What is a ticket for parking within 9m of highway?


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
I got a ticket at about 580 duplex (see photo) I find a tag saying : 40 bucks offence- park 9m of intersecting highway contrary bla bla.

I was parked where the white car(or silver) is in the picture. The pole on the right shows the little sign not to park on the right of the sign but I was on the left...
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Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
Too close to the intersection or its getting near the end of the month they are trying to make quota.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I got a ticket for parking at the end of my own driveway in a way that "obstructed the view of drivers at an intersection". My house was second from the corner.

My own aside, yeah, you shouldn't have to pay that.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Too close to the intersection or its getting near the end of the month they are trying to make quota.
You shouldn't have gotton that ticket . Now if you were passed that pole towards the intersection OK but your not . I'd fight it and take that pic to court . Monthly quota is right .


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Parking that close to an intersection is against the HTA but considering the sign clearly shows parking to the left is legal, you should win the fight (if it is worth your $40).


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Parking that close to an intersection is against the HTA but considering the sign clearly shows parking to the left is legal, you should win the fight (if it is worth your $40).
Actually all you see in a sign saying the right of the pole is a no-parking zone. If there is no sign present then the basic rules of Toronto Municpal Bylaws for Parking automatically apply which is 9 metres from an intersection.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
^^ What are you trying to say, MC? That he is guilty regardless of the sign? That may be technically correct (I don't know) but I would think showing such a picture in front of a judge would result in a reasonable judge agreeing that the driver had every reason to believe parking was authorized to the left of the sign, almost that it's (presumably unintentional) entrapment to ticket a guy parked on the favourable side of a sign like that. I'd give it a shot for sure.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
^^ What are you trying to say, MC? That he is guilty regardless of the sign? That may be technically correct (I don't know) but I would think showing such a picture in front of a judge would result in a reasonable judge agreeing that the driver had every reason to believe parking was authorized to the left of the sign, almost that it's (presumably unintentional) entrapment to ticket a guy parked on the favourable side of a sign like that. I'd give it a shot for sure.
If you bothered to look at the link I posted , there is a whole list of parking offences that do not require signs in the City of Toronto. So again, there is no sign so the bylaw about being 9m from an intersection automatically applies, ignorance of the law is not a valid reason. By your rational since there is no sign about the illegality of parking infront of a hydrant people can claim the same excuse. Also, the OP even said that the picture is not his car, but lets say he had a picture, the JP wont take it as evidence as there is no proof that he didnt move the car before taking it.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Rationale, not rational.

But I only post that to be pedantic, because clearly you're just looking for an argument. The fire hydrant analogy is ridiculous, as the fire hydrant itself is the 'sign' not to park there. The picture as presented by the OP is misleading and like I said, a reasonable judge would see that and likely side with the OP. But you don't care because you are either just looking for an argument, or are thick as fuck. My guess is you just want to argue, so I'll leave you reply with some post that you think is (either) witty or intelligent, but which will convince other readers that I'm wrong and that you are, in fact, simply thick as fuck, then I'll sit back and ignore you while you stew in an impotent rage because I'm ignoring you after totally owning you in this reply.

ps. I love you.


Mar 21, 2011
The 9m bylaw is applied totally at the whim of the ticketing officer. Most times they don't care, but if they are low on quota watch out. Good luck fighting it, though someone should try to make a move to take the whole bylaw down, since it is applied so unevenly. What you need to do is find a ticketing officer and try to record him answering why or when he tickets and compare that with another officer to show that the law is so vague as to be impossible to enforce both by the number of spots that would disappear and the uneven enforcing of the bylaw.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
I got a ticket at about 580 duplex (see photo) I find a tag saying : 40 bucks offence- park 9m of intersecting highway contrary bla bla.

I was parked where the white car(or silver) is in the picture. The pole on the right shows the little sign not to park on the right of the sign but I was on the left...
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I live in the hood and the meter maids are all pricks. There is permit parking midnight to 10 am, I've seen them tag cars at 9:58am on sidestreets. Its just a cash grab. Next time go to the pay lot across at Duplex/Castlefield or valet parking at North 44'( is also cheaper than a ticket.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
masterchief has it exactly right.

There are a few things to keep in mind: first, any hearing would be before a Justice of the Peace, not a Judge. The level of legal training is different, and their tolerance for bs excuses is also different. They do understand that the purpose of the 9m restriction is safety: a driver turning right from the oncoming street needs a reasonable distance to determine that the right-most lane (into which he should be turning) is not in fact a lane of traffic but rather is, or is being used as, a parking lane.

Regardless, the sign as shown in the picture does NOT indicate that parking is permitted to the left of the sign: it merely confirms that parking is NOT permitted to the right of the sign. There are certain parking restrictions for which "signage" is given only at the city boundary (i.e. on the "Welcome to Toronto" sign) and not at every instance to which such restrictions apply.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I had a similar ticket here in the Hammer. I just went to the bylaw office and explained that I was unaware of the bylaw and asked for forgiveness of the ticket. After giving him the chance to give me the whole "ignorance is not an excuse" yada yada he waived the ticket.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
OK Twister, now you know the answer to your question and the offence you clearly did commit. The second phase, which helpful souls above have already begun, is Getting Off. Go to the ticket window and politely plead, and if that doesn't work, get your court date and take the pic showing where the sign is and what it says and hope the JP also forgot his basic driver ed. and sympathiszes with you.

But please be smarter in future and leave it to someone else to block the view at intersections.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Thanks for the various replies, I am going to court to see if the JP will do something. Yes Adam that area is the worst for tickets, I see them all the time. I wonder if they get bonuses from tghe owner of that big parking lot at the corner. :)
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