned anything in - nope. It still angers me....


Feb 8, 2012
Two times both my fault

1. Fell in love with a dancer (hahah). Let her dance for about 10 songs straight. I was 19, and I had to petty much drain my account to pay her. Luck i was with friends who waited while I went to atm.

2. I bought a car for a goodish price. I only needed for about a year and I "knew" I'd be able to get my money back out after a reasonable price drop (for usage). Instead I got hosed. Planen to lose 25% on the private sale but instead lost 55%.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
20 years ago I bought the CN tower for $20. The guy was so good at bs and made me laugh so hard that I just gave him the money and told him to send me the title by mail.
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Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Effectively helping with $5K an ungrateful in-law who was out of work for a few years, out of the goodness of my heart. It would not have been so bad, but he and his family weren't at all grateful. In fact, they had this stupid fucking sense of entitlement.
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Lent 2K to friend.Never seen a dime repaid. Never seen much of the friend after they got the money either. Like everyone else in this world.....lesson learned.

Not sure if this counts,but I believe you get what you pay for. One example is,buying a new furnace/air conditioner.I buy the top of the line Trane and later wonder if the mid level unit is just as good and could have saved my self some $$$. Things like that,TV's,appliance's and car model trim levels.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Lent 2K to friend.Never seen a dime repaid. Never seen much of the friend after they got the money either. Like everyone else in this world.....lesson learned.

I have also lent money to friends in the past and never saw a dime back. :( I think it's sometimes good to lend someone money - then you can figure out who your true friends are.

When someone wants to pay you back but simply can't, okay. When someone is very capable of paying you back but refuses.... :mad: :hippie:
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Never mind the money, but think of the lost value of time for people that pursue a university degree and are not working in their chosen field.


New member
Apr 8, 2014
Actual loss, or virtual loss?

Back in the 90s I bought some call options on a software company and cashed them out for a cool $40k profit. Had I held on to them another month I would have made half a million on them.

A couple of years ago I turned down a job that would have made me a helluva lot more money than I'm making now. But I can look at myself in the mirror every morning, and my soul is still wholly mine. So it all balances out...

Actual loss? A few thousand playing dice. Should have just lit the money on fire, would have been quicker and just as entertaining.


New member
Aug 25, 2015
Should have just lit the money on fire, would have been quicker and just as entertaining.
As any gambler knows, that is simply not true. It's much more fun to have lost knowing that you could have won then to have lost knowing you had no chance.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
God this topic makes me cringe seeing as I don't make a lot of money but have lost decent amounts on several occasions.

In order

1) had to pay a lawyer 10'Gs for to get myself out of trouble over something that wasn't even really my fault. Then in turned out I didn't need a lawyer because my case was pretty much dropped.

2) was driving a friends car to drive when I was younger that I wasn't supposed to, got into an accident and had to pay 6G's to fix the damages.

3) Made a bad investment of 3.5 G's which didn't work out, never got a dime of return on my investment.

4)Lent a friend 1G who never paid it back.

And then a few 3 or 4 hundred dollar ones.
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