Club Dynasty

What did you see during the blackout?


New member
Jun 20, 2003
in a house...somewhere....i think
I made a point of going for a drive during the blackout.

Thought i'd share some of the things I saw.

1. I could actually see Mars and the milky way!!!without the light pollution (awsome)

2. DUMBASSES AHOY...everyone and their mother becomes stupid when it comes to driving if something odd happens in this city. (I even had a lil "you're stupid" sign to piss em all off....hee hee...i'm such an ass!!)

3. 6 topless chicks.

4.People coming together to feed their children and each other (now THAT was cool...I was glad to see this)

5. And last but not least... A naked guy running down church street!!!!
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