It's hard to believe that Wes Anderson's latest film Isle of Dogs is opening in one theater in Toronto, but it's not that much of a surprise.
Isle of Dogs has an over 80% with both critics and audiences. Anderson prefers to sell his films through word of mouth rather than sledgehammer marketing. It's worked for him in the past with Moonrise Kingdom and The Grand Budapest Hotel staying in the top ten films per ticket for months. His films are confections not bloated blockbusters and there's a waiting list of actors wanting to work with him.
Someone as prestigious as F Murray Abraham makes time for Wes Anderson.
Isle of Dogs has an over 80% with both critics and audiences. Anderson prefers to sell his films through word of mouth rather than sledgehammer marketing. It's worked for him in the past with Moonrise Kingdom and The Grand Budapest Hotel staying in the top ten films per ticket for months. His films are confections not bloated blockbusters and there's a waiting list of actors wanting to work with him.
Someone as prestigious as F Murray Abraham makes time for Wes Anderson.