A little conversation starter for the holidays - curious to get a sense from people of what their standard session length is for an MA appointment.
Years ago, at home in Toronto, I used to be a 40/45 minute guy, until I tried an hour-long appointment with someone who I’d seen before, and it changed everything. Now I’m almost exclusively booking an hour every time.
As I‘ve started visiting Ottawa, I’ve generally been booking 90 minute appointments, because the price isn’t materially different from an hour in Toronto. And most recently, I stepped it up to two hours as a treat to myself.
There are real benefits to repeating, and both of you getting comfortable with each other. And there are real benefits to longer sessions, where the time can just flow more organically. When you put them together? It’s magic.
So, again, the question - where’s your sweet spot? What session length do you usually book?
Years ago, at home in Toronto, I used to be a 40/45 minute guy, until I tried an hour-long appointment with someone who I’d seen before, and it changed everything. Now I’m almost exclusively booking an hour every time.
As I‘ve started visiting Ottawa, I’ve generally been booking 90 minute appointments, because the price isn’t materially different from an hour in Toronto. And most recently, I stepped it up to two hours as a treat to myself.
There are real benefits to repeating, and both of you getting comfortable with each other. And there are real benefits to longer sessions, where the time can just flow more organically. When you put them together? It’s magic.
So, again, the question - where’s your sweet spot? What session length do you usually book?