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What the hell is wrong with people?!!!!

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
March 19, 2005 -- A heartless thug seething with "pure evil" and posing as a good Samaritan approached a blind 19-year-old college student on a Queens subway platform, offered to help her get home, then raped her inside a darkened elevator, law-enforcement sources said yesterday.

Cops said the unidentified teenager, who uses a red and white cane, got off the E train at Parsons Boulevard and Archer Avenue at around 8 p.m. Wednesday after missing her stop at Jamaica/Van Wyck.

Police sources said the attacker immediately recognized a potential victim and offered to help her.

"Are you lost?" he asked her. "Do you need help?"

She told him she had missed her stop and needed to reverse course.

The thug told the teen the station's escalators were out of order and promised to guide her to an elevator leading to the southbound platform so she could get back to her station.

The man led her into the elevator, where he placed a sharp object against her neck, pulled her pants below her knees, and raped her against the wall, sources said.

"If you don't cooperate I'll cut off more than your hair," he snarled during the 10-minute assault, sources said.

Immediately afterward, another straphanger helped the victim onto the E train. The victim did not tell this good Samaritan what had happened to her. She kept her awful secret to herself until the next day, when she told her roommate.

The roommate persuaded her to go to cops and stayed with her through the process.

The station where the incident occurred, the last stop on the E line, is a bustling stop in Jamaica where two elevators are in constant use. The MTA said both were operating Wednesday night, as were the escalators.

One police source said the hair-raising subway assault was unprecedented.

"It's a shocking, heartbreaking case," said the source. "It's pure evil what this guy did."

Queens District Attorney Richard Brown called it one of the most cowardly attacks on record.

"To offer a helping hand to a sightless young woman and then attack her is not merely criminal, it is depraved," he said.

Even though the victim could not provide a physical description of her assailant, investigators were confident she could recognize his voice.

Sources said investigators had their work cut out for them because the elevator had been scrubbed and bleached between the time of the attack and the call to police.

Anyone with information on the case is urged to call CrimeStoppers at (800) 577-TIPS.

News of Wednesday night's attack shocked commuters who regularly use the station.

"It's much too dark in this area, and there's never enough security," said Marie Bathelmy, 25, of Brooklyn. "We're not safe. They need to put in a camera in the elevator and maybe put up some stadium lights."


Feb 13, 2004
Dude! It's New York! Biggest concentration of sicko's and perv's in the world.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
There's too many humans on earth. Only so much room in the petrie dish before abnormal behaviour sets in.


Apr 10, 2004
TO - aka The Big Smoke
I'll bet the New York Transit doesn't "scrub and bleach" their elevators every day. This was too damned coincidental. Either a transit worker who knew the cleaning schedule, found himself an opportunity on a day when he knew his evidence would be eliminated; a highly unlikely possibility, or the transit authorities are sidestepping their civic responsibility by making lame ass excuses. Where are the surveillance videos that would likely have been taken on the subway platform or any number of places between there and the elevator?

Either way the violent street crimes aren't the only sickening thing about that depraved city. This smacks of the 2000 Puerto Rican Day parade where the police turned their backs rather than assist the helpless victims being mob-raped in Central Park - citing the importance of race relations over protection of women. Before 9-11 I could openly declare how New York's finest don't measure up to Toronto's most corrupt and get nary an objection.
Poor girl was 1 stop away from her stop and it happened at end of line where its quiet. Hate these scums that take advantage of those in need.

Daddio is probably right about using the elevator scrubbed is convenient excuse, so NYPD don't have pressure from media and rest of city to solve case quickly since they don't have reliable evidence.

But not all NYPD are scums. Many bad apples on the take, yes. Many lazy bastards. But there are a few NY's "bravest" willing to risk themself run into burning buildings.

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
I don't know why some of you guys are making it into a "New York vs Toronto" case.

I'm not naive enough to believe this stuff(and much worst) doesn't happen in the world....but it is still shocking when you read about it regardless of where it happens.


Mar 9, 2005
its not that shocking ... pedophiles and child sex killers like h0lly jones and celia zhang are much worse .


Feb 26, 2003
In the Wolf's den
wrong hole said:
I don't know why some of you guys are making it into a "New York vs Toronto" case.

I'm not naive enough to believe this stuff(and much worst) doesn't happen in the world....but it is still shocking when you read about it regardless of where it happens.
Excellent point WH! Were all those cops on 9/11 part of the corrupt or clean side? Give me a break - like any job, any jurisdiction, you have the good and the bad.


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
fullmetal said:
its not that shocking ... pedophiles and child sex killers like h0lly jones and celia zhang are much worse .
This is like calling something "sort of unique". I'm of the belief that sex criminals whether pedophiles or otherwise are an equally depraved lot that cannot be fixed. They are ALL just not wired correctly.

I don't believe that there is anyone who fully understands the psychological component to this type of derranged behaviour but, whether it be holly jones, cecilia zhang or this poor girl on the NY Subway I find the crimes horrific beyond all sensibilities. I think the saddest thing is that each act like this further desensitises us to the next.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I forget who posted "there are too many humans on earth..." but I wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately in most societies even pedophiles and rapists have rights. However, if caught, and it is proven to a T that the person caught did in fact commit the crime, they should be dealt with swiftly and permanantly.

Sure, there are many psychiatrists who would say that they can be helped but why bother? Sure, they probably came from a broken home, sick parents, unsupportive community or whatever, but really, why bother "saving" them? There are enough really good people on this planet that deserve to live in peace and safety.

I say catch the bastard and fry him. I would be honored to pull the switch....


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
fullmetal said:
its not that shocking ... pedophiles and child sex killers like h0lly jones and celia zhang are much worse .
nonsense ... we're talking about shades of "evil".

To say it's not that shocking is scary in itself. Of course we are aware of the dark side within the capability of humans, but should never become desensitised or minimise "lesser" maleficence.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
tboy said:
I say catch the bastard and fry him. I would be honored to pull the switch....
I cringe whenever I read such rhetoric, because no matter how much it goes against my sense of empathy and reason, I know it's within me : (


Feb 13, 2004
pool said:
I cringe whenever I read such rhetoric, because no matter how much it goes against my sense of empathy and reason, I know it's within me : (

The fact that you are aware of this should not make you cringe. It the just side of you that is coming through. Stories like this should make reasonable people angry. If you were empathetic to the circumstances in this story, than I would say you have a problem.

The Brus

Nov 30, 2004
The sonuvabitch who murdered the little girl in Florida recently was on parole after serving only two years of a ten year sentence for his various perversions. The same sort of thing happens here. Unless the people of Canada decide that pervs and cretins should be jailed for life or even better, liquidated under severe depravation in their incarceration, the beat will keep going on.

The simplest and sanest method is to summarily execute predators including child molesters, rapists and murderers. They are of no use to the rest of the populace. I know my views may be to the right of Attilla the Hun, but deep down, you know it is right.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Spode said:
If you were empathetic to the circumstances in this story, than I would say you have a problem.
Deriving satisfaction from killing another human being is not reasonable. It's just another level of the dark side within humans that comes out when feeling hurt and helpless.

Reason and empathy is what separates us from those who act on primitive instincts with no conscience.

The Brus

Nov 30, 2004
It may not satisfy you , Pool, but it eliminates clear dangers from the community and keeps that predator away from decent people incl
uding you. You would not feel so liberal-minded if it happened to you.

I was a victim of a perv years ago. No one at that time considered these bastards as any more than general nuisances back thirty years ago, but to this day, I would shoot him if I had the chance. Too bad that he died a few years ago. May he rot in Hell!


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
The Brus said:
It may not satisfy you , Pool, but it eliminates clear dangers from the community
I'd only feel satisfied if he were locked away for a long time, and soon. Killing someone who has no regard for other humans only degrades our so called civilised society further.

You would not feel so liberal-minded if it happened to you.
Why do people always say this, assuming that because someone is against killing, they somehow must have lived a "protected life". The fact is that the anger we draw on is from our own demons. In the long run it's more satisfying to come to terms with our demons than let them breed.

I was a victim of a perv years ago. No one at that time considered these bastards as any more than general nuisances back thirty years ago, but to this day
Sorry to hear that. It boggles my mind how many people [male & female] I've come across in life who have been assaulted at some point. Many times it goes unreported despite advances that have been made in vanquishing misconceived stigmas upon the "victims".

It seems we are off topic somewhat. I don't really know what is wrong with people, but I'd venture to guess they are tormented and live in a society that programs very mixed messages.
pool said:
Deriving satisfaction from killing another human being is not reasonable. It's just another level of the dark side within humans that comes out when feeling hurt and helpless.

Reason and empathy is what separates us from those who act on primitive instincts with no conscience.
I agree with Pool. I like to think we can using reasonable force to protect ourselves.

Brus, sorry to hear that. True, we talk about how to deal in such situation as we never experienced anything of that level. Perhaps I may react the same way but I like to think that would be the last resort.

To punish such disguising crime, lock them up for life is a better treatment as they cannot harm society and may get what they have coming to them as rapist tends to be the lower of the prison population scale. What goes around will come around. Life may not be fair, but has a strange way of dealing with reward and punish, everything comes at a price. Some of those molestors actually wants attention, eager to be 'put out of their misery'. In this case, living with their own guilt, may be a harsher sentense.
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