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Toronto Escorts

Warning: Weird Thread for a Friday Night...


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Here's the dilemma...

it gets weird...

there's this billboard i see occasionally on the bus that advertises Telus My Faves 8 offer...

it has a big angelfish on it. Or a butterfly fish or whatever...

Anyways....whenever i look at it. I get a million creative ideas for a project I have.

I tried looking at other pictures of angel fishes. But nothing else works.

When I look at this one on the bus. (I do look for it on each bus) I see the thousands of creative ideas come back.

(I don't know, but maybe the creative types know what I'm talking about...)

Maybe its the exact angles, shape, colors and features on the fish that is whats setting off my idea spree..

Have anyone ever been in a situation like this. Where you needed a specific image or specific thing to help you with a "personal project" and it was something not easily acquired.

I was thinking of ripping off the advertisement right off the freakin' bus. but the driver would be like, wtf are you doing?! :rolleyes: (Not like he cares about a freaking ad)

I know. Weird thread. Sorry.

(And no, I haven't been drinking..)


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
Terminator2000 said:
I was thinking of ripping off the advertisement right off the freakin' bus. but the driver would be like, wtf are you doing?!
Just do it.
I fell in love with a bus ad once and had to have it. I just reached up and took as I was getting off. They are really easy to take out.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007

I'm going to throw out an idea to the terb community.

Does anyone work for Telus or know someone that works for Telus?

Maybe....just maybe...someone who works at Telus can help me.
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Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts