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What's The Best Way To Treat A Sunburn?


Jan 16, 2004
Coco Bongo
So I went whitewater rafting about 2 weeks ago. I put on some sunscreen before heading out to the river. Everything was great until I got back to the campground that I was staying at. It was a freakin' hot and sunny day that day and stupid me, I never thought to put on anymore sunscreen when I got back. About an hour later, my arms and legs were RED!!! Now I don't burn very easily so the sun must have been scorching that day.

It was painful for a few days. It doesn't hurt anymore but now I have a problem with my skin peeling and I'm sure it doesn't look too attractive. I was wondering what can I use to stop the peeling? Now I'm no expert on skincare. I don't use moisturizers and don't even know what exfoliate means. I've asked some of my female coworkers what I should use. I felt quite embarassed having to ask for tips on skincare. They mentioned using Aloe Vera and skin moisturizers.

As embarassing as it is for me to ask this, does anybody here have any suggestions on what is the best way to prevent my skin from peeling? It feels kinda cool peeling it off, but I'm sure it doesn't look to attractive.

Now I also have the problem of trying to get rid of this wicked farmer's tan that I've got.


New member
Jul 13, 2005
Definiatly Aloe vera or you can try cocoa butter. As for the farmers tan if you dont want the lines you can buy a self tanner or a bronzer to cover in the white spots. Had a great girlfriend who taught me everything about skin care
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring

Find the nearest tree and rub up against it until you turn pink and the loose skin has come off.

Then slap on some aloe vera.

Stay away from all alcohol based products like solarcaine, etc. they will only cause tissue damage and make things worse.

Also, pop a Viagra. It'll keep the sheets off of you all night.

Ever hear about the guy who got severe sunburn while sunbathing nekkit and happened to have a hot date that night with a stacked blonde ? Both stripped naked and she started to move in on him. After several minutes of extreme discomfort he asked to be excused, went to the kitchen, and poured a tall, cold glass of milk. He then placed his sunburned member in the milk and experienced immediate relief from the pain. The blonde, however, wondering what he was doing, wandered into the kitchen and caught him with his johnson immersed in the glass of milk. She then turned to him and said "So, THAT'S how you load those things!"
theatreguy2005 said:
Aloe vera works wonders...It's also cooling and soothing.

Hope it helps!
Aloe vera definitely works. And First Aid cream to cure the itch.

Worked for me when I was young, got serious Sunstroke from the Calif sun. The sunburn was so bad, I had chills/fever and next day couldn't bend my limbs. Had to be helped into the plane, longest flight of my life in seat with body straight as a board for 4 hrs enroute home.

Teach me for falling asleep on the beach with no suntan lotion, after an awesome game of beach VB. I hate the oily feeling and I'm an MP guy, another irony in my life.


New member
Feb 14, 2004
I concur with aloe vera. Buy a plant and apply the inside of the stalk directly to your skin. It smells a little strang but it feels amazing and it will soothe the burn much faster.

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
I won't argue the merits of Aloe Vera, you shouldn't put it on the burn, or any other cream for that matter! The next time you burn yourself, wether it is from the sun or some other type of burn, immerse the affected area in water, luke warm is fine until the burning sensation is gone. if you are in the tropics for example and burn 80 % of your body lay in a tub of water until the burning sensation is gone. This will pull the heat out of the affected areas and take the pain away. It will also allow you to go outside the following day. PS- always use sunscreen and reapply after swimming.

Leggy Linda

the shaggin wagon girl
Feb 13, 2004
north york
believe it or not

sour cream!

I swear

it really cools it down

my mother use to put it on me when ever I got a bad burn
it does work

( must me a European thing )

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
That's it.

great bear said:
Apply Cortisone cream to the burned areas.
Cortaid with Hydrocortisone Acetate right away after burning.

Master Baiter

Active member
Dec 20, 2001
Having lived in the Caribbean all my childhood life and been burnt too many times spending 14+hrs fishing and skiiing on Sundays... Solarcaine works great. There's a new one with Aloe Vera in it. I tried the spray and it's not as good. The lotion works best. I recently had a really bad sunburn (my entire chest, face, back and legs!) about a month ago and that's what I used. I don't like getting sunburnt and it could have been easily prevented but that's another story. I wouldn't be too surprised if skin cancer comes knocking on my door! ACK! Knock on wood it doesn't...


New member
Nov 19, 2004
Aloe Vera...right from the plant...

I(but usually "she who must be obeyed") have been burned several times, but an aloe vera application from "Bloom" at the Office of Nature in Negril, and we never even peel.

Agree with the cool water soak idea...I add epson salts or baking soda to the water...it helps...


Jan 17, 2003
I always used noxema until 3 summers ago. My g/f got a SEVERE sunburn that landed her in the ER. She had used noxema and it turns out, that although it feels good, it actually does more damage than good.

The Doc's at the hospital said soaking in a luke warm tub of water with a cup of white vinegar followed by several coatings of aloe vera gel (from a jar or the plant) and Tylenol or Advil q4h is your best bet. I was amazed at how fast my burn turned to a tan when I tried this method for the first time.

The only downside is you smell like a giant french fry for a couple of days ;)

Master Baiter

Active member
Dec 20, 2001
When I had my sunburn, luke warm water felt like it was sizzling my skin, much like trying to drink a cup of hot tea after eating some hot sctoch bonnet pepper sauce! Wow, did I shed skin... you'd think I was a lizard!
Master Baiter said:
...Solarcaine works great. There's a new one with Aloe Vera in it. I tried the spray and it's not as good. The lotion works best...
Thanks, its Solarcaine First Aid lotion that I used before they have the Aloe Vera version. It worked wonders.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
rubmeister100 said:
Yup, with some sliced cucumbers and dill!
All joking aside this is the best remedy. Sliced cucumber has excellent healing properties. Rub on the affected area in the early stages.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
WhaWhaWha said:
All joking aside this is the best remedy. Sliced cucumber has excellent healing properties. Rub on the affected area in the early stages.
Wha, do you serve it with bread and tea?
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