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Weird Ways to Boost Your Bedroom Romps...


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Do you have any tricks, tactics. etcetera?

Here are some tips:

s the only thing heating up your bed sheets your electric blanket these days? Try one of these wacky ways to inspire a wow-worthy night.

Bizarre Bedroom Booster #1: Work It Out

Before getting busy in the bedroom, take a jog around the neighborhood or play a quick game of touch football in the yard. Exercise boosts the endorphins that improve libido and a little playful competition won't hurt, either. For an added lusty bonus? Try our next move...

Bizarre Bedroom Booster #2: Shower Power

Sounds totally counterintuitive to take a cold shower to heat up your libido, but it works. The cold water raises your heart rate, increases adrenaline and, some experts say, even release endorphins and sex hormones.

Bizarre Bedroom Booster #3: Follow Your Nose

Some scents - such as vanilla, sandalwood and sage - are said to have aphrodisiac effects. And we all remember the famous study that showed men were aroused by the scent of lavender and pumpkin pie. Hey, it's worth a try, right?

Bizarre Bedroom Booster #4: Get Spooked

You were on to something going to horror flicks as a teenager. "Going to a scary movie is likely to result in a make-out session," says Dr. Galdino Pranzarone, psychology professor at Roanoke College in Virginia. "Couples receive a rush of adrenaline from the flick and misinterpret it as sexual excitement for each other."

Bizarre Bedroom Booster #5: Nix the Nookie

Bring back that first-time spark by agreeing to abstain from sex for a reasonable period of time (we've never made it longer than a week or two, but you can try!). Use all that saved time to make out on the couch like you used to, or learn other ways to please each other. Playing hard to get works: spending time apart will pump up the production of the love chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine.
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