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websites that, flash, pop, java etc.


Just Horny
Aug 22, 2001
between the sheets
This note is for those who design websites for adult websites. All the flash openings, java applets etc. just turn me off from a web site. Sure the flash opening looks cool once but it gets real boring and time consuming visiting again and again.
There is also a concern when you may need to quickly close a website and it takes a while because some java applet is still loading. Worse yet thinking you've closed the site only to find a pop up window still remaining.
There are countless examples of such sites. I can't understand why the owners don't realize the "cool effect factor" is not what we vist their site for.
Its simple allow me to navigate easily and quickly on your site get me to your ladies photos fast. If you have some special cool effect page then have it as a link that I can decide to visit or not.
I maybe outdated in my thinking here but for me when I encounter a poorly designed site that is annoying I figure the owners don't understand the needs of their customers.
The KISS (keep it simple stupid) factor should be applied to websites.

Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
I agree with both of you. I hate websites that add all that crap for no good reason. Quite often it seems like this stuff is used because of the "everyone else does it" syndrome.

I have recently started doing some web development on the side and I have been doing it for my employer for a few years. My approach has been to keep things simple and quick to load. That doesn't mean that a site can look good but usability should be the primary consideration not appearance.

I'm not exactly sure why sites are so overdesigned. Maybe the clients have too high an expectation, perhaps the web developers do it to justify the ridiculous prices they charge or it may just be that neither of them realize just how annoying and useless it can be.

Just my 2 cents.

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
My company's whole premise is based on the comments above.

The problem a lot of designers don't realize is that not all user's are created equal!! There are a variety of screen widths, people actually still on dial up modem, etc. If there are small business' out there that need some Marketing advice I would be more than happy to exchange "emails".

Bottom line, simple works. And as someone once commented, no download rigor mortis.

Flash intro's are like commercials at the Movie theatre...Annoying! :(


PS..Did I just Shill Myself?!
Ashley Madison
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