What is the best strip club in Windsor?


New member
May 24, 2006
Hi all,
A few buddies and I will be stopping into Windsor for a bachelor party on our way to the U.S. We love a great night at a strip club filled with fun and laughs. Could anyone recommended to me the best strip clubs in the area? Looking for hot frisky women and great drinks. If you aren't comfortable with posting here, feel free to PM me.

Thanks so much!

P.S. I tried to search this section but everything seemed out of date.


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2011
There are presently six strip joints in Windsor.

Three of them, Cheetah's and Alley Katz, both on Chatham Street downtown and Leopards on Wyandotte and Wellington, are owned by the same family. They have generally hot looking babes dancing for them, cover charges, VIP charges and relatively high drink prices. Their market target is the upscale consumer. VIP dances are $20. They are friendly to groups and parties.

Silver's Lounge on Seminole at George on the east side of town is a bar patronized mainly by locals. It has fewer dancers, more moderate prices and better mileage than the aforementioned bars. I visit this place from time to time.

Nearby Tzers on Drouillard is a dump with equally dumpy dancers. Not recommended.

Studio 4 Lounge on Huron Church Road at Tecumseh, just south of the Ambassador Bridge is relatively cheap for booze and beer. There are a number of standout babes working here and the antics in the VIP room can be as accommodating as any place in Mississauga. I frequent this establishment on a regular basis.

For bachelor parties and strangers in Windsor, the best places for a great night out would be Cheetah's, Leopards or Alley Katz. Just tell the bouncer that you are a bachelor party and they will take care of the rest to ensure that you have a really good time.
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