So I was on a bit of a joy ride, southbound on Yonge and just pulled to a stop at Gerrard right before Zanzibar at around midnight. I had my music blasting pretty loud and was changing songs when flashing lights caught my eye. Two cruisers went flying by (one on either side!) and an officer was running down the sidewalk with his hand on his holster. I looked behind me and about 50 ft back a van was stopped crossways across the two southbound lanes, literally where I had just driven by 30 seconds before. More cruisers went flying by, but then the light went green and the two guys ahead of me took off and I followed. Just as I was leaving I got a wiff of what smelt like a firecracker going off. The presence of five cruisers shows this was a developing situation and not just some guy spinning out. Anyone know what happened?