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What was your best/worse Christmas gifts as either a receiver or a giver?


Jan 16, 2004
Paradise by the dashboard light.
hard to say. Each gift had its own way of expressing thoughtfulness, thus no face value, but the sentiment of goodness


Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
combo. got kicked out of an amp on Christmas day. because, "you don't love me. you just want me for sex. you never bring me flowers, chocolates" left and bought Christmas cake and flowers. got kicked out next time.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
Nothing that I got stands out, but I remember when I was younger, my sister's long time boyfriend who was into heavy metal music got the weirdest gift I can ever remember from my stepmother. Dude was in late 20's maybe even early 30's and we're at the town house that him, my sister, and myself were renting. Dad and stepmother come over on Christmas to exchange gifts, have turkey, yada...yada...

Anyway. were all exchanging gifts, reading out the names on each present to pass to the person who's name is on it. So I see one with my sister's BF's name on it, and pass it to him. He opens it up, and it's a cheap mini music keyboard. Fucking thing looked like it was something from Fisher, not to mention, dude is into hardcore heavy metal so even if it was actual high end one, he would have no This thing literally looked like it came out the dollar store. Anyway, me, my sister and her BF are all staring at it with puzzled looks on our face. Finally after about 30 seconds, I break the ice and say something to the effect of "I'm guessing that was supposed to be for someone else". (not that there were anymore gifts for him). My step mother replies "no, we thought he would like that cause he likes music". Now it's really awkward in the living After about 30 more seconds, I make an excuse to leave the room, and literally start laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my face. After Dad and stepmother leave, my sister, her BF and myself drank the rest of the night and joked about it all night. We couldn't stop laughing. Especially when we opened it and starting playing with it. It was literally something you would give to an 10 year old kid who liked 80's pop
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Active member
Nov 1, 2001
My best friend (known since University) have been exchanging prank gifts (not every year - so the randomness makes it even worse). So the very first Christmas after I got married he’s over on Christmas Eve and the next day, as my wife and I were opening our stocking gifts, I find this very badly wrapped gift at the end of my stocking. What was it? A piece of cat shit which my buddy had cast in an acrylic block. (This goes back to when we shared a house in University and I thought it would be funny to take a piece of cat turd and put it in one of his socks.) I still have it as a paper weight. My ex-wife never really appreciated the humour. I got him back a couple years later, after HE got married by placing a very ornately gift wrapped penis pump “from Santa” under his tree. His wife’s a hoot though and wrote a very exaggerated thank you note to me. So those are both the worst and best.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
Can't think off any best/worst gifts for myself, but many years ago we did a prank gift for a co worker, we wrapped up a brick. when he opened it, he said "why'd you guys give me a brick??"

(He was one brick short of a full load) LOL!
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