* WARNING * wackjob alert !

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Jan 15, 2013
I'm having some guy stalking me by phone & sending me abusive text messages. so i thought I should post about it here.

This guy called me earlier while i was at the gym. i answered and he was very aggressive & demanding wanting to see me
right away, and before i even agreed i would see him. i told him i was at the gym but would be done in 20 min if he'd like he
can call me back then. he proceeded to barrage me with more questions and i told him i couldnt talk as i had told him already
I'm at the gym. he said he'd call back later and we hung up.

25 min later i was at home using the lavatory and this dingbat calls me back ringing my phone like 20 times.
over and over ! so even when i was done using my bathroom this guy was still ringfucking my phone a 100 times.

I did not answer it so he then starts texting me. along with ringfucking my phone again. from 2 different numbers.

I responded to his texts at first until he sent me a bs text msg saying " Lesson Learned !!!! Dont ever call anyone from the View !!!! "

I debated not answering it, but i decided to reply saying "ok i wont. thanks for the tip".

he then continues to ringfuck my phone, (understandably getting no answer), then sends me this text msg:

" You fucking Slut, why put your add in ? "

Of course I didnt respond YET THIS JACKASS IS STILL CALLING ME and REPEATEDLY !!!! wtf

Does this imbecile still think he has Any chance in hell of seeing me ?

I called my phone comp right away and had the Incoming text msg ability blocked.
so now noone can text me because they will be undeliverable. thanks to that mentally deranged idiot.

Is he a member here i wonder ..

here are his numbers ladies in case he calls you be careful ! [edited by moderator - pm OP for information)


Jan 15, 2013
I like this part
lol you would .. lol

seriously tho, that was really freaky. and the guy still called after this was posted !
makes me almost not want to answer my phone. how many numbers does this guy have i wonder.
then theres payphones.. sigh ..
no doubt someone has already called him to tell him about it.
its been quiet for a few min maybe he got a clue .. : /

i hope


Jan 15, 2013
ok hes calling again.

wow what an idiot !

perhaps i should call the police or maybe i should post his number all over the internet. and hamilton.
if it keeps up i may do just that :|

if your reading this you psycho keep it up and see what happens :|


Active member
Nov 10, 2001
[edited by moderator]

looks like one of those windows and doors telemarketers.


Vagina Plumber
Feb 15, 2011
In her vagina
You can contact your carrier noting time calls received as "harassing". They can advise you after and give you options including police involvement if necessary. If warranted they can track even prepaid accounts to the street address the calls are located.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
Does your phone not have the ability to block numbers? If it's Android should be NP.


Jan 3, 2009
I'm thinking maybe this business isn't for you. I'm not saying calling your phone non-stop is acceptable, but i'm sure alot of these SP's deal with alot worse then a guy calling 100 times and calling them petty names. You have to understand some guys go nutso when they are horny. You either have to deal with these nutsos as best you can, or don't get involved in this business. Just my opinion...


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
I'm thinking maybe this business isn't for you. I'm not saying calling your phone non-stop is acceptable, but i'm sure alot of these SP's deal with alot worse then a guy calling 100 times and calling them petty names. You have to understand some guys go nutso when they are horny. You either have to deal with these nutsos as best you can, or don't get involved in this business. Just my opinion...
hmmmmm....the caller perhaps
Jun 26, 2008
I can totally relate that it can be annoying...Unfornately part of the job is going through this; this being said it shouldnt be this way. Its no different then people repeatedly not showing up..Come up with a system so you can be aware of repeat no shows and people who you have chosen not to see...

Joey Shmoe

New member
Jan 18, 2004
Here are a couple of options that may help. I have an iphone and can't block incoming calls but I put a silent ringtone on my phone. If I don't want to hear from someone I Just add this number (number only to my contact list) as only a number it shows up at the very bottom so it doesn't get mixed in with my valid contacts. I then assign it a silent ringtone with no vibrations and a silent text tone. You never look at your phone again when this person calls . You may still get texts and msgs but you can view and delete those easily . Another option is if you have call fwd on your phone plan
there is an app called youmail. I know it's available for iphone , androids and bberry. The nice option with this app is that you can block calls and give them an included msg that tells the caller that the number they called is no longer in service. If anyone needs help installing the silent ringtone or needs a copy to put on their phone let me know in a pm. I have a feeling this information may be helpful to others.


Jan 3, 2009
I can totally relate that it can be annoying...Unfornately part of the job is going through this; this being said it shouldnt be this way. Its no different then people repeatedly not showing up..Come up with a system so you can be aware of repeat no shows and people who you have chosen not to see...
Or maybe Savannah-Rose is the caller and not I ?! Or maybe there are now at least two suspects?! Oh oh, maybe the geniuses that thought it was me wasting my time calling this girl have multiple suspects!! The dilemma....
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