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Toronto Escorts

What??? No reviews?



Hello Ace, Terror, Spiker, Bubba, Fijiman, Messa, (heart throb), Gumby, Rock, Decca, Brad, Apoc and Snake,
Willywants here!
New to the board. An old stone still rolling and gathering no moss.
Until I hit 705. In the time it took to read your posts, I could feel the first tendrils starting to sprout.
What do happen in 705??
Barrie and Orillia is new territory for me. Will now be stopping over regularly enroute to points further north. Will need some expert advice on whose playing in town and when.
Have seen the sites, Dana, Sasha, December, Eve; etal.
Most of my wayward time has been spent further north, like Sudbury, Sault and Thunder Bay.
The only nice thing I have to say, or advice if you wish, is be careful in Sudbury. Descriptions vary greatly, ie; theirs vs yours.
I think the service is predominantly dispensed from a vehicle constantly on the move.
Victoria in the Sault is a real find for those that like very pretty rubenesque women.
Don't call Linda's. I think she drives around UTI and tosses the ladies out at random!
Thunder Bay. Have used local agencies and am still waiting for the tall, beautiful, well proportioned natural blonde of Finnish descent. They all seem to be at Coyotes early in the evening, but must turn their pagers off. Or dad comes to pick them up. Not sure.
The SP's I have seen are FS, some with DATY some without.
Watch for the ex nurses or nurses doubling at night. I mean safe is safe, but double wrap is crap.
Sorry to interupt your conversation guys, and heart throb. Back to it now. I hadn't seen a proper conclusion by end of page 2.
Please throw some burger bits this way when your finished. I'm just an old hungry dog!

Willywants (another taste?? Geez!)


ass inspector
Oct 30, 2001
a little behind
Megan in Barrie, an X-rated Seinfeld episode

Hi Willywants:

I may be able to supply you with some relevant info.

I've been lurking here since the beginning and posted some messages on the old board but hadn't bothered registering since the latest TERB incarnation. However, I've finally decided to register since I would like to be able to participate and ask questions or use the PM feature. So, first, to contribute some reviews, I'll start here.

I saw Megan of Barrie in August on the recommendation of a couple of people in the previous board. When I phoned her she quoted a reasonable price for half an hour. I really prefer an hour but I thought I would take the half and then I would upgrade to an hour if I liked what I saw. When I asked to see her right away she said to go to a certain phone booth in Barrie and call her from there. I did and was then directed to her apartment in a nearby building, which was of decent quality.

What surprised me when she answered the door was that this was obviously where she lived, not just a place of business. I don't have a great deal of experience in this field, but all the incalls I've been to have not been where anybody lives. I asked her about this and she said that yes she has to try and keep a very low profile but some neighbours were complaining.

As to her appearance, I initially thought it was fine. Not great looks but nice enough; average height and build. I liked her personality too so that I formed a positive opinion in the first two minutes. So I asked her if I could extend to an hour and she said no that she had somebody else coming after me and I guess that was the person she was talking to on the phone when I arrived. She then said she didn't really do anything more than half hours and when I asked why she gave a vague reason that I can't recall now. I thought that was a little strange and also wished I could have booked longer as I prefer not to be rushed.

Into the bedroom we go and things begin well as she lets me assist her in undressing. She looks good in her underwear as we stand together and caress each other. And when her bra comes off, she still looks good. However in another couple of minutes when she lies down nude on the bed I am disappointed in her looks as sags and stretch marks appear and even her face doesn't look as good. Maybe it was the lighting, like that Seinfeld episode. I mean, one minute, she is standing and has a sexy body and the next minute in the horizontal position, her body appearance has taken plummeted like Nortel of late. OK, that's an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Well, maybe that explains the 30 minute max.

Everything was covered and safe as I want and expect. I asked her to switch to doggy and finished that way. As my username suggests, what I most treasure in physical beauty is the rear view and once again I was disappointed here.

The only kitty play I engaged in was very literal with one of her cats; a cute, tiny kitten. I wasn't interested in daty due to the view and I don't know for sure if it was available but my guess is yes. Same thing for kissing -- never crossed my mind and I don't know if it's available.

Now to be fair and clear, this wasn't an unpleasant experience, just a little disappointing for me in the looks department. She is a nice, friendly woman and made me feel comfortable. If you're just looking for a quickie, this could be it.

The thing that most bothered me was my departure. As I left her apartment, some other people were out in the hallway and that made me feel very self-conscious. As I walked to my car in the parking lot, I could hear somebody following behind me and I immediately had the paranoid thought that they were trailing me having seen me come out of her apartment and were going to confront me or write down my licence plate number or videotape me. So I kept walking right past my car and on for another block or so. Then when I looked around and satisfied myself that no one was following I retraced my steps and quickly drove away. It was probably nothing at all but I was glad to be gone and won't be going back.



About time !!

Hey Rearviewer!
Sad tail! Pun intended!
Thanks for a long overdue contribution!
At least I will know not to see Megan!
Had a similar amateur experience!
Booked the hour, wanted to deke out in 10, but stayed the duration. Just couldn't come.
Grin and bear it!



2nd highest mucky-muck
Aug 17, 2001
Willywants, Victoria in the Sault. Is she an independant or does she work for an agency? What more can you tell me about her... looks, service, price? And is there a website?



RE: Victoria the Sault!

Hi Gumby!
Victoria is a beautiful lady! (BBW)
A little rubinesque but blue eyes that kill!
Blonde - natural if I recall correctly - shaved
Very friendly, relaxed and focused!
As I understand it, she runs Elite Exclusive Escorts.
Give her 28-30 years ofage!
Suggest you call 705- 256-2166 for pricing and further detail.



Nov 3, 2001
small town
Willywants to get it right in Barrie. NEVERWAS much temptation to move beyond number1 on my wish list. Three visits with Sasha confirmed the she is sparkly, witty and self-assured, well worth a visit. Actually, I lied, I once tried to make an appointment with Dana but she was booked about three weeks ahead. I think that says something positive about her.
Sasha and Dana have the most complete, accurate and helpful web-site I have ever seen. It should be my home page.
If Willywants to drive a little farther north and meet for coffee at a Tim Hortons we could share some information about this and another thread on another board.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts