Was I rude? What are your thoughts?


Oct 21, 2013
This thing is still bothering me. So here we go. It happened last 2 weeks ago in a legit spa in Scarborough, no sexual activities there, just solid legit massage. I always see a very pleasant lady in her mid 30s who was my regular and I always tip her very well. The spa closes at 9 daily. When I called in around 7 ish for my 8 pm appointment, the receptionist said they're not busy that day and going to close at 8 but would ask the lady whether she would take my appointment or not. She called back and confirmed Yes.

I was there on time and when the lady came into the room she greeted me with a big smile but at the same time told me she wouldn't have taken the appointment if she knew it was me because she knows I was her regular and I will be back regularly anyways. She was hoping to get a new customer I guess. She does look alright and didn't seem tired but I told her I can come back the next day if she's feeling tired and wanted to go home early. She said its ok and we go for $60 one hr massage as usual.. I even told her I was there just to relax, she can just sit down, chit chat and will still get paid as usual if she's tired. She said she would feel bad to do that.

The receptionist left after that, but there was another lady still working on another customer in another room. We started our session and it was all cool and having fun chit chatting about her life. 20 minutes into my massage and the phone rang. She said she was expecting an important call and went out to answer the call. Two min later she came back and told me it was just a customer call. I told her to bring the phone with her if she is expecting a call. She said she did. 2-3 min later another call came in and she answered the call. I thought it was her important call she was waiting. It was not. It was just another customer inquiring about the services, prices, locations and such for a bout 5 min, and she kept going . I lost my cool a bit and waving my hands to hurry up. She kept on going a min or so and as soon as she finished with her call she told me I was so rude to rush her on the phone. I told her I let her bring the phone in to answer her important call she was expecting but not the regular customer calls. I also told her it was very unprofessional to do so while customer is with her. She said she did that cuz she considered me as a friend and told me I talk too much. WTF? I am there to relax but that has killed my mood and hers as well. I just told her I am no longer in the mood to continue our session and just paid her 100 bucks and left.

I always treat the ladies with respect, kind, gentle and has always tip well. I really like her massage and the way she treated me in the past. She has fixed up my bad shoulder joints very good. I could barely move my left arm up before I met her. I can move quite well now without pain. She is better than RMTs I had seen. Now I am at a lost in this case whether I was rude or not? Should I apologize to her and go back to see her again? Do I deserve an apology from her? She is already busy enough so I don't think she cares much about losing a customer or two.. I am all confused. To be honest, I feel more like a sucker for sweet ladies. lol.
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Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
No you are not, except the session was free because she is your "friend" as she said. I think the regular clients is the most important things in the business. If a regular or a new client ask an appointment at the same time I take my regulars and the new client have to wait for the next available appointment .Pick-up the phone repeatedly for other clients is not cool and I'm really understand your frustration. Go somewhere else where the girl is respect you as a good client. You can find other very good MP-s in this business. Good luck! :)


Rico Suave
Oct 3, 2013
So close and yet so far.
I didn't see anything about the session being free. He said they agreed to the $60 one hour massage.

That said, I don't see anything wrong with her answering the phone but, if it was just a customer inquiry she should have answered it quickly, or told him to call back tomorrow when the spa is open.


Dec 1, 2013
I blame this all on the receptionist for leaving early. I would talk to the owner about this and importance of receptionist staying until closing. Also question policy of MPA answering telephone while servicing customers. If your friend is the owner, explain to her how this practice is a turn off to customers. Once my mpa had important phone call and was gone for 5+ minutes. She had no problem giving me 10 minutes extra for my inconvenience. Told her how I appreciated her not short-changing me on my massage and because of this she is one of my top 5 go-to girls even though her massage was not the best.

And no, you were not rude. This is a customer service driven business and you are the customer. It was probably late and/or she was having an off day. If she is as good as you say, give her another chance. Don't give apology. Explain yourside. and dont expect apology from her. Treat this like a no apology disagreement.
However If she is still rude, then the ball is back in your court - you can stick with rude but excellent mpa or find a more pleasant one.


Oct 21, 2013
Nothing is free in life. I was a good customer there and was offered one free session by the owner which I politely declined. I even paid her for full one hr fee of 60bucks for my less than half hr massage plus 40 bucks tip. I also told her all she has to do was to tell him to call back tmrw. Why she didn't do that was beyond my control.


Active member
Sep 1, 2001
Don't apologize. Ditch her. First and foremost, you paid her for her time and answering phone calls during a session is a no-no. That's rude.


Oct 21, 2013
I blame this all on the receptionist for leaving early. I would talk to the owner about this and importance of receptionist staying until closing. Also question policy of MPA answering telephone while servicing customers. If your friend is the owner, explain to her how this practice is a turn off to customers. Once my mpa had important phone call and was gone for 5+ minutes. She had no problem giving me 10 minutes extra for my inconvenience. Told her how I appreciated her not short-changing me on my massage and because of this she is one of my top 5 go-to girls even though her massage was not the best.

And no, you were not rude. This is a customer service driven business and you are the customer. It was probably late and/or she was having an off day. If she is as good as you say, give her another chance. Don't give apology and dont expect one from her. Explain yourside. If she is still rude, then the ball is back in your court - you can stick with rude but excellent mpa or find a more pleasant one.[/QUOTE

She did offer me 15 min extra for the inconvenience caused by that but the mood has gone on both of us and I am not there to pinch pennies and timing them. I don't even try any sexual jokes or advances any more on our last 2 sessions after she told me she has found a love one she cares so much about. All I want was a good massage, relax and chit chat. That was the main reason I see her often. She is a very sweet lady. I just caught her on a wrong day I guess.
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New member
Jul 28, 2010
My take on this is that if you really like the massage and want to get past this dont get caught up in the who's right who's wrong thing. It is a complete waste of time and all besides the point. Simply apologize to her because I am sure from her perspective she feels she is right and this will close that and you can hopefully move on and continue to enjoy the massage you like at a great price point. All too often we let little things like this ruin something in a grand order to be right. I am sure she feels as bad as you and if you are big enough to move past this then so should she, If she cannot get past it them simply move on and find another MP.


Dec 1, 2013
paying her $60 + 40tip for inadequate service gives her hint that giving bad service is ok. I would have given her the 30 minutes (or 45 min) fee and NO TIP. This would give her something to think about.

If you go to a restaurant and the waiter/waitress service is extremely bad, would you still leave a good tip ??? I have left $0.01 as tip for bad service. THis tells waiter right away that you were not happy. With no pennies left, I guess my next bad service tip will be $0.05.


Dec 1, 2013
My take on this is that if you really like the massage and want to get past this dont get caught up in the who's right who's wrong thing. It is a complete waste of time and all besides the point. Simply apologize to her because I am sure from her perspective she feels she is right and this will close that and you can hopefully move on and continue to enjoy the massage you like at a great price point. All too often we let little things like this ruin something in a grand order to be right. I am sure she feels as bad as you and if you are big enough to move past this then so should she, If she cannot get past it them simply move on and find another MP.

I wouldn't appolgize. Give MP some cooling off time by not visiting for a couple weeks. Then show up as usual and act normally. By then MPA probably has forgotten the incident and hopefully things will be back to normal.

For future, ask receptionist if she is leaving early when you enter MP. If she is, leave and come back another time.

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
Sounds like a minor misunderstanding from both parties.
You invited her it bring the phone in the room. She may have understood that to mean the phone was open for business as usual.

Do not give up a good thing over a minor unpleasant experience.
Read these carefully chosen words carefully. Tell her you're sorry you and she had a misunderstanding, period. No need for apologies for your actions or for hers. The misunderstanding was awkward and unfortunate, but let's get back to normal and enjoy the MPA/customer relationship we have.


Apr 4, 2011
The only mistake you made was tipping. If she's as good as you say, go back but if it happens again it's time to move on.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
I think you acted like a gentleman.
As soon as she said "she wouldn't have taken the appointment if she knew it was me because she knows I was her regular and I will be back regularly anyways" I would have left.
The woman should have respect for a regular, I would have been hurt if ex. my hairdresser had said that to me.
I would go else where.
I totally agree. We are always reminded that we shouldn't get to cozy with the ladies, in that it is always a financial transaction. The illusion of intimacy will lead to disappointment. In this case, the lady was under the illusion that she no longer needed to look at you first and foremost as her client, with all of the respect that should come with it. Unless she was seeing you off the clock, you had a right to expect the same level of consideration as any other client in that spa...


New member
Jul 6, 2007
1. when money changes hands, there is no friendship. So dont regard her a friend it's a pleasant business arrangement.
2. Familiarity breeds contempt. She just took you for granted.

Dont go back to this woman, this incident will always be hanging over your relationship with her.


Active member
Dec 2, 2004
1. when money changes hands, there is no friendship. So dont regard her a friend it's a pleasant business arrangement.
2. Familiarity breeds contempt. She just took you for granted.
I don't 100% agree with (1) but you nailed it with (2). The fact that she would tell you that she'd not take you had she know it's you (the regular) is telling me that she's getting way too comfortable with this. I'm actually surprised she said that.

All this is telling us is that she's not professional. A true pro knows what's the diff between being friendly (or even become true friends) and crossing the line. In this case, she has crossed the line and was being sloppy simply because she thought you're a regular and you're a lock-in.

It goes both way too when we saw some clients think they can do "anything" after many visits and became "friends".

People with true friendship care about what's good for the other person and try their best to please.

You did nothing wrong.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
A 40$ tip for what?..........That's friggin priceless.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
1. when money changes hands, there is no friendship. So dont regard her a friend it's a pleasant business arrangement.
2. Familiarity breeds contempt. She just took you for granted.

Dont go back to this woman, this incident will always be hanging over your relationship with her.

My thoughts exactly. 1. Even if there is a "friendship" friends don't rip friends off. 2. Absolutely. A good business person rewards regular customers, they don't treat them worse than new ones (even if they figure "he'll come back anyway")
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