What happened to the Dollar ???


Nov 22, 2006
I know the Silver Dollar has not been the best reviewed SC but it has had (at least for me) some happy memories. It's always been a hit or miss club as every now and then you would get lucky and connect with a pleasant young lady.

I've not been by in the last few years so figured a return visit or two would be in order as I was in the neighborhood.

The first night was a Thurs. I think around 7:30. Got nailed for a cover charge and sat down. About a dozen customers and a few ladies in the back and that was it. I sat for 45 minutes and was not even approached to buy a drink. None of the girls worked the room and no one danced. I got up and left.

Second try was just because I couldn't believe how bad the first night was. I returned the next week around 8:00 on a Tuesday. No cover this time so I found a table and sat. Again about a dozen customers and maybe 4 girls all huddled under the TV by the big tables to the left of the bar. After waiting 30 minutes I walked up to the bar and bought a drink. During this whole time no one danced and none of the girls worked the room. Figured I'd leave and that's when a pretty lady from Montreal took my arm. Went for a dance and was floored when she asked me "what kind of dances do they do here ?" it was her first night working. I missed my opportunity when I told her I didn't know either. After a lack luster dance I headed out.

I assumed I was hitting the transition of shifts between the after work crowd and the evening group so I headed out last week at around 8:45 on a Tuesday and had a repeat of my first visit except for being offered a drink with 15 minutes of arriving..

I've got to say this seems to be an interesting business model. There must be a revenue stream here that I don't see.




New member
Aug 21, 2004
On a Tuesdays at 7 or 8 oclock are usually bad hours for this place.
It seems that the parking lot is usually 1/2 full after 9 or 10pm.
Its a place most locals hang out at. The girls are hit and miss.
Plus they should actually build them a change room???
Is there not a strippers union rule that says these girls need a change area??
The SD has been around for years and I am sure wont be going anywhere soon.
Its too bad someone doesn't spend a lil money on this diamond in the rough.
It has a lot of potential.
Maybe they will implode it and put up a 5000 room casino hotel soon!!
OOOPS wrong city..........thats Las Vegas where things get done. :eek:


Active member
Jul 28, 2004
yeah, not sure why this place is still open...last few times I've been past few years it's always been dead..very few girls...altho you still see come cute ones there occasionally...

biggest dive? nah, Club 61 and Cabaret Canada on Bank St. (if that's what it's still called) will have to duke it out for that title...don't think the Dollar has stooped to their level yet...agreed, pretty funny about the no change room thing..but hey, at least they still have a DJ..several SC's in Montreal the girls play their own songs on a jukebox...
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